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cookiecutter project for SuperCollider server plugins

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cookiecutter project for SuperCollider server plugins





A [cookiecutter] project template for [SuperCollider] server plugins.

To create a SuperCollider server plugin using this template, first
[install cookiecutter][installation instructions].

This cookiecutter template requires at least Python 3.2. If you have multiple versions of python and
are installing via `pip`, you may need to be explicit about which version of Python you use to
install it to ensure cookiecutter uses a compatible version. For example, on macOS with Python 3.7:

$ python3.7 -m pip install cookiecutter

Then run:

$ cookiecutter

and answer the questionnaire. See the [cookiecutter documentation] on how to change the default
values for these prompts.

After filling out the questionnaire, cookiecutter will clone the project, fill in placeholders with
your supplied information, run a Python script from the SuperCollider project to set up your CMake
files, and finally set up a git repository.

Here is an example:

$ cookiecutter
full_path_to_supercollider_source [/home/wendy/supercollider (if you haven't cloned it yet, do that first! Press Ctrl-C to exit this script.]: /Users/brianheim/git/supercollider
project_name [Simple Gain]:
project_namespace [SimpleGain]:
repo_name [simplegain]:
plugin_name [SimpleGain]:
plugin_description [A simple audio volume gain plugin]:
full_name [Wendy Carlos]: Brian Heim
github_username [brian.heim]: brianlheim
email [[email protected]]: [email protected]

Running pre-project-generation hook...

Checking Python version...

Checking for SuperCollider repository...

Running post-project-generation hook...

Initializing new Git repository
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/brianheim/git/simplegain/.git/

Running CMake generation script
Wrote project file to /Users/brianheim/git/simplegain/CMakeLists.txt
Installed 2 CMake modules

Adding Git remote for plugin project

Making initial Git commit
[master (root-commit) 261d980] Initial commit
12 files changed, 1031 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .appveyor.yml
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 .travis.yml
create mode 100644 CMakeLists.txt
create mode 100644 LICENSE
create mode 100644
create mode 100644 cmake_modules/SuperColliderCompilerConfig.cmake
create mode 100644 cmake_modules/SuperColliderServerPlugin.cmake
create mode 100644 plugins/SimpleGain/SimpleGain.cpp
create mode 100644 plugins/SimpleGain/SimpleGain.hpp
create mode 100644 plugins/SimpleGain/
create mode 100644 plugins/SimpleGain/SimpleGain.schelp


Enter the directory and build the project:

$ cd simplegain
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. DSC_PATH=/path/to/supercollider/source -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ cmake --build . --config Debug

If you add more plugins, or add or remove files, make sure to regenerate the CMakeLists.txt file
using the generation script. See the README in `tools/cmake_gen` for more info, or run the script
with `--help`.

$ python ../supercollider/tools/cmake_gen/ --help

Explanation of questionnaire terms:

- project\_name: The name of the project, used in the README and CMakeLists.txt. Furthermore, the
project\_name with spaces removed will be used as the base install folder.
- project\_namespace: C++ namespace for your plugin(s).
- repo\_name: GitHub repository name
- plugin\_name: Name of the first plugin in your project


The generated project will be GPLv3-licensed. **Make sure that you change the LICENSE file if you
want to use a more permissive license!**

Advanced instructions

### Use Github Actions to automatically build, compile and release your plugins

When generating a project using this cookiecutter recipe, a config file is included in `.github/workflows/build.yml` containing an action for Github Actions to build, compile and zip up your code for MacOS, Linux and Windows.

It is set to trigger on one event: If you push a new tag prefixed with `v` (eg. `v1.0` or `v4.0.1`) to your repo, Github Actions will activate and start the process of building and releasing. If succesful, your finished builds should appear in the *Releases* column.

You should get an email from Github once the run is finished, but otherwise you can navigate to the *Actions* pane on your Github repository to see the details and command outputs of each build.

### Requirements

* Basic development tools (C++ compiler, cmake, etc.)
* Python >= 3.2
* Git
* [cookiecutter]

Known issues and future work

[cookiecutter documentation]:
[installation instructions]: