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Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting

background-subtraction opencv vehicle-counting vehicle-detection vehicle-tracking

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Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting




Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting

Last page update: **12/04/2017** (Added Python API & OpenCV 3.x support)

Last version: **1.0.0** (see Release Notes for more info)

Hi everyone,

There are several ways to perform vehicle detection, tracking and counting.
Here is a step-by-step of a simplest way to do this:

1. First, you will need to detect the moving objects. An easy way to do vehicle detection is by using a Background Subtraction (BS) algorithm. You can try to use a background subtraction library like [BGSLibrary](
2. For vehicle tracking, you will need to use a tracking algorithm. A simplest way to do this is by using a blob tracker algorithm (see [cvBlob]( or [OpenCVBlobsLib]( So, send the foreground mask to **cvBlob** or **OpenCVBlobsLib**. For example, the **cvBlob** library provide some methods to get the **centroid**, the **track** and the **ID** of the moving objects. You can also set to draw a **bounding box**, the **centroid** and the **angle** of the tracked object.
3. And then, check if the **centroid** of the moving object has crossed a **region of interest** (i.e. virtual line) in your video.
4. Voilà! enjoy it :)

If you use this code for your publications, please cite it as:
author = "Andrews Sobral",
title = "Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting",
year = "2014",
url = ""

For Windows users
* There is no Visual Studio 2013 template project anymore. Please, use CMAKE instead.

#### Compiling with OpenCV 3.x and Visual Studio 2015 from CMAKE

* OpenCV 3.x (tested with OpenCV 3.2.0)
* GIT (tested with git version
* CMAKE for Windows (tested with cmake version 3.1.1).
* Microsoft Visual Studio (tested with VS2015).

*Note: the procedure is similar for OpenCV 2.4.x and Visual Studio 2013.*

Please follow the instructions below:

1) Go to Windows console.

2) Clone git repository:
git clone --recursive

3) Go to **simple_vehicle_counting/build** folder.

4) Set your OpenCV PATH:
set OpenCV_DIR=C:\OpenCV3.2.0\build

5) Launch CMAKE:
cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=%OpenCV_DIR% -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" ..

6) Include OpenCV binaries in the system path:
set PATH=%PATH%;%OpenCV_DIR%\x64\vc14\bin

7) Open the **bgs.sln** file in your Visual Studio and switch to **'RELEASE'** mode

8) Click on **'ALL_BUILD'** project and build!

9) If everything goes well, copy **simple_vehicle_counting.exe** to **simple_vehicle_counting/** and run!

For Linux users
* For Linux and Mac users, a CMakefile is provided to compile the source code.

* * Check out the latest project source code and compile it:
~/git clone --recursive
~/cd simple_vehicle_counting
~/simple_vehicle_counting/cd build
~/simple_vehicle_counting/build/ cmake ..
~/simple_vehicle_counting/build/ make
* * Run demo:

Docker image
* Docker image is available at:
* * **Ubuntu 16.04 + VNC + OpenCV 2.4.13 + Python 2.7 + Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting**

Example code

#include "package_bgs/PBAS/PixelBasedAdaptiveSegmenter.h"
#include "package_tracking/BlobTracking.h"
#include "package_analysis/VehicleCouting.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Open video file */
CvCapture *capture = 0;
capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("dataset/video.avi");
std::cerr << "Cannot open video!" << std::endl;
return 1;

/* Background Subtraction Algorithm */
IBGS *bgs;
bgs = new PixelBasedAdaptiveSegmenter;

/* Blob Tracking Algorithm */
cv::Mat img_blob;
BlobTracking* blobTracking;
blobTracking = new BlobTracking;

/* Vehicle Counting Algorithm */
VehicleCouting* vehicleCouting;
vehicleCouting = new VehicleCouting;

std::cout << "Press 'q' to quit..." << std::endl;
int key = 0;
IplImage *frame;
while(key != 'q')
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
if(!frame) break;

cv::Mat img_input = cv::cvarrToMat(frame);
cv::imshow("Input", img_input);

// bgs->process(...) internally process and show the foreground mask image
cv::Mat img_mask;
bgs->process(img_input, img_mask);

// Perform blob tracking
blobTracking->process(img_input, img_mask, img_blob);

// Perform vehicle counting

key = cvWaitKey(1);

delete vehicleCouting;
delete blobTracking;
delete bgs;


return 0;

Python API
A [python demo](python/ shows how to call the Python API.
It is similar as the [C++ demo](Demo.cpp).

To use the Python API, you should copy ["python" directory](python) to overwrite the generated one.

~/simple_vehicle_counting/cd build
~/simple_vehicle_counting/build/cmake ..
~/simple_vehicle_counting/build/make -j 8
~/simple_vehicle_counting/build/cp -r ../python/* python/

If you have previously built the project at the project root,
make sure there are no previously generated libraries in the ["python" directory](python) by ```make clean```.

Release Notes:
* 12/04/2017: Added OpenCV 3.x support. Removed vs2013 template project (use CMAKE instead).

* 07/04/2017: Added Python API, thanks to [@kyu-sz](

* Version 1.0.0: First version.