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📹 Framework to Play a Video in the Background of any UIView

background background-video ios swift ui uiview video video-background

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📹 Framework to Play a Video in the Background of any UIView




[![CocoaPods Version Status](][podLink]
[![Carthage compatible](](
[![MIT License](][mitLink]

SwiftVideoBackground is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to add a UIView of a video playing in the background to any ViewController. This provides a beautiful UI for login screens, or splash pages, as implemented by Spotify and many others.

1. [Requirements](#requirements)
2. [Integration](#integration)
- [Cocoapods](#cocoapods)
- [Carthage](#carthage)
- [Manually](#manually)
3. [Usage](#usage)
4. [License](#license)

## Requirements

- Swift 3+
- iOS 8+

## Integration

#### CocoaPods
You can use [CocoaPods]( to install `SwiftVideoBackground` by adding it to your `Podfile`:

For Swift 3:
pod 'SwiftVideoBackground', '0.06'

#### Carthage
You can use [Carthage]( to install `SwiftVideoBackground` by adding it to your `Cartfile`:
github "dingwilson/SwiftVideoBackground"

#### Manually

To use this library in your project manually you may:

1. for Projects, just drag BackgroundVideo.swift to the project tree
2. for Workspaces, include the whole SwiftVideoBackground.xcodeproj

## Usage

Import the framework into the ViewController
import SwiftVideoBackground

Link a UIView within a ViewController within the Storyboard to a BackgroundVideo item, or link it programmatically.
var backgroundVideo : BackgroundVideo!

Use the `createBackgroundVideo` function, with the name of the video or gif under `name`, and the file type under `type`. You can also include an alpha value between 0 and 1 under `alpha`, to adjust the brightness of the video.
backgroundVideo.createBackgroundVideo(name: "Background", type: "mp4")
backgroundVideo.createBackgroundVideo(name: "Background", type: "mp4", alpha: 0.5)

Note: Make sure you have added a video file to the project, and targeted the project. Also, make sure that you have set the module to `SwiftVideoBackground` for the BackgroundVideo UIView.

## License

`SwiftVideoBackground` is released under an [MIT License][mitLink]. See `LICENSE` for details.

**Copyright © 2016-present Wilson Ding.**

*Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.*
