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API first development platform

go micro

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API first development platform




# Micro

Go Report Card

Go.Dev reference
Apache License

Micro is an API first development platform. It addresses the core requirements for building services in the cloud by providing a set of APIs which act as the building blocks of any platform. Micro deals with the complexity of distributed systems and provides simpler programmable abstractions for developers to build on.

## Overview

## Architecture

Below are the core components that make up Micro

### Server

Micro is built as a microkernel architecture. It abstracts away the complexity of the underlying infrastructure by providing
a set of building block services composed as a single logical server for the end user to consume.

The server consists of the following services

- **Auth** - Authentication and authorization out of the box using JWT tokens and rule based access control.
- **Broker** - Ephemeral pubsub messaging for asynchronous communication and distributing notifications
- **Config** - Dynamic configuration and secrets management for service level config without reload
- **Events** - Event streaming with ordered messaging, replay from offsets and persistent storage
- **Network** - service-to-service networking and control plane for all internal request traffic
- **Runtime** - Service lifecycle and process management with support for source to running auto build
- **Registry** - Centralised service discovery and API endpoint explorer with feature rich metadata
- **Store** - Key-Value storage with TTL expiry and persistent crud to keep microservices stateless

### API

The server embeds a HTTP API (on port 8080) which can be used to make requests as simple JSON.
The API automatically maps HTTP Paths and POST requests to internal RPC service names and endpoints.

### Proxy

Additionally there's a gRPC proxy (on port 8081) which used to make requests via the CLI or externally.
The proxy is identity aware which means it can be used to gatekeep remote access to Micro running anywhere.

### Framework

Micro comes with a built in Go framework for service based development.
The framework lets you write services without piecing together endless lines of boilerplate code.
Configured and initialised by default, import it and get started.

### Command Line

The command line interface includes dynamic command mapping for all services running on the platform. It turns any service instantly into a CLI command along with flag parsing
for inputs. Includes support for environments, namespaces, creating and running services, status info and logs.

### Remote Environments

Micro bakes in the concept of `Environments`. Run your server locally for development and in the cloud for production,
seamlessly switch between them using the CLI command `micro env set [environment]`.

## Install

### From Source

make build

### Prebuilt Binaries

#### Windows

powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"

#### Linux

wget -q -O - | /bin/bash

#### MacOS

curl -fsSL | /bin/bash

### Run the server

The server starts with a single command ready to use

micro server

Now go to [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) and make sure the output is something like `{"version": "v3.10.1"}`.

## Usage

Set the environment e.g local

micro env set local

### Login to Micro

Default username/password: `admin/micro`

$ micro login
Enter username: admin
Enter password:
Successfully logged in.

See what's running:

$ micro services

### Create a Service

Generate a service using the template

micro new helloworld


Creating service helloworld

├── main.go
├── handler
│   └── helloworld.go
├── proto
│   └── helloworld.proto
├── Makefile
├── .gitignore
└── go.mod

download protoc zip packages (protoc-$VERSION-$ and install:


compile the proto file helloworld.proto:

cd helloworld
make init
go mod vendor
make proto

### Making changes

Edit the protobuf definition in `proto/helloworld.proto` and run `make proto` to recompile

Go to `handler/helloworld.go` to make changes to the response handler

type Helloworld struct{}

func New() *Helloworld {
return &Helloworld{}

func (h *Helloworld) Call(ctx context.Context, req *pb.Request, rsp *pb.Response) error {
rsp.Msg = "Hello " + req.Name
return nil

### Run the service

Run from local dir

micro run .

Or from a git url

micro run

### Check service status

$ micro status
helloworld latest running n/a 4s ago owner=admin, group=micro

### View service logs

$ micro logs helloworld
2020-10-06 17:52:21 file=service/service.go:195 level=info Starting [service] helloworld
2020-10-06 17:52:21 file=grpc/grpc.go:902 level=info Server [grpc] Listening on [::]:33975
2020-10-06 17:52:21 file=grpc/grpc.go:732 level=info Registry [service] Registering node: helloworld-67627b23-3336-4b92-a032-09d8d13ecf95

### Call via CLI

$ micro helloworld call --name=Jane
"msg": "Hello Jane"

### Call via API

curl "http://localhost:8080/helloworld/Call?name=John"

### Call via RPC

An RPC client is used within a service and must be run by micro

package main

import (

pb ""

func callService(hw pb.HelloworldService) {
for {
// call an endpoint on the service
rsp, err := hw.Call(context.Background(), &pb.CallRequest{
Name: "John",
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error calling helloworld: ", err)

// print the response
fmt.Println("Response: ", rsp.Message)


func main() {
// create and initialise a new service
srv := service.New(

// new helloworld client
hw := pb.NewHelloworldService("helloworld", srv.Client())

// run the client caller
go callService(hw)

// run the service

Run it

micro run .

### Call via Go

Get your user token

export TOKEN=`micro user token`

Call helloworld

package main

import (


type Request struct {
Name string `json:"name"`

type Response struct {
Msg string `json:"msg"`

func main() {
token := os.Getenv("TOKEN")
c := micro.NewClient(nil)

// set your api token

req := &Request{
Name: "John",

var rsp Response

if err := c.Call("helloworld", "Call", req, &rsp); err != nil {


Run it

go run main.go

### Call via JS

const micro = require('micro-js-client');

new micro.Client({ token: process.env.TOKEN })
.call('helloworld', 'Call', {"name": "Alice"})
.then((response) => {

## Get Started

For more see the [getting started]( guide.

## Dev Env

[1 click deploy]( a Micro Dev environment on a DigitalOcean Droplet