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:envelope: AWS Lambda for sending emails. Ready for deployment in 60 seocnds.

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

:envelope: AWS Lambda for sending emails. Ready for deployment in 60 seocnds.




# :envelope: lambda-mailer
AWS Lambda for sending emails. Ready for deployment in 60 seocnds.

This lambda gives your browser (or any client) a backend for sending emails.

### Features

* 30+ pre-configured services (Gmail, Hotmail, SendGrid...etc)
* HTML content as well as plain text alternative
* 30+ supported HTML template engines (handlebars, jade, haml...etc)
* Easy HTML styling with Juice
* Embedded images in HTML
* Email Attachments
* Unicode to use any characters

### Quick Usage

// install node-lambda
npm install -g node-lambda

// clone the lambda and get inside!
git clone
cd lambda-mailer

// install dependencies
npm install

// create deployment files (to hold your env vars)
touch .env deploy.env event.json

`.env` file is used by your local machine to test and deploy the lambda, `deploy.env` is used by your lambda function after deployment. So there might be some duplicate env vars.

open `.env` and fill it with your AWS credentials: (make sure you have proper IAM permissions)

AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=your_sesson token (optional)

[email protected]


open `deploy.env` and fill it with your gmail credentials:

[email protected]

open `event.json` and fill it with the following sample event: (just change the `to` and `from` Properties)

"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected]",
"subject": "Hello",
"template": "welcome",
"context": {
"first_name": "Sam",
"last_name": "Smith"

now everything is set! Let's test locally!

node-lambda run

This will use the `welcome` template coupled with the context/data (first_name & last_name).
You should receive an email that says:

Welcome Sam Smith

You can edit the template text by editing these two files:


now that it works locally, let's deploy to AWS:

node-lambda deploy
That's it! Now you can call the lambda from any AWS SDK, like your browser JS SDK.

### Supported Services
lambda-mailer supports the following 30 service, pre-configured and ready to use. You just provide the service, username & password in env vars as shown earlier:

* **'1und1'**
* **'AOL'**
* **''**
* **'DynectEmail'**
* **'FastMail'**
* **'GandiMail'**
* **'Gmail'**
* **'Godaddy'**
* **'GodaddyAsia'**
* **'GodaddyEurope'**
* **''**
* **'Hotmail'**
* **'iCloud'**
* **''**
* **''**
* **'Mailgun'**
* **'Mailjet'**
* **'Mandrill'**
* **'Naver'**
* **'Postmark'**
* **'QQ'**
* **'QQex'**
* **'SendCloud'**
* **'SendGrid'**
* **'SES'**
* **'Sparkpost'**
* **'Yahoo'**
* **'Yandex'**
* **'Zoho'**

### Template Engines
lambda-mailer comes with a `welcome` template for demonstration. You can add/remove templates from the following directory:


lambda-mailer uses handlebars as the default template engine. You can use any other template engine by adding it to the `package.json` file and update dependencies with `npm install`.

Here's the full list of supported templates:

- [atpl](
- [doT.js]( [(website)](
- [dust (unmaintained)]( [(website)](
- [dustjs-linkedin (maintained fork of dust)]( [(website)](
- [eco](
- [ect]( [(website)](
- [ejs](
- [haml]( [(website)](
- [haml-coffee]( [(website)](
- [hamlet](
- [handlebars]( [(website)](
- [hogan]( [(website)](
- [htmling](
- [jade]( [(website)](
- [jazz](
- [jqtpl]( [(website)](
- [JUST](
- [liquor](
- [lodash]( [(website)](
- [mote]( [(website)](
- [mustache](
- [nunjucks]( [(website)](
- [QEJS](
- [ractive](
- [react](
- [swig]( [(website)](
- [templayed](
- [liquid]( [(website)](
- [toffee](
- [underscore]( [(website)](
- [walrus]( [(website)](
- [whiskers](

after chosing your template engine, make sure the file extentions of the template files match the template you chose:


### Mail Options (Event Properties):

Here's the full list of options you can pass in your event:

- **from** - The e-mail address of the sender. All e-mail addresses can be plain `'[email protected]'` or formatted `'Sender Name '`, see [here](#address-formatting) for details
- **sender** - An e-mail address that will appear on the *Sender:* field
- **to** - Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the *To:* field
- **cc** - Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the *Cc:* field
- **bcc** - Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the *Bcc:* field
- **replyTo** - An e-mail address that will appear on the *Reply-To:* field
- **inReplyTo** - The message-id this message is replying
- **references** - Message-id list (an array or space separated string)
- **subject** - The subject of the e-mail
- **template** - The template to use for this email. Make sure it matches one of the folder names inside the `templates` folder
- **context** - The context/data the template needs. eg. `{"first_name": "..."}`
- **watchHtml** - Apple Watch specific HTML version of the message (*experimental*)
- **headers** - An object or array of additional header fields (e.g. *{"X-Key-Name": "key value"}* or *[{key: "X-Key-Name", value: "val1"}, {key: "X-Key-Name", value: "val2"}]*)
- **attachments** - An array of attachment objects
- **alternatives** - An array of alternative text contents (in addition to text and html parts)
- **envelope** - optional SMTP envelope, if auto generated envelope is not suitable
- **messageId** - optional Message-Id value, random value will be generated if not set
- **date** - optional Date value, current UTC string will be used if not set
- **encoding** - optional transfer encoding for the textual parts