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Python-like logging design in Golang

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Python-like logging design in Golang




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# Introduction

Package xylog is designed for [leveled](#logging-level) and
[structured](#structured-logging) logging, [dynamic fields](#macros),
[high performance](#benchmark), [zone management](#hierarchical-logger), simple
configuration, and readable syntax.

The library is combined by
[python logging]( design and
[zap]( encoding approach.

# Quick start

You can easily configure a logger with `SimpleConfig`.

There are some fields you can modify with this way (note that all fields are

- `Name` is the name of Logger. It can be used later with `GetLogger`
function. Default to an empty name (the root logger).

- `Encoding` to format the output. Default to `TextEncoding`.

- `Filename` specifies that `Logger` will write the output to a file. Do NOT
use together with `Writer`.

- `Filemode` specifies the mode to open file. Default to `APPEND` \| `CREATE`
\| `WRONLY`.

- `Fileperm` specifies the permission when creating the file. Default to 0666.

- `Level` specifies the logging level. Default to `WARNING`.

- `TimeLayout` when format the time string. Default to `RFC3339Nano`.

- `Writer` specifies that Logger will write the output to a file. Do NOT use
together with `Filename`.

var config = &xylog.SimpleConfig{
Name: "simple-logger",
Level: xylog.DEBUG,
Writer: os.Stdout,

var logger, err = config.AddMacro("level", "levelname").Apply()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred:", err)
defer xylog.Flush()

logger.Debug("logging message")
logger.Event("create-user").Field("username", "foo").
Field("email", "[email protected]").Field("Age", 25).Info()

// Output:
// level=DEBUG messsage="logging message"
// level=INFO event=create-user username=foo [email protected] Age=25

# Full configuration

`Logger` is directly used by application code. `Logger` names are dot-separated
hierarchical names, such as "a", "a.b", "a.b.c" or similar. For "a.b.c", its
parents are "a" and "a.b".

A `Logger` is obtained using `GetLogger` method. If the `Logger` with that name
didn't exist before, the method will create a new one. The `Logger` with empty
name is the root one.

var logger = xylog.GetLogger("example")
defer xylog.Flush()

`Handler` is responsible for generating logging messages. Like `Logger`,
`Handler` is also identified by its name, however, the name is not hierarchical.
Every `GetHandler` call with the same name gives the same `Handler`.

_Exception: `Handlers` with the empty names are always different._

var handler = xylog.GetHandler("handler")

`Emitter` writes logging messages to the specified output. Currently, only
`StreamEmitter` is supported. You can use any `Writer` in this `Emitter` type.

var emitter = xylog.NewStreamEmitter(os.Stdout)

When a logging method is called, the `Logger` creates a `LogRecord` and sends it
to underlying `Handlers`. `Handlers` convert `LogRecord` to text and send it
to `Emitters`.

A `Logger` can have multiple `Handlers`, and a `Handler` can have multiple


After preparing `Logger`, `Handler`, and `Emitter`, you can log the first

logger.Debug("foo") // This message is blocked by Logger's preferred level.

// Output:
// message=bar

# Logging level

Both `Logger` and `Handler` has its own preferred level. If a logging level is
lower than the preferred one, the message will not be logged.

By default:

- `Handler`'s preferred level is `NOTSET` (it logs all logging levels).
- `Logger`'s preferred level depends on its parents. When a `Logger` is newly
created, its preferred level is the nearest parent's one. The root logger's
preferred level is `WARNING`.

You can set a new preferred level for both `Logger` and `Handler`.



// Output:
// message=foo
// message=bar

In the following example, however, the first message with DEBUG can bypass the
`Logger`, but will be prevented by `Handler`.



// Output:
// message=bar

The numeric values of logging levels are given in the following table. If you
define a level with the same numeric value, it overwrites the predefined value.

| Level | Numeric value |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| CRITICAL | 50 |
| ERROR/FATAL | 40 |
| INFO | 20 |
| DEBUG | 10 |
| NOTSET | 0 |

# Structured logging

If the logging message has more than one field, `EventLogger` can help.

logger.Event("add-user").Field("name", "david").Field("email", "[email protected]").Info()

// Output:
// event=add-user name=david [email protected]

You also add a field to `Logger` or `Handler` permanently. All logging messages
will always include permanent fields.

logger.AddField("host", "localhost")
handler.AddField("port", 3333)

logger.Info("start server")

// Output:
// host=localhost port=3333 message="start server"

_NOTE: Fixed fields added to `Handler` will log faster than the one added to `Logger`_

`Handler` can support different encoding types. By default, it is

You can log the message with JSON format too.

import ""


logger.Warning("this is a message")
logger.Event("failed").Field("id", 1).Error()

// Output:
// {"message":"this is a message"}
// {"event":"failed","id": 1}

# Macros

You can log special fields whose values change every time you log. These fields
called macros.

Only the `Handler` can add macros.

handler.AddMacro("level", "levelname")

logger.Warning("this is a warning message")

// Output:
// level=WARNING message="this is a warning message"

The following table shows supported macros.

| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `asctime` | Textual time when the LogRecord was created. |
| `created` | Time when the LogRecord was created (time.Now().Unix() return value). |
| `filename`\* | Filename portion of pathname. |
| `funcname`\* | Function name logged the record. |
| `levelname` | Text logging level for the message ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"). |
| `levelno` | Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). |
| `lineno`\* | Source line number where the logging call was issued. |
| `module`\* | The module called log method. |
| `msecs` | Millisecond portion of the creation time. |
| `name` | Name of the logger. |
| `pathname` | Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued. |
| `process` | Process ID. |
| `relativeCreated` | Time in milliseconds between the time LogRecord was created and the time the logging module was loaded. |

_\* These are macros that are only available if `xylog.SetFindCaller` is called with `true`._

# Filter

`Filter` can be used by `Handlers` and `Loggers` for more sophisticated
filtering than is provided by levels.

A `Filter` instance needs to define `Filter(LogRecord)` method, which returns
`true` if it allows logging the `LogRecord`, and vice versa.

type NameFilter struct {
name string

func (f *NameFilter) Filter(record xylog.LogRecord) bool {
return == record.Name


var userLogger = xylog.GetLogger("example.user")
var serviceLogger = xylog.GetLogger("example.service")

userLogger.Warning("this is the user logger")
serviceLogger.Warning("this is the service logger")

// Output:
// message="this is the user logger"

# Hierarchical logger

As the first section mentioned, the `Logger`'s name is hierarchical. With this
feature, you can setup a common `Logger` with a specified configuration and uses
in different application zones.

// common/setup.go
func init() {
var emitter = xylog.NewStreamEmitter(os.Stderr)
var handler = xylog.GetHandler("")
handler.AddMacro("time", "asctime")
handler.AddMacro("level", "levelname")

var logger = xylog.GetLogger("parent")

// user/foo.go
import _ "common"

var logger = xylog.GetLogger("parent.user")
defer xylog.Flush()
logger.AddField("module", "user")

logger.Info("this is user module")
logger.Debug("this is a not logged message")

// Output:
// time=[time] level=INFO module=user message="this is user module"

// service/bar.go
import _ "common"

var logger = xylog.GetLogger("parent.service")
defer xylog.Flush()
logger.AddField("module", "service")
logger.AddField("service", "bar")

logger.Warning("this is service module")

// Output:
// time=[time] level=INFO module=service service=bar message="this is service module"

# Benchmark

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H (3.2Ghz)

These benchmark of xylog are measured with `SetFindCaller` is called with

_NOTE: The benchmarks are run on a different CPU from the [origin](, so the benchmark values may be different too._

Log a message and 10 fields:

| Package | Time | Time % to zap | Objects Allocated |
| :------------------ | ----------: | ------------: | ----------------: |
| :zap: zap | 1707 ns/op | +0% | 5 allocs/op |
| :zap: zap (sugared) | 2043 ns/op | +20% | 10 allocs/op |
| zerolog | 884 ns/op | -48% | 1 allocs/op |
| go-kit | 6255 ns/op | +266% | 58 allocs/op |
| logrus | 8384 ns/op | +391% | 80 allocs/op |
| apex/log | 22707 ns/op | +1230% | 65 allocs/op |
| log15 | 25461 ns/op | +1391% | 75 allocs/op |
| :rocket: xylog | 3518 ns/op | +106% | 77 allocs/op |

Log a message with a logger that already has 10 fields of context:

| Package | Time | Time % to zap | Objects Allocated |
| :------------------ | ----------: | ------------: | ----------------: |
| :zap: zap | 140 ns/op | +0% | 0 allocs/op |
| :zap: zap (sugared) | 181 ns/op | +29% | 1 allocs/op |
| zerolog | 89 ns/op | -36% | 0 allocs/op |
| go-kit | 5963 ns/op | +4159% | 57 allocs/op |
| logrus | 6590 ns/op | +4607% | 69 allocs/op |
| apex/log | 21777 ns/op | +15455% | 54 allocs/op |
| log15 | 15124 ns/op | +10702% | 71 allocs/op |
| :rocket: xylog | 416 ns/op | +197% | 6 allocs/op |

Log a static string, without any context or `printf`-style templating:

| Package | Time | Time % to zap | Objects Allocated |
| :------------------ | ---------: | ------------: | ----------------: |
| :zap: zap | 154 ns/op | +0% | 0 allocs/op |
| :zap: zap (sugared) | 195 ns/op | +27% | 1 allocs/op |
| zerolog | 87 ns/op | -44% | 0 allocs/op |
| go-kit | 382 ns/op | +148% | 10 allocs/op |
| logrus | 1008 ns/op | +554% | 24 allocs/op |
| apex/log | 1744 ns/op | +1032% | 6 allocs/op |
| log15 | 4246 ns/op | +2657% | 21 allocs/op |
| :rocket: xylog | 447 ns/op | +190% | 6 allocs/op |