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supercollider editor with help browser and post window

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supercollider editor with help browser and post window




# hadron-editor

Editor for [SuperCollider]( with built-in help browser and post window. Runs on Mac and Windows.

screenshot of editor

# installation

### mac

* Install [SuperCollider]( using the DMG file and use the suggested location.
* Download [Hadron-1.0.2.dmg](, open it and drag to /Applications.

### windows

* Install [SuperCollider]( using the EXE installer and use the suggested location.
* Download [Hadron-1.0.2.exe](, run it and let the installer finish. It will show a greenish animation while installing.

# usage

Start the application, type in SuperCollider code and evaluate it with `cmd/ctrl+enter`. Following are the keyboard shortcuts. Depending on your platform you use either the Command or Control key as a modifier:

### cmd/ctrl+b
Boot server

### cmd/ctrl+enter
Evaluate code region

### shift+enter
Evaluate code line

### cmd/ctrl+.
Hush. Free all synths. Stop all audio output

### cmd/ctrl+shift+l
Recompile class library

### cmd/ctrl+m
Show server meter

### cmd/ctrl+shift+m
Show server scope

### cmd/ctrl+l
Select current line(s)

### cmd/ctrl+shift+d
Duplicate current line

### cmd/ctrl+shift+k
Comment/uncomment text selection

### cmd/ctrl+d
Lookup help for word under cursor

### cmd/ctrl+i
Show/hide help browser

### cmd/ctrl+p
Show/hide post window

### cmd/ctrl++
Increase font size

### cmd/ctrl+-
Decrease font size

### cmd/ctrl+0
Reset font size

### cmd/ctrl+shift+p
Clear post window

### cmd/ctrl+o
Open file

### cmd/ctrl+s
Save file

### cmd/ctrl+shift+s
Save file as

### cmd/ctrl+q, cmd/ctrl+w, alt+f4
Quit application

# developing

First you need to install [SuperCollider]( and [NodeJS]( on your computer. Then, with [NPM]( do:

npm install
npm start

The application should start automatically.

To build the installer, use:

npm run make

It should be located somewhere under the `out` directory.

# libraries

The editor is built with [supercolliderjs]( and [Electron]( For code editing, the [codemirror]( library is used.

# license