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A toolkit for testing TiDB

chaos chaos-mesh consistency elle golang isolation sqlsmith

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A toolkit for testing TiDB





TiPocket is a testing toolkit designed to test TiDB, it encapsulates some testing tools which are also suitable for testing other databases.

TiPocket is inspired by [jepsen-io/jepsen](, a famous library on the distributed system field. TiPocket focuses on stability testing on TiDB, it uses [chaos-mesh]( to inject all-round kinds of nemesis on a TiDB cluster.

## Requirements

* [TiDB Operator]( >= v1.1.9

* [Chaos Mesh]( >= v1.1.0

## Toolkit

* [go-sqlsmith]( go-sqlsmith is our Go implementation of sqlsmith, it's a fuzz-testing tool which can generate random MySQL-dialect SQL queries.
* [go-elle]( Our Go port version of jepsen-io/elle, a general transactional consistency checker for black-box databases.

## Nemesis

* random_kill, all_kill, minor_kill, major_kill, kill_tikv_1node_5min, kill_pd_leader_5min: As their name implies, these nemeses inject unavailable in a specified period of time.
* short_kill_tikv_1node, short_kill_pd_leader: Kill selected container, used to inject short duration of unavailable fault.
* partition_one: Isolate single nodes
* scaling: Scale up/down TiDB/PD/TiKV nodes randomly
* shuffle-leader-scheduler/shuffle-region-scheduler/random-merge-scheduler: Just as there name implies
* ~~delay_tikv, delay_pd, errno_tikv, errno_pd, mixed_tikv, mixed_pd: Inject IO-related fault.~~
* small_skews, subcritical_skews, critical_skews, big_skews, huge_skews: Clock skew, small_skews ~100ms, subcritical_skews ~200ms, critical_skews ~250ms, big_skews ~500ms and huge_skews ~5s.

## Create a new case

run `make init c=$case`, for example:

$ make init c=demo
GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT="1" CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS= GOARCH=amd64 GO111MODULE=on go build -ldflags '-s -w -X " 07:13:54" -X ""' -o bin/tipocket cmd/tipocket/*.go
bin/tipocket init -c demo
create a new case `demo`: testcase/demo

## Debug and Run

If you have a K8s cluster, you can use the below commands to deploy and run the case on a TiDB cluster.

### On a K8s cluster

#### Access directly

make build

# direct connect
bin/${testcase} -namespace=${ns} -image-version=nightly -storage-class=local-path

This method can't resolve the k8s cluster network accessing and DNS resolution issues, but it's useful for most cases.

#### Access by a proxy on k8s cluster

kubectl apply -f hacks/debug/k8s-proxy.yaml -n ${ns}
bin/${testcase} -mysql-proxy=socks5://${a_node_ip}:30080 -namespace=${ns} -image-version=nightly -storage-class=local-path

This method overcomes the k8s cluster network accessing problem, but one flaw is retained: DNS resolution, so proxychains-ng is recommended here (if you don't mind to install it: `brew install proxychains-ng`).

kubectl apply -f hacks/debug/k8s-proxy.yaml -n ${ns}
# edit hacks/debug/proxychains.conf, replace REPLACE_ME_WITH_REAL_NODE_IP with a k8s node ip,
# you can connect to the k8s administrator to get a k8s node ip
proxychains4 -f hacks/debug/proxychains.conf bin/${testcase} -mysql-proxy=socks5://${a_node_ip}:30080 -namespace=${ns} -image-version=nightly -storage-class=local-path

### On the local environment

Another convenient way we recommend you is using tiup to deploy a cluster on local and use it to debug cases.

* Start a TiDB cluster

tiup playground --kv 3

* Specify that cluster address through `-tidb-server` `-tikv-server` and `-pd-server`

bin/${testcase} -tidb-server

* If a cluster has many service addresses, you can pass a flag multiple times

bin/${testcase} -tikv-server -tikv-server

## Workloads

TiPocket includes some consistency, isolation and other kinds of tests

### Consistency

* **bank** transfers between rows of a shared table
* **pbank** check bank accounts using a linearizability checker [porcupine](
* **vbank** like bank but cover more TiKV features
* **ledger** yet another bank test
* **rawkv-linearizability** rawkv linearizability checker
* **tpcc** use [go-tpc]( testing consistency

### Isolation

* **append** checks for dependency cycles in transactions using Elle
* **register** checks for write-read dependency cycles over read-write registers using Elle