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Golang library for providing a canonical representation of email address.

email go golang normalization

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Golang library for providing a canonical representation of email address.




# go-email-normalizer - email normalization for Go

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This is Golang library for providing a canonical representation of email address. It allows
to prevent multiple signups. `go-email-normalizer` contains some popular providers but you can easily append others.

## Download

go get -u

## Usage

package main

import (
normalizer ""

type customRule struct {}

func (rule *customRule) ProcessUsername(username string) string {
return strings.Replace(username, "-", "", -1)

func (rule *customRule) ProcessDomain(domain string) string {
return domain

func main() {
n := normalizer.NewNormalizer()
fmt.Println(n.Normalize("[email protected]")) // [email protected]
fmt.Println(n.Normalize("[email protected]")) // [email protected]
fmt.Println(n.Normalize("[email protected]")) // [email protected]
fmt.Println(n.Normalize("[email protected]")) // [email protected]
fmt.Println(n.Normalize("[email protected]")) // [email protected]

n.AddRule("", &customRule{})
fmt.Println(n.Normalize(" [email protected].")) // [email protected]

## Supported providers

* Apple
* Fastmail
* Google
* Microsoft
* Protonmail
* Rackspace
* Rambler
* Yahoo
* Yandex
* Zoho

Also you can integrate other rules using `AddRule` function (see an example above)