
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

C Multi-REST API library for Discord, Slack, Reddit, etc.

bot c curl discord discord-api discord-bot github reddit slack websockets

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

C Multi-REST API library for Discord, Slack, Reddit, etc.





Easy to reason, easy to debug, easy to use.

Join our Discord server:
Discord server

## About

Orca is implemented in plain C, its symbols are organized to be easily matched to the documentation of the API being covered.

This is done in order to:
* Minimize the need to thoroughly document every Orca API.
* Reduce our user's cognitive burden of having to read both Orca API documentation and supported REST API documentation.
* The codebase becomes easier to navigate.

Orca's implementation has minimum external dependencies to make bot deployment deadly simple.

### Design

- Easy to reason about the code: the most native data structures,
the simplest algorithms, and intuitive interfaces.

- Easy to debug (networking and logic) errors: extensive assertion
and logging facilities.

- Easy to use for the end users: highly scalable, all transfers made with
Orca are thread-safe.

### Minimal example

#include // strcmp()

void on_ready(struct discord *client)
const struct discord_user *bot = discord_get_self(client);
log_info("Logged in as %s!", bot->username);

void on_message(struct discord *client, const struct discord_message *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->content, "ping") != 0)
return; // ignore messages that aren't 'ping'

discord_async_next(client, NULL); // make next request non-blocking (OPTIONAL)
struct discord_create_message_params params = { .content = "pong" };
discord_create_message(client, msg->channel_id, &params, NULL);

int main(void)
struct discord *client = discord_init(BOT_TOKEN);
discord_set_on_ready(client, &on_ready);
discord_set_on_message_create(client, &on_message);
*This is a minimalistic example, refer to [`examples/`](examples/) for a better overview.*

## Build Instructions

### On Windows

* Install **WSL2** and get either Ubuntu or Debian [here](
* **Make sure you are in your Linux $HOME folder before proceeding!**
* Continue to [On Linux](#on-linux) and follow your distro's building steps.

### On Linux

The only dependency is `curl-7.4.1` or higher

#### Ubuntu and Debian

$ sudo apt install -y build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev

#### Void Linux

$ sudo xbps-install -S libcurl-devel
### Setting up your environment

#### Clone orca into your workspace

$ git clone && cd orca

#### Compile orca

$ make

### Configuring orca

The following outlines the default fields of `config.json`
"logging": { // logging directives
"level": "trace", // trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
"filename": "bot.log", // the output file
"quiet": false, // change to true to disable logs in console
"overwrite": false, // overwrite existing file with "filename"
"use_color": true, // log with color
"http": {
"enable": true, // generate http specific logging
"filename": "http.log" // the output file
"disable_modules": ["WEBSOCKETS", "USER_AGENT"] // disable logging for these modules
... // API directives (discord, slack, github, etc)

### Test Echo-Bot

1. Get your bot token and add it to `config.json`,
by assigning it to discord's "token" field. There are
well written instructions from the
about how to get your bot token and adding it to a server.
2. Build example executables:
$ make examples
3. Run Echo-Bot:
$ cd examples && ./bot-echo

#### Get Echo-Bot Response

Type a message in any channel the bot is part of and the bot should send an echo response in return.

#### Terminate Echo-Bot

With Ctrl+c or by closing the Terminal.

### Create your first bot

* Head to `my_bot/`, a special folder set-up for your convenience that may be modified freely.
* Read our guide for [building your first bot](docs/

## Installing orca

Orca can be installed in case developing inside of `my_bot/` doesn't suit your needs:
$ sudo make install

Included headers must be `orca/` prefixed:

### Standalone executable

#### GCC (Recommended)

$ gcc myBot.c -o myBot -pthread -ldiscord -lcurl

#### Clang

$ clang myBot.c -o myBot -pthread -ldiscord -lcurl

## Recommended debuggers

First, make sure your executable is compiled with the `-g` flag to ensure human-readable debugger messages.

### Valgrind

Using valgrind to check for memory leaks:

$ valgrind --leak-check=full ./myBot
For a more comprehensive guide check [Valgrind's Quick Start](

### GDB

Using GDB to check for runtime errors, such as segmentation faults:

$ gdb ./myBot
And then execute your bot from the gdb environment:
(gdb) run
If the program has crashed, get a backtrace of the function calls leading to it:
(gdb) bt

For a more comprehensive guide check [Beej's Quick Guide to GDB](

## Support

Problems? Check out our [Discord Server](

## Links

- [Documentation](
- [Building your first bot](docs/
- [Contributing](docs/

## Contributing
Check our [Contributing Guidelines](docs/ to get started! If you are here for the Discord API, please check our [Discord API Roadmap](docs/

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