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Chat anonymously on-chain without wallets utilizing our censorship-resistant blockchain and app with anonymous logins. Powered by Subsocial Network.

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Chat anonymously on-chain without wallets utilizing our censorship-resistant blockchain and app with anonymous logins. Powered by Subsocial Network.




A chat application built on top of the Subsocial blockchain 🔗. offers a smooth and simple onboarding and user experience while still leveraging the power of blockchain technology.


## How to integrate into your app 🤝

It's now simpler than ever before to have an anonymous, on-chain chat right in your application 🎉.

Read the [integration guide](./integration/ to get started.

## How to run locally 🏃‍♂️


- Node.js v16.0.0 or higher
- Yarn (you can use npm/pnpm if you want to)

### 1. Install dependencies


### 2. Setup environment variables

Copy the local example env file to .env

cp .env.local.example .env

### 3. Run the server

yarn dev

Congrats 🎉, you can now access the app at http://localhost:3000

## Theme Customization 🎨

All of the colors used in this project are provided in the [globals.css](./src/styles/globals.css) file in RGB format.
You can change the colors in this file to customize the theme of the app according to your needs.

## Environment variables 🌎

Below is the list of environment variables that you can use to customize your chat, based upon your needs and the needs of your community.

| Name | Description | Required? |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| SERVER_MNEMONIC | Wallet mnemonic of the server, in order to send automatically users [Energy]( | Yes |
| CRUST_IPFS_AUTH | IPFS auth for using a Crust bucket | Yes |
| IPFS_PIN_URL | URL for Crust IPFS pinning service | Yes |
| USER_ID_SALT | Salt for user address encryption, which is used for analytics (which can be disabled) | No |
| NEXT_PUBLIC_SPACE_IDS | Your space ID(s). All the posts in these space(s) will be listed as topics. You can use multiple space IDs, separated by a comma. The first space ID will be recognized as the main space ID, where you can access the home page in / route, but for the other space IDs homepage, you can access it using /[spaceId]. You can read on how to [manage your space here](#how-to-manage-your-space) | Yes |
| MODERATION_URL | Moderation API url. Current moderation API: `` | Yes |
| NEXT_PUBLIC_AMP_ID | Amplitude analytics ID (disabled if no ID is provided) | No |
| NEXT_PUBLIC_SQUID_URL | Squid URL for fetching historical data. If provided, some of the data will be fetched using squid instead of blockchain | No |
| NEXT_PUBLIC_COMMUNITY_HUB_ID | Hub Id that will be used as community hub. If provided, community creation feature will be enabled | No |
| NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_ID | Google Analytics ID (disabled if no ID is provided) | No |

## How to Manage Your Space

[]( home page contains list of topics for user to choose from. This topics are listed from all the posts in a [subsocial space]( You can create space in xSocial chain using [Gazer]( - a CMS for xSocial Network.

You can add chat rooms into your space by creating [posts]( inside it. After you created your post, you can check that it is listed in by going to `{your space id}`.