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image manipulation as a (plugin-able) service

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image manipulation as a (plugin-able) service




# ![Magickly - image manipulation as a (plugin-able) service](

Built as a practical wrapper of Imagemagick which handles caching, c/o the [Dragonfly]( gem.

Say the base URL is the hosted version of this app, []( The image URL is appended to the query string as a `src=`, followed by any of the supported operations below. Multiple operations can be combined, and will be applied in order.

If no query params are provided, a simple sandbox page is displayed. Try it here:


More insights:

* [Blog post]( about how it's used at Jux
* Talk: *Magickly, Mustachio, & Stateless APIs* ([slides](
* [12-minute overview version]( at [Code Genius](
* [49-minute in-depth version]( at [Anatomy of a Ruby Gem](

## Installation

[Compatible](!/afeld/magickly) with Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0 and 2.1, and jRuby (in 1.9 mode). Requires Imagemagick >= v6.2.4.

$ gem install magickly

## Running the App

A few options:

### A. Run the app directly

# in the app directory:
$ gem install thin
$ thin start

The app can be accessed at [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000).

When running as an app, Rack::Cache is used to cache generated versions of images. These cached files and metadata are stored in the tmp/ directory and will get regenerated as necessary.

### B. Use as an endpoint in another Rack app

As an example, to have magickly accessible at `/magickly` in a Rails app:

# Gemfile
gem 'magickly', '~> 1.1'

# config/routes.rb
match '/magickly', :to => Magickly::App, :anchor => false

For more info, see [Rails Routing from the Outside In]( or Michael Raidel's [Mount Rails apps in Rails 3](

## Processing Parameters

*See the [Dragonfly documentation]( for more details about the permitted* `geometry` *values.*

### src=*url* (required)

The URL of the original image.

### brightness_contrast=*br.* x *con.*

*brightness* and *contrast* are percentage change, between -100 and 100. For example, to increase contrast by 20% but leave brightness unchanged, use `brightness_contrast=0x20`.

![tanned imagemagick logo](


### flip=true

![flipped imagemagick logo](


### flop=true

![flopped imagemagick logo](


### glow=*amount*,*softness*

where `amount` is a float >= 1.0, and `softness` is an int >= 0.

![glowing imagemagick logo](,20)


### greyscale=true

![flopped imagemagick logo](


### halftone=*threshold*

where *threshold* is a value between 0 and 100.

![halftone imagemagick logo](


### jcn=true

![JCN imagemagick logo](


### resize=*geometry*

![resized imagemagick logo](


### rotate=*degrees*

![rotated imagemagick logo](


### saturation=*percentage*

*percentage* is the percentage of variation: a positive integer. 100 means no change. For example, to increase saturation by 50%, use `saturation=150`.

![saturated imagemagick logo](


### tilt_shift=true

![tilt-shifted imagemagick logo](


### thumb=*geometry*

![thumbnail of imagemagick logo](


(note: the `%23` in the geometry string above is an encoded '`#`', which tells Dragonfly to fill the dimensions and crop)

### two_color=true

![two color imagemagick logo](


## Alternate Syntax

Some CDNs are jerks and don't respect query params on resources (_ahem_ CLOUDFRONT _ahem_) when caching. To use this syntax:

* replace the question mark that starts the query string (`?`) with `q/`
* replace the ampersands (`&`) and equals signs (`=`) with forward slashes (`/`)
* make sure the `src` is encoded - this can be done in Javascript with `encodeURIComponent()`

Therefore, instead of

the new URL would be

## Encoded Syntax

Sometimes, you just can't handle escaped entities in your URLs (Facebook's handling of OpenGraph tags, for example). In those cases, we provide a Base64 encoded syntax which is an extension of the path-based Alternate Syntax above. Once your path-based url is constructed (see "Alternate Syntax" above), simply pass everything after the `q/` through Base64.urlsafe_encode or the javascript btoa() function and send it to the `qe/` endpoint instead.

Therefore, instead of

the new URL would be

## Analyzers

Magickly v1.2.0 introduces the ability to retrieve image properties via a REST API. For example, to retrieve the number of colors in the photo, visit:


To get the list of available analyzers, visit [](

## Customization

In addition to the available parameters listed above, custom "shortcuts" can be created to perform arbitrary imagemagick operations. For example, to create a shortcut called `resize_with_blur`:

# somewhere in your app configuration, i.e. config/initializers/magickly.rb for a Rails 3 app
Magickly.dragonfly.configure do |c|
c.job :resize_with_blur do |size|
process :convert, "-filter Gaussian -resize #{size}"

which can then be used with the query string `?src=...&resize_with_blur=200x`. Note that magickly will pass the value of the query param to the block as a single string.

See the [Dragonfly documentation]( for more info on "shortcuts", and the [shortcuts.rb]( file for examples.

## Disclaimer

The hosted version of the app ([]( is a single app instance intended for demonstration purposes - if you are going to be making a large number of API calls to it or would like to use it in production, please let us know :-)

## See Also

* [Thumbor](