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A HTTP Media Caching Framework. It can cache FILE or HLS media. 音视频边播边缓存框架, 支持 HLS(m3u8) 和 FILE(mp4, mp3等).

audio cache hls hls-media m3u8 media mp3 mp4 player prefetch video video-cache vod

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A HTTP Media Caching Framework. It can cache FILE or HLS media. 音视频边播边缓存框架, 支持 HLS(m3u8) 和 FILE(mp4, mp3等).




# SJMediaCacheServer

SJMediaCacheServer is a HTTP Media Caching Framework. It can cache FILE or HLS media.

## Features
- Support cache FILE and HLS media.
- Support prefetch media.

## Installation
pod 'SJUIKit/SQLite3', :podspec => ''
pod 'SJMediaCacheServer'

## 使用介绍


## Usage

- Play

NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://.../auido.mp3"];
NSURL *playbackURL = [SJMediaCacheServer.shared playbackURLWithURL:URL];
AVPlayer *player = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:playbackURL];
[player play];

- Prefetch

[SJMediaCacheServer.shared prefetchWithURL:URL preloadSize:20 * 1024 * 1024 progress:^(float progress) {
NSLog(@"%lf", progress);
} completed:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"%@", error);

// The task to cancel the current prefetching.
id task = [SJMediaCacheServer.shared prefetchWithURL:URL preloadSize:20 * 1024 * 1024 progress:^(float progress) {
NSLog(@"%lf", progress);
} completed:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"%@", error);
// cancel
[task cancel];

- Download request configuration

SJMediaCacheServer.shared.requestHandler = ^NSMutableURLRequest * _Nullable(NSMutableURLRequest * _Nonnull request) {
[request addValue:@"value1" forHTTPHeaderField:@"header filed1"];
[request addValue:@"value2" forHTTPHeaderField:@"header filed2"];
return request;

- Other configuration

@interface SJMediaCacheServer (Convert)

/// Resolve the identifier of the resource referenced by the URL.
/// The resource identifier represents a unique resource. When different URLs references the same resource, you can set the block to resolve the identifier.
/// This identifier will be used to identify the local cache. The same identifier will references the same cache.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *(^resolveResourceIdentifier)(NSURL *URL); // URL参数不固定时, 请设置该block返回一个唯一标识符

/// Encode the received data.
/// This block will be invoked when the download server receives the data, where you can perform some encoding operations on the data.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSData *(^writeDataEncoder)(NSURLRequest *request, NSUInteger offset, NSData *data); // 对下载的数据进行编码

/// Decode the read data.
/// This block will be invoked when the reader reads the data, where you can perform some decoding operations on the data.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSData *(^readDataDecoder)(NSURLRequest *request, NSUInteger offset, NSData *data); // 对读取的数据进行解码


@interface SJMediaCacheServer (Log)

/// Whether to open the console log, only in debug mode. release mode will not generate any logs.
/// If yes, the log will be output on the console. The default value is NO.
@property (nonatomic, getter=isEnabledConsoleLog) BOOL enabledConsoleLog; // 是否开启控制日志


@interface SJMediaCacheServer (Cache)

/// The maximum number of resources the cache should hold.
/// If 0, there is no count limit. The default value is 0.
/// This is not a strict limit—if the cache goes over the limit, a resource in the cache could be evicted instantly, later, or possibly never, depending on the usage details of the resource.
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger cacheCountLimit; // 个数限制

/// The maximum length of time to keep a resource in the cache, in seconds.
/// If 0, there is no expiring limit. The default value is 0.
@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval maxDiskAgeForCache; // 保存时长限制

/// The maximum size of the disk cache, in bytes.
/// If 0, there is no cache size limit. The default value is 0.
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger maxDiskSizeForCache; // 缓存占用的磁盘空间限制

/// The maximum length of free disk space the device should reserved, in bytes.
/// When the free disk space of device is less than or equal to this value, some resources will be removed.
/// If 0, there is no disk space limit. The default value is 0.
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger reservedFreeDiskSpace; // 剩余磁盘空间限制

/// Empties the cache. This method may blocks the calling thread until file delete finished.
- (void)removeAllCaches; // 删除全部缓存

## License

SJMediaCacheServer is released under the MIT license.

## Feedback

- GitHub : [changsanjiang](
- Email : [email protected]
- QQGroup: 930508201

## Reference
- [KTVHTTPCache]( - KTVHTTPCache is a powerful media cache framework. It can cache HTTP request, and very suitable for media resources.
