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An IPFS Pinning Service HTTP Client for TypeScript / Javascript

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An IPFS Pinning Service HTTP Client for TypeScript / Javascript




## IPFS Pinning Service API Client for JS

This client was generated using [OpenAPI Generator]( from the [IPFS Pinning Service API spec](

You can see the commands used to generate the client in the `gen:fetch` npm script.

### Usage

npm install @ipfs-shipyard/pinning-service-client --save

This client only has a programmatic API at the moment (no CLI). You use it like so:


import { Configuration, RemotePinningServiceClient, Status } from '@ipfs-shipyard/pinning-service-client'
import type { PinsGetRequest, PinResults } from '@ipfs-shipyard/pinning-service-client'

const config = new Configuration({
endpointUrl, // the URI for your pinning provider, e.g. `http://localhost:3000`
accessToken, // the secret token/key given to you by your pinning provider
// fetchApi: fetch, // You can pass your own fetchApi implementation, but we use fetch-ponyfill by default.

const client = new RemotePinningServiceClient(config)

(async () => {
// Get 10 failed Pins
const pinsGetOptions: PinsGetRequest = {
limit: 10,
status: new Set([Status.Failed]) // requires a set, and not an array
const {count, results}: PinResults = await client.pinsGet(pinsGetOptions)

console.log(count, results)



## Developing

### Building

To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:
npm install
npm run build

### Contributing

See [](

### Publishing

First build the package then run ```npm publish```

## License

Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.