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The chainy core + autoloader plugin

async builtwith-taskgroup chainy chainy-lib flow-based-programming flow-control

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

The chainy core + autoloader plugin




# Chainy

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Perhaps the most awesome way of interacting with data using a chainable API

## Install

### [NPM](
- Use: `require('chainy')`
- Install: `npm install --save chainy`

### [Browserify](
- Use: `require('chainy')`
- Install: `npm install --save chainy`
- CDN URL: `//[email protected]`

### [Ender](
- Use: `require('chainy')`
- Install: `ender add chainy`

## Usage

[Find the complete documentation for Chainy at the wiki](

``` javascript
// chainy install set map swap
.set(['some', 'data'])
.map(function(item, next){
return next(null, item.toUpperCase())
.action(function(item, next){
return next(null, item.join(' ')+'!')
.done(function(err, result){
if (err) throw err
console.log('result:', result) // result: SOME DATA!

## History
[Discover the change history by heading on over to the `` file.](

## Contribute

[Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the `` file.](

## Backers

### Maintainers

These amazing people are maintaining this project:

- Benjamin Lupton (

### Sponsors

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[![Flattr donate button](]( "Donate monthly to this project using Flattr")
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[![BitCoin donate button](]( "Donate once-off to this project using BitCoin")
[![Wishlist browse button](]( "Buy an item on our wishlist for us")

### Contributors

These amazing people have contributed code to this project:

- [Benjamin Lupton]( — [view contributions](

[Become a contributor!](

## License

Licensed under the incredibly [permissive]( [MIT license](

Copyright © 2014+ Bevry Pty Ltd (