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Distribute FeathersJS apps over the network with inter-service communication using HTTP protocol

distributed docker feathers feathersjs http kubernetes microservices

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Distribute FeathersJS apps over the network with inter-service communication using HTTP protocol




# feathers-http-distributed

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Distribute FeathersJS apps over the network with inter-service communication using HTTP protocol.

### Install

npm install --save feathers-http-distributed

### Init

const feathers = require('@feathersjs/feathers');
const distributed = require('feathers-http-distributed');

const app = feathers();


##### Options

| Option | Type | Default | Required | Description |
| --- |:---: | :---: | :---: | --- |
| protocol | string | `'http'` | no | Protocol to use when calling remote services.

Supported protocols are `http` & `https`. |
| host | string | `null` | no | Default hostname to use when calling remote services. |
| port | number | `80` | no | Port number to use when calling remote services.

Defaults to the default port of the selected protocol. |
| dnsSuffix | string | `''` | no | DNS suffix that will be added to the `host` when calling remote services. |
| pathToHost | boolean
function | `false` | no | If `host` is not set, path will be converted into `host` by replacing all the non-alphanumeric characters to `-`.

Can also be set with a custom method that receives a path and returns a `host`. |
| timeout | number | `0` | no | Request timeout in milliseconds.

Set to `0` to disable timeout.

If timeout is enabled, by default, it will include the time spent on retries. |
| proxy | object | `null` | no | Transparent HTTP proxy to forward requests to remote services.

Set the `proxy` object with `host` & `port`.

If proxy authentication is required, set the `auth` key with object containing the `username` & `password` keys. |
| excludeParams | string[] | `null` | no | List of keys to exclude from the `params` object of the remote service call before sending the request. |
| maxRedirects | number | `5` | no | Maximum redirects to follow.

Set to `0` to disable redirects. |
| keepAlive | boolean | `false` | no | Use HTTP persistent connections with HTTP keep-alive. |
| internalRequestHeader | string | `X-Internal-Request` | no | Name of the request header that is sent with each request to remote service.

This header is used to identify the request as internal and contains the `params` object of the service call.

**Add rule in your external API Gateway or load-balancer to remove this header from all incoming requests.** |
| retry | boolean
object | `false` | no | Retry failed requests on a network error or when receiving 5xx error on an idempotent request (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT or DELETE).

By default, it will retry failed requests 3 times without delay.

List of all the supported retry options is available [here]( |

### Call remote service

const result = await app.service('remote').find({});

const result = await app.service('remote').find({ host: 'remote-app' });

##### Params

| Option | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | :---: | :---: | --- |
| protocol | string | no | Overrides the `protocol` init option. |
| host | string | no | Overrides the `host` and `pathToHost` init options. |
| port | number | no | Overrides the `port` init option. |
| dnsSuffix | string | no | Overrides the `dnsSuffix` init option. |
| timeout | number | no | Overrides the `timeout` init option. |
| proxy | object | no | Overrides the `proxy` init option. |

### Middleware

Use the `handleInternalRequest` method to detect and handle incoming HTTP requests from remote FeathersJS apps.

When `handleInternalRequest` returns `true`, skip any further custom middlewares that should only apply to external HTTP requests.

const { handleInternalRequest } = require('feathers-http-distributed');

app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (handleInternalRequest(req)) {


// Add here custom middlewares that only applies to external HTTP requests

### Security

Secure your network by adding a rule in your external API Gateway or load-balancer to remove the `X-Internal-Request` request header from all the incoming requests.

### Debug logs

Debug logs can be enabled by settings the `DEBUG` environment variable to `feathers-http-distributed*,axios`.

### Debugging in Kubernetes

The `proxy` option can be used to forward requests from a FeathersJS app running locally to remote services inside Kubernetes clusters with the help of transparent HTTP proxies.

Tools like [Telepresence]( helps with debugging incoming traffic that goes into Kubernetes pods, by swapping the pods with proxy pods and redirects incoming traffic to a local port on the host.

With the `proxy` option set, you can simply run [Telepresence]( with the [`inject-tcp` proxying method]( and debug your FeathersJS app as you normally do.

See [here]( for example of deploying transparent HTTP proxy with Docker.