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Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes

laravel-admin model-form model-grid model-show model-tree

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes





laravel-admin is administrative interface builder for laravel which can help you build CRUD backends just with few lines of code.

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中文文档 |
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Awesome Laravel

Inspired by SleepingOwlAdmin and rapyd-laravel.



- PHP >= 7.0.0
- Laravel >= 5.5.0
- Fileinfo PHP Extension


> This package requires PHP 7+ and Laravel 5.5, for old versions please refer to [1.4](

First, install laravel 5.5, and make sure that the database connection settings are correct.

composer require encore/laravel-admin

Then run these commands to publish assets and config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Encore\Admin\AdminServiceProvider"
After run command you can find config file in `config/admin.php`, in this file you can change the install directory,db connection or table names.

At last run following command to finish install.
php artisan admin:install

Open `http://localhost/admin/` in browser,use username `admin` and password `admin` to login.

The file `config/admin.php` contains an array of configurations, you can find the default configurations in there.

Right to left support
just go to this path `\vendor\encore\laravel-admin\src\Traits\HasAssets.php` and modify `$baseCss` array for loading right to left (rtl) version of bootstap and AdminLTE css files.
**bootstrap.min.css** change it to **bootstrap.rtl.min.css**
**AdminLTE.min.css** change it to **AdminLTE.rtl.min.css**

## Extensions

| Extension | Description | laravel-admin |
| ------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------- |
| [helpers]( | Several tools to help you in development | ~1.5 |
| [media-manager]( | Provides a web interface to manage local files | ~1.5 |
| [api-tester]( | Help you to test the local laravel APIs |~1.5 |
| [scheduling]( | Scheduling task manager for laravel-admin |~1.5 |
| [redis-manager]( | Redis manager for laravel-admin |~1.5 |
| [backup]( | An admin interface for managing backups |~1.5 |
| [log-viewer]( | Log viewer for laravel |~1.5 |
| [config]( | Config manager for laravel-admin |~1.5 |
| [reporter]( | Provides a developer-friendly web interface to view the exception |~1.5 |
| [wangEditor]( | A rich text editor based on [wangeditor]( |~1.6 |
| [summernote]( | A rich text editor based on [summernote]( |~1.6 |
| [china-distpicker]( | 一个基于[distpicker](的中国省市区选择器 |~1.6 |
| [simplemde]( | A markdown editor based on [simplemde]( |~1.6 |
| [phpinfo]( | Integrate the `phpinfo` page into laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [php-editor](
[clike-editor](| Several programing language editor extensions based on code-mirror |~1.6 |
| [star-rating]( | Star Rating extension for laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [json-editor]( | JSON Editor for Laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [grid-lightbox]( | Turn your grid into a lightbox & gallery |~1.6 |
| [daterangepicker]( | Integrates daterangepicker into laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [material-ui]( | Material-UI extension for laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [sparkline]( | Integrates jQuery sparkline into laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [chartjs]( | Use Chartjs in laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [echarts]( | Use Echarts in laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [simditor]( | Integrates simditor full-rich editor into laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [cropper]( | A simple jQuery image cropping plugin. |~1.6 |
| [composer-viewer]( | A web interface of composer packages in laravel. |~1.6 |
| [data-table]( | Advanced table widget for laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [watermark]( | Text watermark for laravel-admin |~1.6 |
| [google-authenticator]( | Google authenticator |~1.6 |

## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].

## Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]

## Sponsors
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]

`laravel-admin` based on following plugins or services:

+ [Laravel](
+ [AdminLTE](
+ [Datetimepicker](
+ [font-awesome](
+ [moment](
+ [Google map](
+ [Tencent map](
+ [bootstrap-fileinput](
+ [jquery-pjax](
+ [Nestable](
+ [toastr](
+ [X-editable](
+ [bootstrap-number-input](
+ [fontawesome-iconpicker](
+ [sweetalert2](

`laravel-admin` is licensed under [The MIT License (MIT)](LICENSE).