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A simple Go package to Query over JSON/YAML/XML/CSV Data

go-json go-json-query go-query gojsonq gojsonquery golang-json golang-json-query golang-query json json-query jsonq query

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

A simple Go package to Query over JSON/YAML/XML/CSV Data





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A simple Go package to Query over JSON Data. It provides [simple](, [elegant]( and [fast]( [ODM]( like API to access, query JSON document

### Installation

Install the package using
$ go get

### Usage

To use the package import it in your `*.go` code
import ""

Let's see a quick example:

[See in playground](

package main

import gojsonq ""

func main() {
const json = `{"name":{"first":"Tom","last":"Hanks"},"age":61}`
name := gojsonq.New().FromString(json).Find("name.first")
println(name.(string)) // Tom

Another example:

[See in playground](

package main

import (

gojsonq ""

func main() {
const json = `{"city":"dhaka","type":"weekly","temperatures":[30,39.9,35.4,33.5,31.6,33.2,30.7]}`
avg := gojsonq.New().FromString(json).From("temperatures").Avg()
fmt.Printf("Average temperature: %.2f", avg) // 33.471428571428575

You can query your document using the various query methods such as **[Find](**, **[First](**, **[Nth](**, **[Pluck](**, **[Where](**, **[OrWhere](**, **[WhereIn](**, **[WhereStartsWith](**, **[WhereEndsWith](**, **[WhereContains](**, **[Sort](**, **[GroupBy](**, **[SortBy](** and so on. Also you can aggregate data after query using **[Avg](**, **[Count](**, **[Max](**, **[Min](**, **[Sum](** etc.

## Find more query API in [Wiki page](

## Bugs and Issues

If you encounter any bugs or issues, feel free to [open an issue at

Also, you can shoot me an email to
for hugs or bugs.

## Credit

Special thanks to [Nahid Bin Azhar]( for the inspiration and guidance for the package. Thanks to [Ahmed Shamim Hasan Shaon]( for his support from the very beginning.

## Contributors
* [Lenin Hasda](
* [Sadlil Rhythom](
* [See contributors list here](

## Contribution
If you are interested to make the package better please send pull requests or create an issue so that others can fix.
[Read the contribution guide here](

## License
The **gojsonq** is an open-source software licensed under the [MIT License](