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The PULP Ara is a 64-bit Vector Unit, compatible with the RISC-V Vector Extension Version 1.0, working as a coprocessor to CORE-V's CVA6 core

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Last synced: 3 months ago
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The PULP Ara is a 64-bit Vector Unit, compatible with the RISC-V Vector Extension Version 1.0, working as a coprocessor to CORE-V's CVA6 core




# Ara


Ara is a vector unit working as a coprocessor for the CVA6 core.
It supports the RISC-V Vector Extension, [version 1.0](

## Dependencies

Check `` for a list of hardware and software dependencies of Ara.

## Supported instructions

Check `` to check which instructions are currently support by Ara.

## Get started

Make sure you clone this repository recursively to get all the necessary submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

If the repository path of any submodule changes, run the following command to change your submodule's pointer to the remote repository:

git submodule sync --recursive

## Toolchain

Ara requires a RISC-V LLVM toolchain capable of understanding the vector extension, version 1.0.

To build this toolchain, run the following command in the project's root directory.

# Build the LLVM toolchain
make toolchain-llvm

Ara also requires an updated Spike ISA simulator, with support for the vector extension.

To build Spike, run the following command in the project's root directory.

# Build Spike
make riscv-isa-sim

## Verilator

Ara requires an updated version of Verilator, for RTL simulations.

To build it, run the following command in the project's root directory.

# Build Verilator
make verilator

## Configuration

Ara's parameters are centralized in the `config` folder, which provides several configurations to the vector machine.
Please check `config/` for more details.

Prepend `config=chosen_ara_configuration` to your Makefile commands, or export the `ARA_CONFIGURATION` variable, to chose a configuration other than the `default` one.

## Software

### Build Applications

The `apps` folder contains example applications that work on Ara. Run the following command to build an application. E.g., `hello_world`:

cd apps
make bin/hello_world

### SPIKE Simulation

All the applications can be simulated with SPIKE. Run the following command to build and run an application. E.g., `hello_world`:

cd apps
make bin/hello_world.spike
make spike-run-hello_world

### RISC-V Tests

The `apps` folder also contains the RISC-V tests repository, including a few unit tests for the vector instructions. Run the following command to build the unit tests:

cd apps
make riscv_tests

## RTL Simulation

### Hardware dependencies

The Ara repository depends on external IPs and uses Bender to handle the IP dependencies.
To install Bender and initialize all the hardware IPs, run the following commands:

# Go to the hardware folder
cd hardware
# Install Bender and checkout all the IPs
make update

### Patches (only once!)

Note: this step is required only once, and needs to be repeated ONLY if the IP hardware dependencies are deleted and checked out again.

Some of the IPs need to be patched to work with Verilator.

# Go to the hardware folder
cd hardware
# Apply the patches (only need to run this once)
make apply-patches

### Simulation

To simulate the Ara system with ModelSim, go to the `hardware` folder, which contains all the SystemVerilog files. Use the following command to run your simulation:

# Go to the hardware folder
cd hardware
# Only compile the hardware without running the simulation.
make compile
# Run the simulation with the *hello_world* binary loaded
app=hello_world make sim
# Run the simulation with the *some_binary* binary. This allows specifying the full path to the binary
preload=/some_path/some_binary make sim
# Run the simulation without starting the gui
app=hello_world make simc

We also provide the `simv` makefile target to run simulations with the Verilator model.

# Go to the hardware folder
cd hardware
# Apply the patches (only need to run this once)
make apply-patches
# Only compile the hardware without running the simulation.
make verilate
# Run the simulation with the *hello_world* binary loaded
app=hello_world make simv

It is also possible to simulate the unit tests compiled in the `apps` folder. Given the number of unit tests, we use Verilator. Use the following command to install Verilator, verilate the design, and run the simulation:

# Go to the hardware folder
cd hardware
# Apply the patches (only need to run this once)
make apply-patches
# Verilate the design
make verilate
# Run the tests
make riscv_tests_simv

Alternatively, you can also use the `riscv_tests` target at Ara's top-level Makefile to both compile the RISC-V tests and run their simulation.

### Traces

Add `trace=1` to the `verilate`, `simv`, and `riscv_tests_simv` commands to generate waveform traces in the `fst` format.
You can use `gtkwave` to open such waveforms.

### Ideal Dispatcher mode

CVA6 can be replaced by an ideal FIFO that dispatches the vector instructions to Ara with the maximum issue-rate possible.
In this mode, only Ara and its memory system affect performance.
This mode has some limitations:
- The dispatcher is a simple FIFO. Ara and the dispatcher cannot have complex interactions.
- Therefore, the vector program should be fire-and-forget. There cannot be runtime dependencies from the vector to the scalar code.
- Not all the vector instructions are supported, e.g., the ones that use the `rs2` register.

To compile a program and generate its vector trace:

cd apps
make bin/${program}.ideal

This command will generate the `ideal` binary to be loaded in the L2 memory for the simulation (data accessed by the vector code).
To run the system in Ideal Dispatcher mode:

cd hardware
make sim app=${program} ideal_dispatcher=1

### VCD Dumping

It's possible to dump VCD files for accurate activity-based power analyses. To do so, use the `vcd_dump=1` option to compile the program and to run the simulation:

make -C apps bin/${program} vcd_dump=1
make -C hardware simc app=${program} vcd_dump=1

Currently, the following kernels support automatic VCD dumping: `fmatmul`, `fconv3d`, `fft`, `dwt`, `exp`, `cos`, `log`, `dropout`, `jacobi2d`.

### Linting Flow

We also provide Synopsys Spyglass linting scripts in the hardware/spyglass. Run make lint in the hardware folder, with a specific MemPool configuration, to run the tests associated with the lint_rtl target.

## Publications

If you want to use Ara, you can cite us:
author = {Matheus Cavalcante and Fabian Schuiki and Florian Zaruba and Michael Schaffner and Luca Benini},
journal= {IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems},
title = {Ara: A 1-GHz+ Scalable and Energy-Efficient RISC-V Vector Processor With Multiprecision Floating-Point Support in 22-nm FD-SOI},
year = {2020},
volume = {28},
number = {2},
pages = {530-543},
doi = {10.1109/TVLSI.2019.2950087}
author={Perotti, Matteo and Cavalcante, Matheus and Wistoff, Nils and Andri, Renzo and Cavigelli, Lukas and Benini, Luca},
booktitle={2022 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP)},
title={A “New Ara” for Vector Computing: An Open Source Highly Efficient RISC-V V 1.0 Vector Processor Design},