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An easy-to-use XChaCha20-encryption wrapper for io.ReadWriteCloser (even lossy UDP) using ECDH key exchange algorithm, ED25519 signatures and Blake3+Poly1305 checksums/message-authentication for Go (golang). Also a multiplexer.

awesome blake3 cipher ecdh ed25519 encrypt encryption golang hmac multiplexer poly1305 psk read reader readwriter stream udp wrapper writer xchacha20

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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An easy-to-use XChaCha20-encryption wrapper for io.ReadWriteCloser (even lossy UDP) using ECDH key exchange algorithm, ED25519 signatures and Blake3+Poly1305 checksums/message-authentication for Go (golang). Also a multiplexer.




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# Quick start

Prepare keys (on both sides):
[ -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ] && [ -f ~/.ssh/ ] || ssh-keygen -t ed25519
scp ~/.ssh/ remote:from_remote_side/

Encrypted `io.ReadWriteCloser`, easy:

// Generate (if not exists) and read ED25519 keys
identity, err := secureio.NewIdentity(`/home/user/.ssh`)

// Read remote identity
remoteIdentity, err := secureio.NewRemoteIdentityFromPublicKey(`/home/user/from_remote_side/`)

// Create a connection
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", "")

// Create an encrypted connection (and exchange keys using ECDH and verify remote side by ED25519 signature).
session := identity.NewSession(remoteIdentity, conn, nil, nil)

// Use it!

// Write to it
_, err = session.Write(someData)

// Or/and read from it
_, err = session.Read(someData)

## It's also a multiplexer

#### Receive

Setup the receiver:
session.SetHandlerFuncs(secureio.MessageTypeChannel(0), func(payload []byte) {
fmt.Println("I received a payload:", payload)
}, func(err error) {

#### Send

Send a message synchronously:
_, err := session.WriteMessage(secureio.MessageTypeChannel(0), payload)


Send a message asynchronously:
// Schedule the sending of the payload
sendInfo := session.WriteMessageAsync(secureio.MessageTypeChannel(0), payload)

[.. your another stuff here if you want ..]

// Wait until the real sending

// Here you get the error if any:
err := sendInfo.Err

// It's not necessary, but helps to reduce the pressure on GC (so to optimize CPU and RAM utilization)

#### MessageTypes

A MessageType for a custom channel may be created via function
`MessageTypeChannel(channelID uint32)`. `channelID` is a custom number to identify
which flow is it (to connect a sender with appropriate receiver on the remote side).
In the examples above it was used `0` as the `channelID` value, but it could be any
value in the range: `0 <= x <= 2**31`.

Also there's a special MessageType `MessageTypeReadWrite` is used for
default `Read()`/`Write()`. But you may redirect this flow to a custom handler.

## Limitations and hints

* Does not support traffic fragmentation. If it's required to make it work over UDP
then it's required to disable the fragmentation, see [an example for UDP](
* If the underlying writer cannot handle big messages then it's required to adjust
* If you don't have multiple writers and you don't need to aggregate messages (see below) then
you may set `SessionOptions.SendDelay` to `&[]time.Duration{0}[0]`.

## Benchmark

The benchmark was performed with communication via an UNIX-socket.
BenchmarkSessionWriteRead1-8 10000 118153 ns/op 0.01 MB/s 468 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteRead16-8 10000 118019 ns/op 0.14 MB/s 455 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteRead1024-8 9710 119238 ns/op 8.59 MB/s 441 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteRead32000-8 6980 173441 ns/op 184.50 MB/s 488 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteRead64000-8 3994 310038 ns/op 206.43 MB/s 629 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteMessageAsyncRead1-8 2285032 539 ns/op 1.86 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteMessageAsyncRead16-8 2109264 572 ns/op 27.99 MB/s 2 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteMessageAsyncRead1024-8 480385 2404 ns/op 425.87 MB/s 15 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteMessageAsyncRead32000-8 30163 39131 ns/op 817.76 MB/s 162 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkSessionWriteMessageAsyncRead64000-8 15435 77898 ns/op 821.59 MB/s 317 B/op 10 allocs/op

This package is designed to be asynchronous, so
basically `Write` is an stupid wrapper around code of `WriteMessageAsync`.
To get more throughput it merges all your messages collected
in 50 microseconds into a one, sends, and then splits them back. It
allows to reduce amount of syscalls and other overheads. So to achieve
like 1.86MiB/s on 1-byte messages you need to send a lot of them
asynchronously (from each other), so they will be merged while
sending/receiving through the backend connection.

Also this 800MiB/s is more about the localhost-case. And more realistic network case (if we have MTU ~= 1400) is:
BenchmarkSessionWriteMessageAsyncRead1300_max1400-8 117862 10277 ns/op 126.49 MB/s 267 B/op 10 allocs/op

# Security design

### Key exchange

The remote side is authenticated by a ED25519 signature (of the
key exchange message).

Key exchange is performed via ECDH with X25519. [If a PSK is set, then
it is PSK concatenated with a constant salt-value, hashed with `blake3.Sum256` and `sha3.Sum256`
and used to XOR the (exchanged) key](

The resulting value is used as the encryption key for XChaCha20.
This key is called `cipherKey` within the code.

The key (received via ECDH) is updated [every minute](
So in turn the `cipherKey` is updated every minute as well.

### Encryption

A `SessionID` is exchanged by the very first key-exchange messages.
`SessionID` is a combination of UnixNano (of when the Session was initialized)
and random 64-bit integer.

Also each packet starts with an unique (for a session) plain-text
`PacketID` (actually if PSK is set then `PacketID` encrypted with
a key derived as a hash of a salted PSK).

The combination of `PacketID` and `SessionID` is used as IV/NONCE
for XChaCha20 and `cipherKey` is used as the key.

Worth to mention that `PacketID` is intended to be unique only
within a Session. So it just starts with zero and then increases
by 1 for each next message. Therefore if the system clock is
broken then uniqueness of NONCE is guaranteed by 64-bit random
value of `SessionID`.

### Message authentication

Message authentication is done using Poly1305. As key for Poly1305
used a blake3.Sum256 hash of:
- [concatenation of `PacketID` and `cipherKey` XOR-ed](
by a [constant value](

`PacketID` is supposed to be increasing only. Received PacketID are remembered in a limited
window of values. If it was received a packet with the same `PacketID` (as it already was) or
with a lesser `PackerID` (than the minimal possible value in the window) then the packet
is just ignored.

# Session states

A successful session with the default settings goes through

* Initialization
* Key exchanging
* Negotiation
* Established
* Closing
* Closed

### Initialization

This is the stage where all the options are parsed and all the required
goroutines are being initialized.

After that `*Session` will be switched to the "Key Exchanging" state.

### Key exchanging

At this stage both parties (the local one and the remote one) are exchanging
with ECDH public keys to get a symmetrical shared key (see "Security Design").

Also if a remote identity is set then we verify if it matches, and ignores
any key-exchange messages with any other ED25519 public keys (don't confuse
with ECDH public key): ED25519 keypairs are static for each party (and usually
pre-defined), while ECDH keypairs are generated for each key exchange.

Also each key-exchanging key is verified by the public key (passed with
the message).

With the default settings, each party also sends acknowledgement messages
to verify if the messages was received and percieved.
And (with the default settings) each party waits for a acknowledgment message
from the remote side (see also `SessionOptions.AnswersMode`).

If everything is successful here then the `*Session` goes to the "Negotiation"
phase. But the key exchanging process is still periodically performed in

### Negotiation

At this stage we try to determine which size of packets the underlying
`io.Writer` can handle. So we try to send packets of 3 different sizes and
look which of them will be able to make a round trip. Then repeat the
procedure in a shorter interval. And so on up to 4 times.

This behavior could be enabled or disabled through

When this procedure will be finished (or if it is disabled), then
the `*Session` is switched to the state "Established".

### Established

This is the state in which the `*Session` is operating normally, so you
may send and receive messages through it. And messages attempted to be sent
before reaching this stage will be sent as soon as `*Session` will reach this

### Closing / Closed

`Closing` is a transitional state before becoming `Closed`.
If state `Closed` is reached it means the session is dead and nothing
will ever happen to it anymore.


* support of fragmented/merged (by backend) traffic.
* check keyCreatedAt
* error if key hasn't changed
* verify TS difference sanity
* don't use `Async` for sync-writes.
* route messenger-related errors to the messenger's handler.
* more comments (in the code)
* consider `notewakeup` instead of `Cond.Wait`

# I'm not sure if we need

* download key-files by URLs