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PHP extension providing an object-oriented binding to the libev event-loop library.

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PHP extension providing an object-oriented binding to the libev event-loop library.




PHP libev Extension

PHP extension providing an object-oriented binding to the libev event-loop library.

Still under development, may contain bugs or missing methods.

Author: Martin Wernståhl



./configure --with-libev
make install


All of these examples should be working.

Most of these should you be able to combine into the same loop, for example the
timer and the uppercase echo. As the event loop is only firing the echo part when
there is data to read the timer part will not be interrupted by the IOEvent unless
its callback takes a very long time to complete (which the example here does not).

Two ``TimerEvents`` printing a message, one with 1 second interval, the other only
a single message after 5 seconds.::

$loop = new libev\EventLoop();

$repeater = new libev\TimerEvent(function()
echo "I repeat every second!\n";
}, 1, 1);

$single = new libev\TimerEvent(function()
echo "I will fire after 5 seconds, without repeat\n";
}, 5);



Read from STDIN and print the uppercased input::

$loop = new libev\EventLoop();

$in = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$echo = new libev\IOEvent(function($event) use($in)
// Read all (at most 200) and uppercase
echo "ECHO: ".strtoupper(fread($in, 200));

}, $in, libev\IOEvent::READ);


More precise timer event::

$loop = new libev\EventLoop();

// This will trigger very close to exactly 10 seconds after
// this object has been created
$time = new libev\PeriodicEvent(function()
echo "I was triggered!";
}, time() + 10);


Periodically switching on and off events::

$loop = new libev\EventLoop();

$period1 = new libev\TimerEvent(function()
echo "Fast\n";
}, .1, .5);

$period2 = new libev\TimerEvent(function() use($period1, $loop)
echo "Fast off\n";
echo "Fast on\n";
}, 3, 3);



Combining ``libev\SignalEvent`` and ``libev\StatEvent`` to look for file changes
while still performing graceful shutdown on ^C::

$loop = new libev\EventLoop();

// Watch ./test for changes
$stat = new libev\StatEvent(function() use(&$stat)
printf("%s changed\n", './test');
}, './test');


// Graceful shutdown on ^C
$loop->add(new libev\SignalEvent(function() use($loop)
echo "exiting\n";
}, libev\SignalEvent::SIGINT));





Creates a new EventLoop object with a new ``ev_loop`` as base.

**static EventLoop EventLoop::getDefaultLoop()**

Returns the default event loop object, this object is a global singleton
and it is not recommended to use it unless you only use one major loop in
your application or if you require ChildEvent watchers as they can only
be attached to the default loop.

**boolean EventLoop::notifyFork()**

Notifies libev that a fork might have been done and forces it
to reinitialize kernel state where needed on the next loop iteration.

**boolean EventLoop::isDefaultLoop()**

Returns true if the EventLoop is the default libev loop.

**int EventLoop::getIteration()**

Returns the current loop iteration.

**int EventLoop::getDepth()**

Returns the current nesting depth of event-loops.

**int EventLoop::getBackend()**

Returns one of the ``EventLoop::BACKEND_*`` constants indicating the event
backend in use.

**double EventLoop::now()**

Returns the time the current loop iteration received events.
Seconds in libev time.

**bool EventLoop::updateNow()**

Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time returned
by EventLoop::now() in the progress. This is a costly operation and is usually done
automatically within EventLoop::run().

This function is rarely useful, but when some event callback runs for a very long
time without entering the event loop, updating libev's idea of the current time
is a good idea.

**bool EventLoop::suspend()**

Suspends the event loop, pausing all timers and delays processing of events.


**bool EventLoop::resume()**

Resumes the event loop and all timers.

**NOTE:** DO NOT CALL UNLESS YOU HAVE CALLED EventLoop->suspend() first!

**boolean EventLoop::run(flag = 0)**

Runs the event loop, processing all events, will block until EventLoop->break()
is called or no more events are associated with this loop by default.

libev ``flag``:

* int(``0``), default

run() handles events until there are no events to handle

* ``EventLoop::RUN_NOWAIT``

run() looks for new events, handles them and
then return after one iteration of the loop

* ``EventLoop::RUN_ONCE``

run() looks for new events (wait if necessary)
and will handle those and any outstanding ones. It will block until
at least one event has arrived and will return after one iteration of
the loop

**boolean EventLoop::breakLoop(flag = EventLoop::BREAK_ONE)**

Breaks the current event loop after it has processed all outstanding events.

libev break flag:

* ``EventLoop::BREAK_ONE``: will break the innermost loop, default behaviour
* ``EventLoop::BREAK_ALL``: will break all the currently running loops

**boolean EventLoop::ref()** and
**boolean EventLoop::unref()**

Ref/unref can be used to add or remove a reference count on the event loop:
Every ``Event`` keeps one reference, and as long as the reference count is nonzero,
``EventLoop::run()`` will not return on its own.

This is useful when you have an Event that you never intend to remove,
but that nevertheless should not keep ``EventLoop::run()`` from returning.
In such a case, call ``EventLoop::unref()`` after starting, and ``EventLoop::ref()``
before stopping it.

Example: Create a signal watcher, but prevent it from keeping ``EventLoop::run()``
running when nothing else is active::

$sig = new libev\SignalEvent(libev\SignalEvent::SIGINT, function()
// Do something


// For some weird reason we want to unregister the above handler
$sig->stop(); // or $loop->remove($sig);

**boolean EventLoop::setIOCollectInterval(double = 0)**

Sets the time libev spends sleeping for new IO events between loop iterations,

**boolean EventLoop::setTimeoutCollectInterval(double = 0)**

Sets the time libev spends sleeping for new timeout events between loop iterations,

**int EventLoop::getPendingCount()**

Returns the number of pending events.

**boolean EventLoop::add(libev\Event)**

Adds the event to the event loop.

This method will increase the refcount on the supplied Event, protecting it
from garbage collection. Refcount will be decreased on ``EventLoop::remove()`` or
when the EventLoop object is Garbage Collected.

It is recommended to keep a variable pointing to each recurring event you add
to the loop to be able to remove them when you need to.

The callback of the events can also remove it, because it receives the Event
object as its only parameter you can do::

$timer = new libev\TimerEvent(function($event))
if( /* some condition */ )
}, 1, 1);

**boolean EventLoop::remove(libev\Event)**

Removes the event from the event loop, will skip all pending events on it too.

**boolean EventLoop::clearPending(libev\Event)**

If the watcher is pending, this function clears its pending status and
returns its revents bitset (as if its callback was invoked). If the watcher
isn't pending it returns 0, or if it is not associated with this EventLoop
it returns false.

**boolean EventLoop::feedEvent(libev\Event)**

Feeds the given event set into the event loop, as if the specified event
had happened for the specified watcher.

The watcher will be GC protected until it has fired or clearPending is called
on it (unless you feed it again in the callback or add() it to an event loop
it won't accidentally be freed).

**NOTE:** As of libev 4.04; If you feed an event in the callback of a fed event,
the newly fed event will be invoked before any other events (except other
fed events). So do NOT create loops by re-feeding an event into the EventLoop

**array(libev/Event) EventLoop::getEvents()**

Returns a list of all registered events.


Abstract base class for all event objects.

All ``Event`` objects have a callback associated with them which will be invoked
when the ``Event`` is triggered.

Callback signature ``callback(libev\Event $triggered, int $revents)``.

TODO: More here?

**boolean Event::isActive()**

Returns true if the event is active, ie. associated with an event loop.

**boolean Event::isPending()**

Returns true if the event watcher is pending (ie. it has outstanding events but
the callback has not been called yet).

**int Event::clearPending()**

If the ``Event`` is pending, this function clears its pending status and returns
its $revents bitset (as if its callback was invoked). If the ``Event`` is not
pending 0 is returned.

**void Event::setCallback(callback)**

Replaces the PHP callback on an event.

**boolean Event::invoke()**

Invokes the callback on this event, Event does not need to be attached
to any EventLoop for this to work (disregarding requirments of the
associated callback itself).

**boolean Event::stop()**

If the event has been ``add()``ed or ``feed_event()``ed to any ``EventLoop``
it will be stopped and reset.

``libev\IOEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

**IOEvent::__construct(callback, resource, flag)**

Creates an IO event which will trigger when there is data to read and/or data
to write on the supplied stream.

``flag`` is an integer field with either ``IOEvent::READ`` and/or
``IOEvent::WRITE`` depending on the types of events you want to listen to.

``resource`` is a valid PHP stream resource.

``libev\TimerEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

**TimerEvent::__construct(callback, double after, double repeat = 0)**

Creates a timer event which will occur approximately after ``after`` seconds
and after that will repeat with an approximate interval of ``repeat``.

``after`` is the time before first triggering, seconds.

``interval`` is the time between repeats, seconds. Default is 0, which equals
no repeating event.

**double TimerEvent::getRepeat()** and **void TimerEvent::setRepeat()**

Gets/sets the seconds between event triggering.

**double|false TimerEvent::getAfter()**

Returns the time from the loop start until the first triggering of this TimerEvent.

False is returned if the event has not been registered with any ``EventLoop``

**boolean TimerEvent::again()**

This will act as if the timer timed out and restarts it again if it is repeating.

The exact semantics are:
* If the timer is pending, its pending status is cleared.
* If the timer is started but non-repeating, stop it (as if it timed out).
* If the timer is repeating, either start it if necessary (with the repeat value),
or reset the running timer to the repeat value.

for more information.

**double|false TimerEvent::getRemaining()**

Returns the remaining time until the timer fire, relative to the event loop time.
Returns false if the event is not registered with any ``EventLoop``.

``libev\PeriodicEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

Schedules an event (or a repeating series of events) at a specific point in time.

**PeriodicEvent::__construct(callback, double offset, double interval = 0)**

* Absolute timer (``offset`` = absolute time, ``interval`` = 0)
In this configuration the watcher triggers an event after the wall clock
time offset has passed. It will not repeat and will not adjust when a time
jump occurs, that is, if it is to be run at January 1st 2011 then it will be
stopped and invoked when the system clock reaches or surpasses this point in time.

* Repeating interval timer (``offset`` = offset within interval, ``interval`` > 0)
In this mode the watcher will always be scheduled to time out at the next
``offset`` + N * ``interval`` time (for some integer N, which can also be negative)
and then repeat, regardless of any time jumps. The ``offset`` argument is merely
an offset into the interval periods.

**double PeriodicEvent::getTime()**

Returns the time for the next trigger of the event, seconds.

**double PeriodicEvent::getOffset()**

When repeating, returns the offset, otherwise it returns the absolute time for
the event trigger.

**double PeriodicEvent::getInterval()**

When repeating, returns the current interval value.

**boolean PeriodicEvent::setInterval(double)**

Sets the interval value, changes only take effect when the event has fired.

**boolean PeriodicEvent::again()**

Works like the ``TimerEvent::again()``, see ``libev\TimerEvent::again()`` for
more information.

**double|false PeriodicEvent::getRemaining()**

Returns the remaining time until the timer fire, relative to the event loop time.
Returns false if the event is not registered with any ``EventLoop``.

``libev\SignalEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

**SignalEvent::__construct(callback, signal)**

This event will be triggered when the process receives the specificed ``signal``

``signal`` is a ``SignalEvent`` class constant, the presense or absense of some of
the constants match the presense or absense of them in the system's ``signal.h``

For now, you can use this code to see which constans are defined::

$class = new ReflectionClass('libev\\SignalEvent');

``libev\ChildEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

This event will be triggered on child status changes.

**NOTE:** Must be attached to the default loop (ie. the instance from

**ChildEvent::__construct(callback, int pid, boolean trace = false)**

``pid`` is the PID of the child process to watch, 0 if you want the event
to trigger for any child process.

If ``trace`` is true, then this event is also triggered on suspend/continue
and not only terminate.

**int ChildEvent::getPid()**

Returns the PID of the watched child process.

**int ChildEvent::getRPid()**

Returns the PID of the child which caused the last event trigger.

**int ChildEvent::getRStatus()**

Returns the exit/trace status (see ``waitpid`` and ``sys/wait.h``) caused by the child

``libev\StatEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

Watches a file system path for attribute changes, triggers when at least
one attribute has been changed.

The path does not need to exist, and the event will be triggered when the
path starts to exist.

The portable implementation of ev_stat is using the system stat() call
to regularily poll the path for changes which is inefficient. But even
with OS supported change notifications it can be resource-intensive if
many StatEvent watchers are used.

If inotify is supported and is compiled into libev that will be used instead
of stat() where possible.

**NOTE:** When libev is doing the stat() call the loop will be blocked, so it
is not recommended to use it on network resources as there might be a long
delay (accoring to libev manual, it usually takes several milliseconds on a
network resource, in best cases)

stat() system calls also only supports full-second resolution portably,
meaning that if the time is the only thing which changes on the file
several updates of it close in time might be missed because stat() still
returns the same full second, unless the file changes in other ways too.

One solution to this problem is to start a timer which triggers after
roughly a one-second delay (recommended to be a bit grater than 1.0 seconds
because Linux gettimeofday() might return a different time from time(),
the libev manual recommends 1.02)

**StatEvent::__construct(callback, string file, double interval = libev_default_stat_interval)**

``interval`` is the minimum interval libev will check for file-changes,
will automatically be set to the default value by libev if the supplied
value is smaller than the default.

**string StatEvent::getPath()**

**double StatEvent::getInterval()**

**array StatEvent::getAttr()**

Returns a key => value list of the file attributes, all keys will be 0 if the
event has not yet been added to an EventLoop.

The following attributes are supported:

* dev
* ino
* mode
* nlink
* uid
* gid
* rdev
* size
* atime
* mtime
* ctime

**NOTE:** If nlink is 0, the file does not exist and the rest of the values
may be inaccurate as they might remain from the file which existed during
previous events.

**array StatEvent::getPrev()**

Returns the previous file attributes, all keys will be 0 if the
event has not yet been added to an EventLoop.

``libev\IdleEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

``IdleEvent`` triggers when no other events of the same or higher priority
are pending (other idle watchers do not count as receiving "events").

That is, as long as your process is busy handling sockets or timeouts
(or even signals, imagine) of the same or higher priority it will not
be triggered. But when your process is idle (or only lower-priority
watchers are pending), the idle watchers are being called once per event
loop iteration - until stopped, that is, or your process receives more
events and becomes busy again with higher priority stuff.

The most noteworthy effect is that as long as any idle watchers are active,
the process will not block when waiting for new events.

Apart from keeping your process non-blocking (which is a useful effect on
its own sometimes), idle watchers are a good place to do "pseudo-background
processing", or delay processing stuff to after the event loop has handled
all outstanding events.



``libev\CleanupEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

``CleanupEvent`` is triggered just before the ``EventLoop`` object is destroyed
by the PHP GC (ie. when the loop is no longer used).

There is no guarantee that the callback will be called (eg. in case of fatal
PHP errors or similar things), but it provides a conventient way to associate
cleanup code with the event loop.



``libev\AsyncEvent`` extends ``libev\Event``

``AsyncEvent`` are ``Event`` objects which wait for a signal from another
part of the application before firing. It is triggered with the
``AsyncEvent::send()`` method and will invoke the callback on the next loop

``AsyncEvent`` instances can be activated as many times as needed, they will
not be removed from the ``EventLoop`` unless manually removed.



**bool AsyncEvent::send()**

Tells the ``AsyncEvent`` that its callback should be invoked on the next
loop iteration.

.. _`PCNTL PHP Extension`: