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Kotlin, MVI, Hilt, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication

android-jetpack-components coroutines-android dagger2 jetpack-android jetpack-lifecycle-components jetpack-navigation kotlin mvvm-architecture navigation-component rest-api retrofit2 room-persistence

Last synced: 4 months ago
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Kotlin, MVI, Hilt, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication




# "Clean" Refactor Notes
In July 2021 I did a major refactor. Here's what I did:
1. Migrate from Dagger to [Hilt](
1. Update [Navigation Component](
- Now supports [multiple backstacks]( by default.
1. Decoupling.
- Avoid sharing viewmodels. It makes unit testing easier when I can test fragments in isolation.
1. Splitting business models into Entities and Dto's. This way I have a clear [business model](, [network model](, and [caching model](
1. Writing use cases.
- Unidirectional data flow with MVI and kotlin sealed classes. (See [Interactors](
1. Refactor message handling system to a [Queue](
1. Migrate from Shared Preferences to [DataStore](
1. Migrate from Kotlin synthetics to [ViewBinding](
1. Write [Unit tests]( for use-cases.

1. Check out the new [splash screen APIs](
1. Do a [Compose]( refactor
- I will create a new repo for this

# Test Account

email: `[email protected]`

password: `password`

Powerful Android Apps with Jetpack Architecture

Watch the video course here: Powerful Android Apps with Jetpack Architecture.

In this course you'll learn to build a real application that interacts with the website is a sandbox website for codingwithmitch members to practice interacting with a Rest API.

Prerequisites (Recommended not required):

  1. Dagger 2

  2. MVI Architecture

  3. Database Caching (Retrofit + Room)

What you'll learn:

  • Kotlin:

  • Coroutines:

    1. Advanced coroutine management using jobs

    2. Cancelling active jobs

    3. Coroutine scoping

  • Navigation Components:

    1. Bottom Navigation View with fragments

    2. Leveraging multiple navigation graphs (this is cutting edge content)

  • Dagger 2:

    1. custom scopes, fragment injection, activity injection, Viewmodel injection

  • MVI architecture:

    1. Basically this is MVVM with some additions

    2. State management

    3. Building a generic BaseViewModel

    4. Repository pattern (NetworkBoundResource)

  • Room Persistence:

    1. SQLite on Android with Room Persistence library

    2. Custom queries, inserts, deletes, updates

    3. Foreign Key relationships

    4. Multiple database tables

  • Cache:

    1. Database caching (saving data from network into local cache)

    2. Single source of truth principal

  • Retrofit 2:

    1. Handling any type of response from server (success, error, none, etc...)

    2. Returning LiveData from Retrofit calls (Retrofit Call Adapter)

  • ViewModels:

    1. Sharing a ViewModel between several fragments

    2. Building a powerful generic BaseViewModel

  • WebViews:

    1. Interacting with the server through a webview (Javascript)

  • SearchView:

    1. Programmatically implement a SearchView

    2. Execute search queries to network and db cache

  • Images:

    1. Selecting images from phone memory

    2. Cropping images to a specific aspect ratio

    3. Setting limitations on image size and aspect ratio

    4. Uploading a cropped image to server

  • Network Request Management:

    1. Cancelling pending network requests (Kotlin coroutines)

    2. Testing for network delays

  • Pagination:

    1. Paginating objects returned from server and database cache

  • Material Design:

    1. Bottom Navigation View with Fragments

    2. Customizing Bottom Navigation Icon behavior

    3. Handling Different Screen Sizes (ConstraintLayout)

    4. Material Dialogs

    5. Fragment transition animations