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Probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in TensorFlow

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Probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in TensorFlow




# TensorFlow Probability

TensorFlow Probability is a library for probabilistic reasoning and statistical
analysis in TensorFlow. As part of the TensorFlow ecosystem, TensorFlow
Probability provides integration of probabilistic methods with deep networks,
gradient-based inference via automatic differentiation, and scalability to
large datasets and models via hardware acceleration (e.g., GPUs) and distributed

__TFP also works as "Tensor-friendly Probability" in pure JAX!__:
`from tensorflow_probability.substrates import jax as tfp` --
Learn more [here](

Our probabilistic machine learning tools are structured as follows.

__Layer 0: TensorFlow.__ Numerical operations. In particular, the LinearOperator
class enables matrix-free implementations that can exploit special structure
(diagonal, low-rank, etc.) for efficient computation. It is built and maintained
by the TensorFlow Probability team and is now part of
in core TF.

__Layer 1: Statistical Building Blocks__

* Distributions ([`tfp.distributions`](
A large collection of probability
distributions and related statistics with batch and
semantics. See the
[Distributions Tutorial](
* Bijectors ([`tfp.bijectors`](
Reversible and composable transformations of random variables. Bijectors
provide a rich class of transformed distributions, from classical examples
like the
[log-normal distribution](
to sophisticated deep learning models such as
[masked autoregressive flows](

__Layer 2: Model Building__

* Joint Distributions (e.g., [`tfp.distributions.JointDistributionSequential`](
Joint distributions over one or more possibly-interdependent distributions.
For an introduction to modeling with TFP's `JointDistribution`s, check out
[this colab](
* Probabilistic Layers ([`tfp.layers`](
Neural network layers with uncertainty over the functions they represent,
extending TensorFlow Layers.

__Layer 3: Probabilistic Inference__

* Markov chain Monte Carlo ([`tfp.mcmc`](
Algorithms for approximating integrals via sampling. Includes
[Hamiltonian Monte Carlo](,
random-walk Metropolis-Hastings, and the ability to build custom transition
* Variational Inference ([``](
Algorithms for approximating integrals via optimization.
* Optimizers ([`tfp.optimizer`](
Stochastic optimization methods, extending TensorFlow Optimizers. Includes
[Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics](
* Monte Carlo ([`tfp.monte_carlo`](
Tools for computing Monte Carlo expectations.

TensorFlow Probability is under active development. Interfaces may change at any

## Examples

See [`tensorflow_probability/examples/`](
for end-to-end examples. It includes tutorial notebooks such as:

* [Linear Mixed Effects Models](
A hierarchical linear model for sharing statistical strength across examples.
* [Eight Schools](
A hierarchical normal model for exchangeable treatment effects.
* [Hierarchical Linear Models](
Hierarchical linear models compared among TensorFlow Probability, R, and Stan.
* [Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Models](
Clustering with a probabilistic generative model.
* [Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis](
Dimensionality reduction with latent variables.
* [Gaussian Copulas](
Probability distributions for capturing dependence across random variables.
* [TensorFlow Distributions: A Gentle Introduction](
Introduction to TensorFlow Distributions.
* [Understanding TensorFlow Distributions Shapes](
How to distinguish between samples, batches, and events for arbitrarily shaped
probabilistic computations.
* [TensorFlow Probability Case Study: Covariance Estimation](
A user's case study in applying TensorFlow Probability to estimate covariances.

It also includes example scripts such as:

Representation learning with a latent code and variational inference.
* [Vector-Quantized Autoencoder](
Discrete representation learning with vector quantization.
* [Disentangled Sequential Variational Autoencoder](
Disentangled representation learning over sequences with variational inference.
* [Bayesian Neural Networks](
Neural networks with uncertainty over their weights.
* [Bayesian Logistic Regression](
Bayesian inference for binary classification.

## Installation

For additional details on installing TensorFlow, guidance installing
prerequisites, and (optionally) setting up virtual environments, see the
[TensorFlow installation guide](

### Stable Builds

To install the latest stable version, run the following:

# Notes:

# - The `--upgrade` flag ensures you'll get the latest version.
# - The `--user` flag ensures the packages are installed to your user directory
# rather than the system directory.
# - TensorFlow 2 packages require a pip >= 19.0
python -m pip install --upgrade --user pip
python -m pip install --upgrade --user tensorflow tensorflow_probability

For CPU-only usage (and a smaller install), install with `tensorflow-cpu`.

To use a pre-2.0 version of TensorFlow, run:

python -m pip install --upgrade --user "tensorflow<2" "tensorflow_probability<0.9"

Note: Since [TensorFlow]( is *not* included
as a dependency of the TensorFlow Probability package (in ``), you must
explicitly install the TensorFlow package (`tensorflow` or `tensorflow-cpu`).
This allows us to maintain one package instead of separate packages for CPU and
GPU-enabled TensorFlow. See the
[TFP release notes]( for more
details about dependencies between TensorFlow and TensorFlow Probability.

### Nightly Builds

There are also nightly builds of TensorFlow Probability under the pip package
`tfp-nightly`, which depends on one of `tf-nightly` or `tf-nightly-cpu`.
Nightly builds include newer features, but may be less stable than the
versioned releases. Both stable and nightly docs are available

python -m pip install --upgrade --user tf-nightly tfp-nightly

### Installing from Source

You can also install from source. This requires the [Bazel]( build system. It is highly recommended that you install
the nightly build of TensorFlow (`tf-nightly`) before trying to build
TensorFlow Probability from source. The most recent version of Bazel that TFP
currently supports is 6.4.0; support for 7.0.0+ is WIP.

# sudo apt-get install bazel git python-pip # Ubuntu; others, see above links.
python -m pip install --upgrade --user tf-nightly
git clone
cd probability
bazel build --copt=-O3 --copt=-march=native :pip_pkg
PKGDIR=$(mktemp -d)
./bazel-bin/pip_pkg $PKGDIR
python -m pip install --upgrade --user $PKGDIR/*.whl

## Community

As part of TensorFlow, we're committed to fostering an open and welcoming

* [Stack Overflow]( Ask
or answer technical questions.
* [GitHub]( Report bugs or
make feature requests.
* [TensorFlow Blog]( Stay up to date on content
from the TensorFlow team and best articles from the community.
* [Youtube Channel]( Follow TensorFlow shows.
* [[email protected]](!forum/tfprobability):
Open mailing list for discussion and questions.

See the [TensorFlow Community]( page for
more details. Check out our latest publicity here:

+ [Coffee with a Googler: Probabilistic Machine Learning in TensorFlow](
+ [Introducing TensorFlow Probability](

## Contributing

We're eager to collaborate with you! See [``](
for a guide on how to contribute. This project adheres to TensorFlow's
[code of conduct]( By participating, you are expected to
uphold this code.

## References

If you use TensorFlow Probability in a paper, please cite:

+ _TensorFlow Distributions._ Joshua V. Dillon, Ian Langmore, Dustin Tran,
Eugene Brevdo, Srinivas Vasudevan, Dave Moore, Brian Patton, Alex Alemi, Matt
Hoffman, Rif A. Saurous.
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.10604, 2017](

(We're aware there's a lot more to TensorFlow Probability than Distributions, but the Distributions paper lays out our vision and is a fine thing to cite for now.)