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Drop-in replacement for the standard library errors package and

error errors stacktrace

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Drop-in replacement for the standard library errors package and




# Emperror: Errors [![Mentioned in Awesome Go](](

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**Drop-in replacement for the standard library `errors` package and [](**

This is a single, lightweight library merging the features of standard library `errors` package
and []( It also backports a few features
(like Go 1.13 error handling related features).

Standard library features:
- `New` creates an error with stack trace
- `Unwrap` supports both Go 1.13 wrapper (`interface { Unwrap() error }`) and **pkg/errors** causer (`interface { Cause() error }`) interface
- Backported `Is` and `As` functions

[]( features:
- `New`, `Errorf`, `WithMessage`, `WithMessagef`, `WithStack`, `Wrap`, `Wrapf` functions behave the same way as in the original library
- `Cause` supports both Go 1.13 wrapper (`interface { Unwrap() error }`) and **pkg/errors** causer (`interface { Cause() error }`) interface

Additional features:
- `NewPlain` creates a new error without any attached context, like stack trace
- `Sentinel` is a shorthand type for creating [constant error](
- `WithStackDepth` allows attaching stack trace with a custom caller depth
- `WithStackDepthIf`, `WithStackIf`, `WrapIf`, `WrapIff` only annotate errors with a stack trace if there isn't one already in the error chain
- Multi error aggregating multiple errors into a single value
- `NewWithDetails`, `WithDetails` and `Wrap*WithDetails` functions to add key-value pairs to an error
- Match errors using the `match` package

## Installation

go get

## Usage

package main

import ""

// ErrSomethingWentWrong is a sentinel error which can be useful within a single API layer.
const ErrSomethingWentWrong = errors.Sentinel("something went wrong")

// ErrMyError is an error that can be returned from a public API.
type ErrMyError struct {
Msg string

func (e ErrMyError) Error() string {
return e.Msg

func foo() error {
// Attach stack trace to the sentinel error.
return errors.WithStack(ErrSomethingWentWrong)

func bar() error {
return errors.Wrap(ErrMyError{"something went wrong"}, "error")

func main() {
if err := foo(); err != nil {
if errors.Cause(err) == ErrSomethingWentWrong { // or errors.Is(ErrSomethingWentWrong)
// handle error

if err := bar(); err != nil {
if errors.As(err, &ErrMyError{}) {
// handle error

Match errors:

package main

import (

// ErrSomethingWentWrong is a sentinel error which can be useful within a single API layer.
const ErrSomethingWentWrong = errors.Sentinel("something went wrong")

type clientError interface{
ClientError() bool

func foo() error {
// Attach stack trace to the sentinel error.
return errors.WithStack(ErrSomethingWentWrong)

func main() {
var ce clientError
matcher := match.Any{match.As(&ce), match.Is(ErrSomethingWentWrong)}

if err := foo(); err != nil {
if matcher.MatchError(err) {
// you can use matchers to write complex conditions for handling (or not) an error
// used in emperror

## Development

Contributions are welcome! :)

1. Clone the repository
1. Make changes on a new branch
1. Run the test suite:
./pleasew build
./pleasew test
./pleasew gotest
./pleasew lint
1. Commit, push and open a PR

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE) for more information.

Certain parts of this library are inspired by (or entirely copied from) various third party libraries.
Their licenses can be found in the [Third Party License File](LICENSE_THIRD_PARTY).

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