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Encoding and decoding for fixed-width formatted data

decoding encoding fixed-width

Last synced: 19 days ago
JSON representation

Encoding and decoding for fixed-width formatted data




# fixedwidth [![GoDoc](]( [![Report card](]( [![Go Cover](](

Package fixedwidth provides encoding and decoding for fixed-width formatted Data.

`go get`

## Usage

### Struct Tags

The struct tag schema schema used by fixedwidth is: `fixed:"{startPos},{endPos},[{alignment},[{padChar}]]"`[1](#f1).

The `startPos` and `endPos` arguments control the position within a line. `startPos` and `endPos` must both be positive integers greater than 0. Positions start at 1. The interval is inclusive.

The `alignment` argument controls the alignment of the value within it's interval. The valid options are `default`[2](#f2), `right`, and `left`. The `alignment` is optional and can be omitted.

The `padChar` argument controls the character that will be used to pad any empty characters in the interval after writing the value. The default padding character is a space. The `padChar` is optional and can be omitted.

Fields without tags are ignored.

### Encode
// define some data to encode
people := []struct {
ID int `fixed:"1,5"`
FirstName string `fixed:"6,15"`
LastName string `fixed:"16,25"`
Grade float64 `fixed:"26,30"`
Age uint `fixed:"31,33"`
Alive bool `fixed:"34,39"`
{1, "Ian", "Lopshire", 99.5, 20, true},

data, err := Marshal(people)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", data)
// Output:
// 1 Ian Lopshire 99.5020 true

### Decode
// define the format
var people []struct {
ID int `fixed:"1,5"`
FirstName string `fixed:"6,15"`
LastName string `fixed:"16,25"`
Grade float64 `fixed:"26,30"`
Age uint `fixed:"31,33"`
Alive bool `fixed:"34,39"`
Github bool `fixed:"40,41"`

// define some fixed-with data to parse
data := []byte("" +
"1 Ian Lopshire 99.50 20 false f" + "\n" +
"2 John Doe 89.50 21 true t" + "\n" +
"3 Jane Doe 79.50 22 false F" + "\n" +
"4 Ann Carraway 79.59 23 false T" + "\n")

err := Unmarshal(data, &people)
if err != nil {

fmt.Printf("%+v\n", people[0])
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", people[1])
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", people[2])
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", people[3])
// Output:
//{ID:1 FirstName:Ian LastName:Lopshire Grade:99.5 Age:20 Alive:false Github:false}
//{ID:2 FirstName:John LastName:Doe Grade:89.5 Age:21 Alive:true Github:true}
//{ID:3 FirstName:Jane LastName:Doe Grade:79.5 Age:22 Alive:false Github:false}
//{ID:4 FirstName:Ann LastName:Carraway Grade:79.59 Age:23 Alive:false Github:true}

It is also possible to read data incrementally

decoder := fixedwidth.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
for {
var element myStruct
err := decoder.Decode(&element)
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {

### UTF-8, Codepoints, and Multibyte Characters

fixedwidth supports encoding and decoding fixed-width data where indices are expressed in
unicode codepoints and not raw bytes. The data must be UTF-8 encoded.

decoder := fixedwidth.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(data))
// Decode as usual now

buff := new(bytes.Buffer)
encoder := fixedwidth.NewEncoder(buff)
// Encode as usual now

### Alignment Behavior

| Alignment | Encoding | Decoding |
| --------- | -------- | -------- |
| `default` | Field is left aligned | The padding character is trimmed from both right and left of value |
| `left` | Field is left aligned | The padding character is trimmed from right of value |
| `right` | Field is right aligned | The padding character is trimmed from left of value |

## Notes
1. `{}` indicates an argument. `[]` indicates and optional segment [^](#a1)
2. The `default` alignment is similar to `left` but has slightly different behavior required to maintain backwards compatibility [^](#a2)

## Licence