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omniparser: a native Golang ETL streaming parser and transform library for CSV, JSON, XML, EDI, text, etc.

codeless csv delimited edi edifact etl fixed-length fixed-width golang javascript json parser schema schemas streaming transform txt x12 xml

Last synced: 19 days ago
JSON representation

omniparser: a native Golang ETL streaming parser and transform library for CSV, JSON, XML, EDI, text, etc.




# omniparser
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Omniparser is a native Golang ETL parser that ingests input data of various formats (**CSV, txt, fixed length/width,
XML, EDI/X12/EDIFACT, JSON**, and custom formats) in streaming fashion and transforms data into desired JSON output
based on a schema written in JSON.

Min Golang Version: 1.14

## Licenses and Sponsorship
Omniparser is publicly available under [MIT License](./LICENSE).
[Individual and corporate sponsorships]( are welcome and gratefully
appreciated, and will be listed in the [SPONSORS](./sponsors/ page.
[Company-level sponsors]( get additional benefits and supports
granted in the [COMPANY LICENSE](./sponsors/

## Documentation

- [Getting Started](./doc/ a tutorial for writing your first omniparser schema.
- [IDR](./doc/ in-memory data representation of ingested data for omniparser.
- [XPath Based Record Filtering and Data Extraction](./doc/ xpath queries are essential to omniparser schema
writing. Learn the concept and tricks in depth.
- [All About Transforms](./doc/ everything about `transform_declarations`.
- [Use of `custom_func`, Specially `javascript`](./doc/ An in depth look of how `custom_func`
is used, specially the all mighty `javascript` (and `javascript_with_context`).
- [CSV Schema in Depth](./doc/ everything about schemas for CSV input.
- [Fixed-Length Schema in Depth](./doc/ everything about schemas for fixed-length (e.g. TXT)
- [JSON/XML Schema in Depth](./doc/ everything about schemas for JSON or XML input.
- [EDI Schema in Depth](./doc/ everything about schemas for EDI input.
- [Programmability](./doc/ Advanced techniques for using omniparser (or some of its components) in
your code.

- [Custom Functions](./doc/ a complete reference of all built-in custom functions.

- [CSV Examples](extensions/omniv21/samples/csv2)
- [Fixed-Length Examples](extensions/omniv21/samples/fixedlength2)
- [JSON Examples](extensions/omniv21/samples/json)
- [XML Examples](extensions/omniv21/samples/xml).
- [EDI Examples](extensions/omniv21/samples/edi).
- [Custom File Format](extensions/omniv21/samples/customfileformats/jsonlog)
- [Custom Funcs](extensions/omniv21/samples/customfuncs)

In the example folders above you will find pairs of input files and their schema files. Then in the
`.snapshots` sub directory, you'll find their corresponding output files.

## Online Playground (not functioning)

~~Use [The Playground]( (may need to wait for a few seconds for instance to wake up)
for trying out schemas and inputs, yours or existing samples, to see how ingestion and transform work.~~

As for now (2023/03/14), all of our previous free docker hosting solutions went away and we haven't found another one yet. For now please clone the repo and use `./` as described in the [Getting Started](./doc/ page.

## Why
- No good ETL transform/parser library exists in Golang.
- Even looking into Java and other languages, choices aren't many and all have limitations:
- [Smooks]( is dead, plus its EDI parsing/transform is too heavyweight, needing code-gen.
- [BeanIO]( can't deal with EDI input.
- [Jolt]( can't deal with anything other than JSON input.
- [JSONata]( still only JSON -> JSON transform.
- Many of the parsers/transforms don't support streaming read, loading entire input into memory - not acceptable in some

## Requirements
- Golang 1.14 or later.

## Recent Major Feature Additions/Changes
- 2022/09: v1.0.4 released: added `csv2` file format that supersedes the original `csv` format with support of hierarchical and nested records.
- 2022/09: v1.0.3 released: added `fixedlength2` file format that supersedes the original `fixed-length` format with support of hierarchical and nested envelopes.
- 1.0.0 Released!
- Added `Transform.RawRecord()` for caller of omniparser to access the raw ingested record.
- Deprecated `custom_parse` in favor of `custom_func` (`custom_parse` is still usable for
back-compatibility, it is just removed from all public docs and samples).
- Added `NonValidatingReader` EDI segment reader.
- Added fixed-length file format support in omniv21 handler.
- Added EDI file format support in omniv21 handler.
- Major restructure/refactoring
- Upgrade omni schema version to `omni.2.1` due a number of incompatible schema changes:
- `'result_type'` -> `'type'`
- `'ignore_error_and_return_empty_str` -> `'ignore_error'`
- `'keep_leading_trailing_space'` -> `'no_trim'`
- Changed how we handle custom functions: previously we always use strings as in param type as well as result param
type. Not anymore, all types are supported for custom function in and out params.
- Changed the way we package custom functions for extensions: previously we collected custom functions from all
extensions and then passed all of them to the extension that is used; this feels weird, now only the custom
functions included in a particular extension are used in that extension.
- Deprecated/removed most of the custom functions in favor of using 'javascript'.
- A number of package renaming.
- Added CSV file format support in omniv2 handler.
- Introduced IDR node cache for allocation recycling.
- Introduced [IDR](./doc/ for in-memory data representation.
- Added trie based high performance `times.SmartParse`.
- Command line interface (one-off `transform` cmd or long-running http `server` mode).
- `javascript` engine integration as a custom_func.
- JSON stream parser.
- Extensibility:
- Ability to provide custom functions.
- Ability to provide custom schema handler.
- Ability to customize the built-in omniv2 schema handler's parsing code.
- Ability to provide a new file format support to built-in omniv2 schema handler.

## Footnotes
- omniparser is a collaboration effort of [jf-tech](,[Simon](
and [Steven](