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F# computation expression builder for System.Threading.Tasks

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F# computation expression builder for System.Threading.Tasks





## About

This is a single-file project that implements a
[computation expression](
for writing `Task`s in F#.
It is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

F# comes with its own `Async` type and functions to convert back and
forth between `Async` and `Task`, but this is a bit of a hassle --
especially since now that `Task` has language-level support in C# and
VB.NET, it's the de facto standard for asynchrony on .NET.
Additionally, F#'s `Async` behaves a little differently from `Task`,
which can be confusing if you're used to the latter.

The goal of this computation expression builder is to let you write
asynchronous blocks that behave just like `async` methods in C# do.

For example, this F# method:

open System
open System.IO
open System.Linq
open FSharp.Control.Tasks.V2

type X() =
static member WriteFile() =
task {
do! Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Enter a filename:")
let! name = Console.In.ReadLineAsync()
use file = File.CreateText(name)
for i in Enumerable.Range(0, 100) do
do! file.WriteLineAsync(String.Format("hello {0}", i))
do! Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Done")
return name

Should work exactly the same as this C# method:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class X
public static async Task WriteFile()
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Enter a filename:");
var name = await Console.In.ReadLineAsync();
using (var file = File.CreateText(name))
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, 100))
await file.WriteLineAsync(String.Format("hello {0}", i));
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Done");
return name;

In practice there is a small performance hit compared to the C#
version, because the C# compiler compiles each `async` method to a
specialized state machine class, while `TaskBuilder` uses a
general-purpose state machine and must chain together continuation
functions to represent the computation. However, `TaskBuilder` should
still be faster than using `Task.ContinueWith` or `Async.StartAsTask`.

## Usage

This is public domain code. I encourage you to simply copy
TaskBuilder.fs into your own project and use it as you see fit. It is
not necessary to credit me or include any legal notice with your copy
of the code.

The other files are tests which you do not need to copy (but again,
you are free to do so).

Note that by default, if you open `FSharp.Control.Tasks.V2`, you'll get
a `task { ... }` builder that behaves as closely to C#'s async methods as possible.

However, I have also included a version of the `task { ... }` builder under
`FSharp.Control.Tasks.V2.ContextInsensitive` which makes one minor change: it will
automatically call `task.ConfigureAwait(false)` on every task you await.

This can improve performance if you're writing library code or server-side code
and don't need to interact with thread-unsafe things like Windows forms controls.
If you're not sure whether you want to use this version of the builder,
reading [this MSDN article](
may help.

## What you can bind with let!

As of 7a04419, you should be able to bind anything "awaitable" with `let!`.

This basically means any type that has:

* `task.GetAwaiter()`
* `task.GetAwaiter().GetResult()`
* `task.GetAwaiter().IsCompleted`

When using `FSharp.Control.Tasks.ContextInsensitive`, you can also bind any type
that has a `task.ConfigureAwait(false)` returning an "awaitable" type.

## Tail calls are not optimized

In F# it is idiomatic to use [tail
recursion]( to implement loops more
complex than a simple for or while.

This works with some computation expressions (like the built-in F# `async`
builder), but _not_ with TaskBuilder.fs. As far as I know it is not possible to
make this work with TPL tasks. C# async/await function are not tail-call
optimized either, so at least this is consistent.

To implement a loop that may iterate many times (or indefinitely), use a `while` loop
instead of tail recursion.

For example:

### DO ✓

let runPendingJobs() =
task {
let mutable anyPending = true
while anyPending do
let! jobToRun = checkForJob()
match jobToRun with
| None ->
anyPending <- false
| Some pendingJob ->
do! pendingJob()

### DON'T ✖

let rec runPendingJobs() =
task {
let! jobToRun = checkForJob()
match jobToRun with
| None ->
return ()
| Some pendingJob ->
do! pendingJob()
return! runPendingJobs()

## What's the deal with the V2 module?

For a while, TaskBuilder.fs depended on a compiler behavior that was introduced in F# 4.1.

It wouldn't work with older compiler versions -- more accurately, it would work, but would be unpleasant to use
because types would have to be explicitly annotated everywhere.

Thankfully, @gusty rewrote the builder classes and extension methods to work with all F# compiler versions.

But DLLs compiled using the old builder couldn't use the new builder code, since beneath the inline methods,
there is a completely different set of classes and methods involved.

Therefore, the old code is still included for binary-compatibility, while the new code lives under the V2 namespace.