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Throwaway buffers for chaotic SuperCollider coders in Neovim.

neovim-plugin supercollider

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Throwaway buffers for chaotic SuperCollider coders in Neovim.




# sc-scratchpad.nvim

Quickly open a scratchpad buffer, write some code and execute the contents using SuperCollider.

*sc-scratchpad* allows the user to quickly pop open a throwaway buffer for experimentation with sclang code. You can use this buffer as a scratchpad for messing around with the SuperCollider language, trying out methods or doing other small code experiments that you don't want to have inserted into your main code files.

## Installation

You need NVim >= 0.5 to use this plugin.

[This plugin uses nui.nvim]( for the UI and it needs to be installed along side this plugin as well as [scnvim]( for the SuperCollider stuff.

Using [vim-plugin](

Plug 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'
Plug 'davidgranstrom/scnvim'
Plug 'madskjeldgaard/sc-scratchpad.nvim'

Using [packer.nvim](

use {
requires = { 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim', 'davidgranstrom/scnvim' },
after = {'scnvim'},
config = function()
keymaps = {
toggle = "", -- Open/close buffer
send = "", -- Send and close
open_insertmode = true -- Open scratchpad buffer in insertmode

## Usage

By default, pressing the space bar in a supercollider buffer will open up a temporary sc-scratchpad buffer. Put some code in and then press space or `C-e` to execute it.

## Setup

keymaps = {
toggle = "", -- Open/close buffer
send = "", -- Send and close
border = "double", -- "double", "none", "rounded", "shadow", "single" or "solid"
position = "50%",
width = "50%",
height = "50%",
firstline = "// Scratchpad",
open_insertmode = true, -- Open scratchpad buffer in insertmode
close_on_execution = false -- Should the window automatically close on exec?