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Easily create a Mongoose Service for Feathersjs.

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Easily create a Mongoose Service for Feathersjs.




# feathers-mongoose

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A [Feathers]( database adapter for [Mongoose](, an object modeling tool for [MongoDB](

$ npm install --save mongoose feathers-mongoose

> __Important:__ `feathers-mongoose` implements the [Feathers Common database adapter API]( and [querying syntax](

> This adapter also requires a [running MongoDB]( database server.

## API

### `service(options)`

Returns a new service instance initialized with the given options. `Model` has to be a Mongoose model. See the [Mongoose Guide]( for more information on defining your model.

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const service = require('feathers-mongoose');

// A module that exports your Mongoose model
const Model = require('./models/message');

// Make Mongoose use the ES6 promise
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

// Connect to a local database called `feathers`

app.use('/messages', service({ Model }));
app.use('/messages', service({ Model, lean, id, events, paginate }));


- `Model` (**required**) - The Mongoose model definition
- `lean` (*optional*, default: `true`) - Runs queries faster by returning plain objects instead of Mongoose models.
- `id` (*optional*, default: `'_id'`) - The name of the id field property.
- `events` (*optional*) - A list of [custom service events]( sent by this service
- `paginate` (*optional*) - A [pagination object]( containing a `default` and `max` page size
- `whitelist` (*optional*) - A list of additional query parameters to allow (e..g `[ '$regex', '$populate' ]`)
- `multi` (*optional*) - Allow `create` with arrays and `update` and `remove` with `id` `null` to change multiple items. Can be `true` for all methods or an array of allowed methods (e.g. `[ 'remove', 'create' ]`)
- `overwrite` (*optional*, default: `true`) - Overwrite the document when update, making mongoose detect is new document and trigger default value for unspecified properties in mongoose schema.
- `discriminators` (*optional*) - A list of mongoose models that inherit from `Model`.
- `useEstimatedDocumentCount` (*optional*, default: `false`) - Use `estimatedDocumentCount` instead (usually not necessary)
- `queryModifier` (*optional*) - A function that takes in the raw mongoose Query object and params, which modifies all find and get requests unless overridden. (see Query Modifiers below)
- `queryModifierKey` (*optional*, default: `'queryModifier'`) - The key to use to get the override query modifier function from the params. (see Query Modifiers below)

> **Important:** To avoid odd error handling behaviour, always set `mongoose.Promise = global.Promise`. If not available already, Feathers comes with a polyfill for native Promises.

> **Important:** When setting `lean` to `false`, Mongoose models will be returned which can not be modified unless they are converted to a regular JavaScript object via `toObject`.

> **Note:** You can get access to the Mongoose model via `this.Model` inside a [hook]( and use it as usual. See the [Mongoose Guide]( for more information on defining your model.

### params.mongoose

When making a [service method]( call, `params` can contain a `mongoose` property which allows you to modify the options used to run the Mongoose query. Normally, this will be set in a before [hook](

before: {
patch(context) {
// Set some additional Mongoose options
// The adapter tries to use these settings by defaults
// but they can always be changed here
context.params.mongoose = {
runValidators: true,
setDefaultsOnInsert: true

The `mongoose` property is also useful for performing upserts on a `patch` request. "Upserts" do an update if a matching record is found, or insert a record if there's no existing match. The following example will create a document that matches the `data`, or if there's already a record that matches the `params.query`, that record will be updated.

Using the `writeResult` mongoose option will return the write result of a `patch` operation, including the _ids of all upserted or modified documents. This can be helpful alongside the `upsert` flag, for detecting whether the outcome was a find or insert operation. More on write results is available in the [Mongo documentation](

const data = { address: '123', identifier: 'my-identifier' }
const params = {
query: { address: '123' },
mongoose: { upsert: true, writeResult: true }
app.service('address-meta').patch(null, data, params)

## Example

Here's a complete example of a Feathers server with a `messages` Mongoose service.

$ npm install @feathersjs/feathers @feathersjs/errors @feathersjs/express @feathersjs/socketio mongoose feathers-mongoose

In `message-model.js`:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const MessageSchema = new Schema({
text: {
type: String,
required: true
const Model = mongoose.model('Message', MessageSchema);

module.exports = Model;

Then in `app.js`:

const feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers');
const express = require('@feathersjs/express');
const socketio = require('@feathersjs/socketio');

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const service = require('feathers-mongoose');

const Model = require('./message-model');

mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

// Connect to your MongoDB instance(s)

// Create an Express compatible Feathers application instance.
const app = express(feathers());

// Turn on JSON parser for REST services
// Turn on URL-encoded parser for REST services
app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: true}));
// Enable REST services
// Enable services
// Connect to the db, create and register a Feathers service.
app.use('/messages', service({
lean: true, // set to false if you want Mongoose documents returned
paginate: {
default: 2,
max: 4

// Create a dummy Message
text: 'Message created on server'
}).then(function(message) {
console.log('Created message', message);

// Start the server.
const port = 3030;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Feathers server listening on port ${port}`);

You can run this example by using `node app` and go to [localhost:3030/messages](http://localhost:3030/messages).

## Querying, Validation

Mongoose by default gives you the ability to add [validations at the model level]( Using an error handler like the one that [comes with Feathers]( your validation errors will be formatted nicely right out of the box!

For more information on querying and validation refer to the [Mongoose documentation](

## $populate

For Mongoose, the special `$populate` query parameter can be used to allow [Mongoose query population](

> **Important:** `$populate` has to be whitelisted explicitly since it can expose protected fields in sub-documents (like the user password) which have to be removed manually.

const mongoose = require('feathers-mongoose');

app.use('/posts', mongoose({
whitelist: [ '$populate' ]

query: { $populate: 'user' }

## Error handling

As of v7.3.0, the original Mongoose error can be retrieved on the server via:

const { ERROR } = require('feathers-mongoose');

try {
await app.service('posts').create({ value: 'invalid' });
} catch(error) {
// error is a FeathersError
// Safely retrieve the original Mongoose error
const mongooseError = error[ERROR];

## Discriminators (Inheritance)

Instead of strict inheritance, Mongoose uses [discriminators]( as their schema inheritance model.
To use them, pass in a `discriminatorKey` option to your schema object and use `Model.discriminator('modelName', schema)` instead of `mongoose.model()`

Feathers comes with full support for mongoose discriminators, allowing for automatic fetching of inherited types. A typical use case might look like:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Post = require('./post');
var feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers');
var app = feathers();
var service = require('feathers-mongoose');

// Discriminator key, we'll use this later to refer to all text posts
var options = {
discriminatorKey: '_type'

var TextPostSchema = new Schema({
text: { type: String, default: null }
}, options);

// Note the use of `Post.discriminator` rather than `mongoose.discriminator`.
var TextPost = Post.discriminator('text', TextPostSchema);

// Using the discriminators option, let feathers know about any inherited models you may have
// for that service
app.use('/posts', service({
Model: Post,
discriminators: [TextPost]


Without support for discriminators, when you perform a `.get` on the posts service, you'd only get back `Post` models, not `TextPost` models.
Now in your query, you can specify a value for your discriminatorKey:

_type: 'text'

and Feathers will automatically swap in the correct model and execute the query it instead of its parent model.

## Collation Support

This adapter includes support for [collation and case insensitive indexes available in MongoDB v3.4]( Collation parameters may be passed using the special `collation` parameter to the `find()`, `remove()` and `patch()` methods.

### Example: Patch records with case-insensitive alphabetical ordering

The example below would patch all student records with grades of `'c'` or `'C'` and above (a natural language ordering). Without collations this would not be as simple, since the comparison `{ $gt: 'c' }` would not include uppercase grades of `'C'` because the code point of `'C'` is less than that of `'c'`.

const patch = { shouldStudyMore: true };
const query = { grade: { $gte: 'c' } };
const collation = { locale: 'en', strength: 1 };
students.patch(null, patch, { query, collation }).then( ... );

### Example: Find records with a case-insensitive search

Similar to the above example, this would find students with a grade of `'c'` or greater, in a case-insensitive manner.

const query = { grade: { $gte: 'c' } };
const collation = { locale: 'en', strength: 1 };
students.find({ query, collation }).then( ... );

For more information on MongoDB's collation feature, visit the [collation reference page](

## Mongo-DB Transaction

This adapter includes support to enable database transaction to rollback the persisted records for any error occured for a api call. This requires [Mongo-DB v4.x]( installed and [replica-set]( enabled.

Start working with transaction enabled by adding the following lines in `app.hooks.js` or `.hooks.js`.

const TransactionManager = require('feathers-mongoose').TransactionManager;
const isTransactionEnable = process.env.TRANSACTION_ENABLE || false;
const skipPath = ['login'];

let moduleExports = {
before: {
all: [],
find: [],
get: [],
create: [
when(isTransactionEnable, async hook =>
TransactionManager.beginTransaction(hook, skipPath)
update: [
when(isTransactionEnable, async hook =>
TransactionManager.beginTransaction(hook, skipPath)
patch: [],
remove: []

after: {
all: [],
find: [],
get: [],
create: [when(isTransactionEnable, TransactionManager.commitTransaction)],
update: [when(isTransactionEnable, TransactionManager.commitTransaction)],
patch: [],
remove: []

error: {
all: [],
find: [],
get: [],
create: [when(isTransactionEnable, TransactionManager.rollbackTransaction)],
update: [when(isTransactionEnable, TransactionManager.rollbackTransaction)],
patch: [],
remove: []

module.exports = moduleExports;

## Query Modifiers

Sometimes it's important to use an unusual Mongoose Query method, like [specifying whether to read from a primary or secondary node,]( but maybe only for certain requests.

You can access the internal Mongoose Query object used for a find/get request by specifying the queryModifier function. It is also possible to override that global function by specifying the function in a requests params.

// Specify a global query modifier when creating the service
app.use('/messages', service({
queryModifier: (query, params) => {'secondaryPreferred');

query: { ... },
}).then((result) => {
console.log('Result from secondary:', result)

// Override the modifier on a per-request basis
query: { ... },
queryModifier: (query, params) => {'primaryPreferred');
}).then((result) => {
console.log('Result from primary:', result)

// Disable the global modifier on a per-request basis
query: { ... },
queryModifier: false
}).then((result) => {
console.log('Result from default option:', result)

> **Note:** Due to replication lag, a secondary node can have "stale" data. You should ensure that this "staleness" will not be an issue for your application before reading from the secondary set.

## Contributing

This module is community maintained and open for pull requests. Features and bug fixes should contain

- The bug fix / feature code
- Tests to reproduce the bug or test the feature
- Documentation updates (if necessary)

To contribute, fork and clone the repository. To run the tests, a MongoDB v4.0.0 server is required. If you do not have a MongoDB server running you can start one with:

npm run mongodb

The command needs to stay open while running the tests with

npm test

## License


## Authors

- [Feathers contributors](