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A package to allow one to concurrently go through a filesystem with ease

awesome-go concurrency filesystem golang golang-package

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A package to allow one to concurrently go through a filesystem with ease




# skywalker [![GoDoc](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( [![codecov](]( [![Go Report Card](](

Skywalker is a package to allow one to concurrently go through a filesystem with ease.

## Features

- Concurrency
- BlackList filtering
- WhiteList filtering
- Filter by Directory
- Filter by Extension
- Glob Filtering (provided by [gobwas/glob](

> For matching to work properly across platforms. Please use `/`. In [gobwas/glob]( the `\` is an escape character (so you can escape `*`, `?`, etc...) making it difficult to know if you want to escape a character or go into directory.

## Example

package main

import (


type ExampleWorker struct {
found []string

func (ew *ExampleWorker) Work(path string) {
//This is where the necessary work should be done.
//This will get concurrently so make sure it is thread safe if you need info across threads.
defer ew.Unlock()
ew.found = append(ew.found, path)

func main() {
//Following two functions are only to create and destroy data for the example
defer teardownData()

ew := new(ExampleWorker)
ew.Mutex = new(sync.Mutex)

//root is the root directory of the data that was stood up above
sw := skywalker.New(root, ew)
sw.DirListType = skywalker.LTBlacklist
sw.DirList = []string{"sub"}
sw.ExtListType = skywalker.LTWhitelist
sw.ExtList = []string{".pdf"}
err := sw.Walk()
if err != nil {
for _, f := range ew.found {
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(f, sw.Root, "", 1))