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Omnipay for Laravel & Lumen

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Omnipay for Laravel & Lumen




Omnipay for Laravel & Lumen

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Integrates the [Omnipay]( PHP library with Laravel to make Configuring multiple payment tunnels a breeze!

## Installation

Include the laravel-omnipay package as a dependency in your `composer.json`:

composer require ignited/laravel-omnipay "3.*"

**Note:** You don't need to include the `omnipay/common` in your composer.json - it has already been included `laravel-omnipay`.

### Install Required Providers

Now just include each gateway as you require, to included PayPal for example:

composer require omnipay/paypal "3.*"

Alternatively you can include every gateway by the following:

composer require omnipay/omnipay "3.*"

**Note:** this requires a large amount of composer work as it needs to fetch each seperate repository. This is not recommended.

## Configuration

You can publish the configuration files using the `vendor:publish` command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ignited\LaravelOmnipay\LaravelOmnipayServiceProvider" --tag=config

Once you have published the configuration files, you can add your gateway options to the config file in `config/laravel-omnipay.php`.

#### PayPal Express Example
Here is an example of how to configure password, username and, signature with paypal express checkout driver

'gateways' => [
'paypal' => [
'driver' => 'PayPal_Express',
'options' => [
'username' => 'coolusername',
'password' => 'strongpassword',
'signature' => '',
'solutionType' => '',
'landingPage' => '',
'headerImageUrl' => '',
'brandName' => 'Your app name',
'testMode' => true

## Usage

$cardInput = [
'number' => '4444333322221111',
'firstName' => 'MR. WALTER WHITE',
'expiryMonth' => '03',
'expiryYear' => '16',
'cvv' => '333',

$card = Omnipay::creditCard($cardInput);

$response = Omnipay::purchase([
'amount' => '100.00',
'returnUrl' => '',
'cancelUrl' => '',
'card' => $cardInput


This will use the gateway specified in the config as `default`.

However, you can also specify a gateway to use.


$response = Omnipay::purchase([
'amount' => '100.00',
'card' => $cardInput


In addition you can make an instance of the gateway.

$gateway = Omnipay::gateway('paypal');

## Installation on Other Frameworks
### Lumen

For `Lumen` add the following in your bootstrap/app.php

Copy the laravel-omnipay.php file from the config directory to config/laravel-omnipay.php

And also add the following to bootstrap/app.php

## Guzzle

If you are using Guzzle 6 you need to require the following package.

composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter

Guzzle 7 now implements a PSR http client compliant adapter. So there is no need to include this.

## License
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](