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A Neo4j backed ontology store

java neo4j-graph ontologies scigraph

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A Neo4j backed ontology store




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Represent ontologies and ontology-encoded knowledge in a Neo4j graph.

SciGraph aims to represent ontologies and data described using ontologies as a Neo4j graph. SciGraph
reads ontologies with [owlapi]( and ingests
ontology formats available to owlapi (OWL, RDF, OBO, TTL, etc).
Have a look at [how SciGraph translates some simple ontologies](

* OWL 2 Support
* Provide a simple, usable, Neo4j representation
* Efficient, parallel ontology ingestion
* Provide basic "vocabulary" support
* Stay domain agnostic

* Create ontologies based on the graph
* Reasoning support

What's Included?
SciGraph can be used in a number of ways. After the graph is generated it could be used in an application with no SciGraph dependency.

It could be used in an application with the
`scigraph-core` dependency which adds some convenience methods and includes "vocabulary" support. "Vocabulary" support resolves
labels to graph nodes, auto-complete functionality, OpenRefine resolution services, and CURIE to
IRI resolution. Additional support for identifying these vocabulary entities
in free text can be found in the `scigraph-entity` module.

SciGraph can also be used as a stand-alone Dropwizard web service (via `scigraph-services`). SciGraph services support adding custom Cypher
queries during application configuration to keep the code base domain agnostic.

Note that SciGraph is "OWL-centric". If you have, for example, and arbitrary SKOS ontology that doesn't assert skos:Concept as an owl:Class these skos:Concepts will not be visible to the owlapi and not loaded in the resulting Neo4j graph.

* [tinkerpop sail implementation](
* [owlapi](
* [jena tdb](

* the [Monarch Initiative]( uses SciGraph for both ontologies and biological data modeling
* [SciCrunch]( uses SciGraph for vocabulary and annotation services
* [CINERGI]( uses SciGraph for vocabulary and annotation services
* the [Human Brain project]( uses SciGraph for vocabulary and annotation services

Additional Documentation

* [Overview of SciGraph in NIF and Monarch](

Getting Started
[A Docker container is included with instructions](

Alternatively, a [Vagrant]( box is included if you don't want to modify your `localhost` (you'll also need [VirtualBox](
You can launch a provisioned box like this and then follow the steps below:

curl -o Vagrantfile
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Note that because Neo4j is using memory mapped IO the database cannot be stored in a Vagrant shared directory

If you're not using the vagrant box or docker container make sure you have `git`, `maven`, and `java` available. Java should be version 7 or better.

Clone and compile the project:

git clone; cd SciGraph; mvn -DskipTests -DskipITs install

Build the graph:

cd SciGraph-core
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="io.scigraph.owlapi.loader.BatchOwlLoader" -Dexec.args="-c src/test/resources/pizzaExample.yaml"

Run the services:

cd ../SciGraph-services
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="server src/test/resources/pizzaConfiguration.yaml"

Check out some of the REST endpoints (the Vagrant box has port 9000 mapped so you can use your host browser to check these out):

- [Get autocomplete candidates for a prefix](http://localhost:9000/scigraph/vocabulary/autocomplete/Sp)

- [Find a class based on an "exactish" term match](http://localhost:9000/scigraph/vocabulary/search/Shrimps)

- [Get the graph neighborhood of a class](http://localhost:9000/scigraph/graph/neighbors/pizza:PrawnsTopping)

- [Visualize the graph neighborhood of a class](http://localhost:9000/scigraph/graph/neighbors/pizza:AmericanHot.png)

- [Visualize a custom, domain specific Cypher query](http://localhost:9000/scigraph/dynamic/toppings.png?pizza_id=pizza:FourSeasons)

Also browse the [generated REST documentation](http://localhost:9000/scigraph/docs/)
to see some of the other resources.


Thanks to YourKit for providing an Open Source license.

YourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler.YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.