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Swifty tool for visual testing iPhone and iPad apps. Every pixel counts.

pixelperfect sieve testing ui ux

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Swifty tool for visual testing iPhone and iPad apps. Every pixel counts.




# Cribble

Swift 4.0 compatible
Carthage compatible
CocoaPods compatible
Platform iOS
License: MIT

Cribble - a tool for visual testing iPhone and iPad apps. Every pixel counts.


# Getting Started

An [example app](Demo) is included demonstrating Cribble's functionality.

## Usage
Simply add the following lines into your app delegate:
import Cribble

override func motionBegan(_ motion: UIEventSubtype, with event: UIEvent?) {
guard motion == .motionShake else { return }

Cribble.shared.hidden = !Cribble.shared.hidden
Shake a device and explore ui's roughness.

## Custom options
You may want to use your own parameters for the grid. In that case simply use `CribbleOptions`:
let options = CribbleOptions(horizontalStep: 10, verticalStep: 10, opacity: 0.7, color:

Cribble.shared.options = options

# Installation

## CocoaPods
To integrate Cribble into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your `Podfile`:

pod 'Cribble'
## Carthage
Add the line `github "maxsokolov/cribble"` to your `Cartfile`.
## Manual
Clone the repo and drag files from `Sources` folder into your Xcode project.

# Requirements

- iOS 8.0
- Xcode 8.0

# Original idea

This project has been driven by product designer Oleg Frolov. Check out his amazing Dribble.

# License

Cribble is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.