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Telegram Bot API Go framework

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Telegram Bot API Go framework




# Golang Telegram Bot

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> [Telegram Group](

> Supports Bot API version: [7.0]( from December 29, 2023

It's a Go zero-dependencies telegram bot framework

A simple example `echo-bot`:

package main

import (


// Send any text message to the bot after the bot has been started

func main() {
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
defer cancel()

opts := []bot.Option{

b, err := bot.New("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_FROM_BOTFATHER", opts...)
if err != nil {


func handler(ctx context.Context, b *bot.Bot, update *models.Update) {
b.SendMessage(ctx, &bot.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: update.Message.Chat.ID,
Text: update.Message.Text,

You can find more examples in the [examples](examples) folder.

For test examples, you should set environment variable `EXAMPLE_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` to your bot token.

## Getting started

Go version: **1.18**

Install the dependencies:

go get -u

Initialize and run the bot:



On create bot will call the `getMe` method (with 5 sec timeout). And returns error on fail.
If you want to change this timeout, use option `bot.WithCheckInitTimeout`

You can to define default handler for the bot:

b, err := bot.New("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_FROM_BOTFATHER", bot.WithDefaultHandler(handler))

func handler(ctx context.Context, b *bot.Bot, update *models.Update) {
// this handler will be called for all updates

## Webhooks

If you want to use webhooks, instead `bot.Start` you should use `bot.StartWebhook` method for start the bot.
Also, you should to use `bot.WebhookHandler()` method as http handler for your server.

func main() {
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
defer cancel()

opts := []bot.Option{

b, _ := bot.New(os.Getenv("EXAMPLE_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"), opts...)

// call methods.SetWebhook if needed

go b.StartWebhook(ctx)

http.ListenAndServe(":2000", b.WebhookHandler())

// call methods.DeleteWebhook if needed

func handler(ctx context.Context, b *bot.Bot, update *models.Update) {
b.SendMessage(ctx, &bot.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: update.Message.Chat.ID,
Text: update.Message.Text,

[Demo in examples](examples/echo_with_webhook/main.go)

Also, you can manually process updates with `bot.ProcessUpdate` method.

update := models.Update{}


b.ProcessUpdate(ctx, &update)

## Middlewares

You can use middlewares with `WithMiddlewares(middlewares ...Middleware)` option.

See an example in [examples](examples/middleware/main.go)

## Available methods

All available methods are listed in the [Telegram Bot API documentation](

You can use all these methods as bot funcs. All methods have name like in official documentation, but with capital first letter.

`bot.SendMessage`, `bot.GetMe`, `bot.SendPhoto`, etc

All methods have signature `(ctx context.Context, params ) (, error)`.
Except `GetMe`, `Close` and `Logout` which are have not params

`` is a struct with fields that corresponds to Telegram Bot API parameters.
All Params structs have name like for corresponded methods, but with `Params` suffix.

`SendMessageParams` for `SendMessage` method etc.

You should pass params by pointer

bot.SendMessage(ctx, &bot.SendMessageParams{...})

## Options

You can use options to customize the bot.

b, err := bot.New("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_FROM_BOTFATHER", opts...)

### Options list (see [options.go](options.go) for more details)

- `WithCheckInitTimeout(timeout time.Duration)` - timeout for check init bot
- `WithMiddlewares(middlewares ...Middleware)` - add middlewares
- `WithMessageTextHandler(pattern string, matchType MatchType, handler HandlerFunc)` - add handler for Message.Text field
- `WithCallbackQueryDataHandler(pattern string, matchType MatchType, handler HandlerFunc)` - add handler for CallbackQuery.Data field
- `WithDefaultHandler(handler HandlerFunc)` - add default handler
- `WithDebug()` - enable debug mode
- `WithErrorsHandler(handler ErrorsHandler)` - add errors handler
- `WithDebugHandler(handler DebugHandler)` - add debug handler
- `WithHTTPClient(pollTimeout time.Duration, client HttpClient)` - set custom http client
- `WithServerURL(serverURL string)` - set server url
- `WithSkipGetMe()` - skip call GetMe on bot init

## Message.Text and CallbackQuery.Data handlers

For your convenience, you can use `Message.Text` and `CallbackQuery.Data` handlers.

An example:


b.RegisterHandler(bot.HandlerTypeMessageText, "/start", bot.MatchTypeExact, myStartHandler)


> also you can use bot init options `WithMessageTextHandler` and `WithCallbackQueryDataHandler`

In this example, the handler will be called when the user sends `/start` message. All other messages will be handled by the default handler.

Handler Types:
- `HandlerTypeMessageText` - for Update.Message.Text field
- `HandlerTypeCallbackQueryData` - for Update.CallbackQuery.Data field

RegisterHandler returns a handler ID string. You can use it to remove the handler later.


Match Types:
- `MatchTypeExact`
- `MatchTypePrefix`
- `MatchTypeContains`

You can use `RegisterHandlerRegexp` to match by regular expression.

re := regexp.MustCompile(`^/start`)

b.RegisterHandlerRegexp(bot.HandlerTypeMessageText, re, myStartHandler)

If you want to use custom handler, use `RegisterHandlerMatchFunc`

matchFunc := func(update *models.Update) bool {
// your checks
return true

b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc(bot.HandlerTypeMessageText, matchFunc, myHandler)

## InputFile

For some methods, like `SendPhoto`, `SendAudio` etc, you can send file by file path or file contents.

For send file by URL or FileID, you can use `&models.InputFileString{Data: string}`:

// file id of uploaded image
// or URL image path
// inputFileData := ""

params := &bot.SendPhotoParams{
ChatID: chatID,
Photo: &models.InputFileString{Data: inputFileData},

bot.SendPhoto(ctx, params)

[Demo in examples](examples/send_photo/main.go)

For send image file by file contents, you can use `&models.InputFileUpload{Filename: string, Data: io.Reader}`:

fileContent, _ := os.ReadFile("/path/to/image.png")

params := &bot.SendPhotoParams{
ChatID: chatID,
Photo: &models.InputFileUpload{Filename: "image.png", Data: bytes.NewReader(fileContent)},

bot.SendPhoto(ctx, params)

[Demo in examples](examples/send_photo_upload/main.go)

## InputMedia

For methods like `SendMediaGroup` or `EditMessageMedia` you can send media by file path or file contents.

[Official documentation InputMedia](

> field `media`: File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name.

If you want to use `attach://` format, you should to define `MediaAttachment` field with file content reader.

fileConetent, _ := os.ReadFile("/path/to/image.png")

media1 := &models.InputMediaPhoto{
Media: "",

media2 := &models.InputMediaPhoto{
Media: "attach://image.png",
Caption: "2",
MediaAttachment: bytes.NewReader(fileConetent),

params := &bot.SendMediaGroupParams{
ChatID: update.Message.Chat.ID,
Media: []models.InputMedia{

bot.SendMediaGroup(ctx, params)

[Demo in examples](examples/send_media_group/main.go)

## Helpers

### `EscapeMarkdown(s string) string`

Escape special symbols for Telegram MarkdownV2 syntax

### `EscapeMarkdownUnescaped(s string) string`

Escape only unescaped special symbols for Telegram MarkdownV2 syntax

### `RandomString(n int) string`

Returns fast random a-zA-Z string with n length

### `True() bool`, `False() bool`

Allows you to define *bool values for params, which require `*bool`, like `SendPoolParams`

p := &bot.SendPollParams{
ChatID: chatID,
Question: "Question",
Options: []string{"Option 1", "Option 2"},
IsAnonymous: bot.False(),

b.SendPool(ctx, p)

### `FileDownloadLink(f *models.File) string`

Returns file download link after call method `GetFile`

See [documentation(

## UI Components

In the repo you can find a some UI elements for your bot.

- datepicker
- inline_keyboard
- slider
- paginator

and more...

Please, check the repo for more information and live demo.