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A simple, standalone, and lightweight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.

alerting go golang monitoring notifications probe prometheus

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

A simple, standalone, and lightweight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.





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EaseProbe is a simple, standalone, and lightweight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.


Table of Contents

- [1. Introduction](#1-introduction)
- [1.1 Probe](#11-probe)
- [1.2 Notification](#12-notification)
- [1.3 Report \& Metrics](#13-report--metrics)
- [2. Getting Started](#2-getting-started)
- [2.1 Build](#21-build)
- [2.2 Configure](#22-configure)
- [2.3 Run](#23-run)
- [3. Deployment](#3-deployment)
- [4. User Manual](#4-user-manual)
- [5. Benchmark](#5-benchmark)
- [6. Contributing](#6-contributing)
- [7. Community](#7-community)
- [8. License](#8-license)

# 1. Introduction

EaseProbe is designed to do three kinds of work - **Probe**, **Notify**, and **Report**.

## 1.1 Probe

EaseProbe supports a variety of methods to perform its probes such as:

- **HTTP**. Checking the HTTP status code, Support mTLS, HTTP Basic Auth, setting Request Header/Body, and XPath response evaluation. ( [HTTP Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **TCP**. Check whether a TCP connection can be established or not. ( [TCP Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **Ping**. Ping a host to see if it is reachable or not. ( [Ping Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **Shell**. Run a Shell command and check the result. ( [Shell Command Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **SSH**. Run a remote command via SSH and check the result. Support the bastion/jump server ([SSH Command Probe Manual](./docs/
- **TLS**. Connect to a given port using TLS and (optionally) validate for revoked or expired certificates ( [TLS Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **Host**. Run an SSH command on a remote host and check the CPU, Memory, and Disk usage. ( [Host Load Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **Client**. The following native clients are supported. They all support mTLS and data checking. ( [Native Client Probe Manual](./docs/ )
- **MySQL**. Connect to a MySQL server and run the `SHOW STATUS` SQL.
- **Redis**. Connect to a Redis server and run the `PING` command.
- **Memcache**. Connect to a Memcache server and run the `version` command or validate a given key/value pair.
- **MongoDB**. Connect to a MongoDB server and perform a ping.
- **Kafka**. Connect to a Kafka server and perform a list of all topics.
- **PostgreSQL**. Connect to a PostgreSQL server and run `SELECT 1` SQL.
- **Zookeeper**. Connect to a Zookeeper server and run `get /` command.

## 1.2 Notification

EaseProbe supports notification delivery to the following:

- **Slack**. Using Slack Webhook for notification delivery
- **Discord**. Using Discord Webhook for notification delivery
- **Telegram**. Using Telegram Bot for notification delivery
- **Teams**. Support the [Microsoft Teams]( notification delivery
- **Email**. Support email notification delivery to one or more email addresses
- **AWS SNS**. Support the AWS Simple Notification Service
- **WeChat Work**. Support Enterprise WeChat Work notification delivery
- **DingTalk**. Support the DingTalk notification delivery
- **Lark**. Support the Lark(Feishu) notification delivery
- **SMS**. SMS notification delivery with support for multiple SMS service providers
- [Twilio](
- [Vonage(Nexmo)](
- [YunPian](
- **Log**. Write the notification into a log file or Syslog.
- **Shell**. Run a shell command to deliver the notification (see [example](resources/scripts/notify/
- **RingCentral**. Using RingCentral Webhook for notification delivery

> **Note**:
> 1) The notification is **Edge-Triggered Mode** by default, if you want to config it as **Level-Triggered Mode** with different interval and max notification, please refer to the manual - [Alerting Interval](./docs/
> 2) Windows platforms do not support syslog as notification method.

Check the [Notification Manual](./docs/ to see how to configure it.

## 1.3 Report & Metrics

EaseProbe supports the following report and metrics:

- **SLA Report Notify**. EaseProbe would send the daily, weekly, or monthly SLA report using the defined **`notify:`** methods.
- **SLA Live Report**. The EaseProbe would listen on the `` port by default. By accessing this service you will be provided with a live SLA report either as HTML at `http://localhost:8181/` or as JSON at `http://localhost:8181/api/v1/sla`
- **SLA Data Persistence**. The SLA data will be persisted in `$CWD/data/data.yaml` by default. You can configure this path by editing the `settings` section of your configuration file.

For more information, please check the [Global Setting Configuration](./docs/

- **Prometheus Metrics**. The EaseProbe would listen on the `8181` port by default. By accessing this service you will be provided with Prometheus metrics at `http://easeprobe:8181/metrics`.

The metrics are prefixed with `easeprobe_` and are documented in [Prometheus Metrics Exporter](./docs/

# 2. Getting Started

You can get started with EaseProbe, by any of the following methods:
* Download the release for your platform from
* Use the available EaseProbe docker image `docker run -it megaease/easeprobe`
* Build `easeprobe` from sources

## 2.1 Build

Compiler `Go 1.20+` (Generics Programming Support), checking the [Go Installation]( to see how to install Go on your platform.

Use `make` to build and produce the `easeprobe` binary file. The executable is produced under the `build/bin` directory.

$ make
## 2.2 Configure

Read the [User Manual](./docs/ for detailed instructions on how to configure all EaseProbe parameters.

Create a configuration file (eg. `$CWD/config.yaml`) using the configuration template at [./resources/config.yaml](, which includes the complete list of configuration parameters.

The following simple configuration example can be used to get started:

http: # http probes
- name: EaseProbe Github
- name: log file # local log file
file: /var/log/easeprobe.log
timeout: 30s # the time out for all probes
interval: 1m # probe every minute for all probes

You can check the [EaseProbe JSON Schema](./docs/ section to use a JSON Scheme file to make your life easier when you edit the configuration file.

## 2.3 Run

You can run the following command to start EaseProbe once built

$ build/bin/easeprobe -f config.yaml
* `-f` configuration file or URL or path for multiple files which will be automatically merged into one. Can also be achieved by setting the environment variable `PROBE_CONFIG`
* `-d` dry run. Can also be achieved by setting the environment variable `PROBE_DRY`

# 3. Deployment

EaseProbe can be deployed by Systemd, Docker, Docker-Compose, & Kubernetes.

You can find the details in [Deployment Guide](./docs/

# 4. User Manual

For detailed instructions and features please refer to the [User Manual](./docs/

# 5. Benchmark

We have performed an extensive benchmark on EaseProbe. For the benchmark results please refer to - [Benchmark Report](./docs/

# 6. Contributing

If you're interested in contributing to the project, please spare a moment to read our [CONTRIBUTING Guide](./docs/

# 7. Community

- Join Slack [Workspace]( for requirements, issues, and development.
- [MegaEase on Twitter](

# 8. License

EaseProbe is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details.