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VitePress export PDF

vitepress-export-pdf vitepress-pdf

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VitePress export PDF




# vitepress-export-pdf

NPM version

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`vitepress-export-pdf` allows you to export your sites to a PDF file.

**Note: Because vitepress is still in beta version**, the API may face changes, so this package is also released as beta version.

## Related

- [@condorhero/vuepress-plugin-export-pdf-v1](
- [@condorhero/vuepress-plugin-export-pdf-v2](

## Installation

npm install vitepress-export-pdf -D

then add script to your `package.json`:

"scripts": {
"export-pdf": "press-export-pdf export [path/to/your/docs]"

Then run:

npm run export-pdf

## `press-export-pdf` Command Options

The package provides the `press-export-pdf` command with the following command line options:


- `export [sourceDir]`: Export your site to a PDF file
- `-c, --config `: Set path to config file
- `--outFile `: Name of output file
- `--outDir `: Directory of output files
- `--pdfOutlines `: Keep PDF outlines/bookmarks([**Node >= 18.5.0**](
- `--urlOrigin `: Change the origin of the print url(Option `displayHeaderFooter` of `pdfOptions` is true)
- `--debug`: Enable debug mode
- `info`: Display environment information
- `--help`: Display help information
- `--version`: Display version information

## Config File Options

You can create a new config file, we support the following files:

- `vitepress-pdf.config.ts`
- `vitepress-pdf.config.js`
- `vitepress-pdf.config.cjs`
- `vitepress-pdf.config.mjs`
- `.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.ts`
- `.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.js`
- `.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.cjs`
- `.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.mjs`

In addition, you can also customize the configuration file through `--config` or `-c`.

It is recommended to use TS(`.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.ts`) files, which are easy to manage and have **friendly code prompts**.


// .vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.ts
import { defineUserConfig } from "vitepress-export-pdf";

export default defineUserConfig({
// ...

if you want to use JS files, **you can leverage your IDE's intellisense with jsdoc type hints**:

* @type {import('vitepress-export-pdf').UserConfig}
const config = {
// ...

export default config;

config options:

- `sorter` - function for changing pages order (default `undefined`)
- `outFile` - name of output file (default `vitepress-YYMMDD-HHmmss.pdf`)
- `outDir` - Directory of output files (default `package.json` file exists in directory)
- `routePatterns` - Specify the patterns of files you want to be exported. The patterns are relative to the source directory (default `["/**", "!/404.html"]`).Patterns to match Route path using [multimatch](
- `puppeteerLaunchOptions` - [Puppeteer launch options object](
- `pdfOptions` - [Valid options to configure PDF generation via Page.pdf()]( (default `{ format: 'A4 }`), **`pageNumber` and `totalPages` of `headerTemplate` and `footerTemplate` cannot be used because of [this reason](**
- `pdfOutlines` - Keep PDF outlines/bookmarks(default `true`)
- `urlOrigin`: Change the origin of the print url(Option `displayHeaderFooter` of `pdfOptions` is true) - ([How do I change the URL point to the localhost](
- `outlineContainerSelector`: Specify an outline container selector.

## Examples

A usable example of quick start [click here](./examples/vitepress-docs/).

Refer to [this example](./examples/vitepress-docs/) for more information,there is a very useful configuration file [vitepress-pdf.config.ts](./examples/vitepress-docs/docs/.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.ts)

### Order of PDF

`console.log` all the routes in the sort function and assign them to the variable `routeOrder` as a value. You can adjust the order of printing in the array `routeOrder`.

import { defineUserConfig } from "vitepress-export-pdf";

const routeOrder = [
// ...

export default defineUserConfig({
sorter: (pageA, pageB) => {
const aIndex = routeOrder.findIndex(route => route === pageA.path);
const bIndex = routeOrder.findIndex(route => route === pageB.path);
return aIndex - bIndex;

In order to avoid maintaining two routes, you can read the link fields specified by `Nav` and `Sidebar` in the vitepress configuration file by coding, and then sort them. The outline of the code is as follows:

import vitepressConfig from "./config";

function extractLinksFromConfig(config: DefaultTheme.Config) {
const links: string[] = [];
// Some code logic
return links;

const links = extractLinksFromConfig(vitepressConfig.themeConfig!);
const routeOrder = [

[The full code is here](

### Don't export homepage

`.vitepress/vitepress-pdf.config.ts` add `routePatterns`:

import { defineUserConfig } from "vitepress-export-pdf";

export default defineUserConfig({
routePatterns: ["!/"],

> Note: `!` at the beginning of a pattern will negate the match

### PDF print style

Unlike VuePress, VitePress has no customization [global style]( VuePress2.x `.vuepress/styles/index.scss`) function, but we can customize themes to achieve this.

create the `.vitepress/theme/index.ts` or `.vitepress/theme/index.js` file (the "theme entry file").

// .vitepress/theme/index.ts
import DefaultTheme from "vitepress/theme";

// custom CSS
import "./style/print.css";

export default {
// Extending the Default Theme

create `/style/print.css`:

@media print {
.VPDocFooter {
display: none !important;


## Contributing

1. Fork it!
2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
5. Submit a pull request :D

## Report Bug

run `press-export-pdf info` Shows debugging information about the local environment.

## License
