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⏳ Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of Golang data. 提供对Golang数据的过滤,净化,转换。

converter data-conversion data-filtering filter golang-package sanitization

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

⏳ Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of Golang data. 提供对Golang数据的过滤,净化,转换。




# Filter

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`filter` - provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of Golang data.

> 中文说明请查看 **[README.zh-CN](**

## GoDoc

- [godoc](

> **NOTE**: To filter and validate Map, Struct data. Please use [gookit/validate](

## Install

go get

## Func Usage

Quick usage:

str := filter.MustString(23) // "23"

intVal, err := filter.Int("20") // int(20)
strings := filter.Str2Slice("a,b, c", ",") // []string{"a", "b", "c"}

## Filtration

Filtering data:

data := map[string]any{
"name": " inhere ",
"age": "50",
"money": "50.34",
"remember": "yes",
"sub1": []string{"1", "2"},
"tags": "go;lib",
"str1": " word ",
"ids": []int{1, 2, 2, 1},
f := filter.New(data)
f.AddRule("money", "float")
f.AddRule("remember", "bool")
f.AddRule("sub1", "strings2ints")
f.AddRule("tags", "str2arr:;")
f.AddRule("ids", "unique")
f.AddRule("str1", "ltrim|rtrim")
f.AddRule("not-exist", "unique")
// add multi
"age": "trim|int",
"name": "trim|ucFirst",

// apply all added rules for data.

// get filtered data
newData := f.CleanData()
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", newData)
// f.BindStruct(&user)


map[string]interface {}{
"sub1":[]int{1, 2},
"tags":[]string{"go", "lib"},
"ids":[]int{2, 1},

## Filters & Converters

- `ToBool/Bool(s string) (bool, error)`
- `ToFloat/Float(v interface{}) (float64, error)`
- `ToInt/Int(v interface{}) (int, error)`
- `ToUint/Uint(v interface{}) (uint64, error)`
- `ToInt64/Int64(v interface{}) (int64, error)`
- `ToString/String(v interface{}) (string, error)`
- `MustBool(s string) bool`
- `MustFloat(s string) float64`
- `MustInt(s string) int`
- `MustInt64(s string) int64`
- `MustUint(s string) uint64`
- `MustString(v interface{}) string`
- `Trim(s string, cutSet ...string) string`
- `TrimLeft(s string, cutSet ...string) string`
- `TrimRight(s string, cutSet ...string) string`
- `TrimStrings(ss []string, cutSet ...string) (ns []string)`
- `Substr(s string, pos, length int) string`
- `Lower/Lowercase(s string) string`
- `Upper/Uppercase(s string) string`
- `LowerFirst(s string) string`
- `UpperFirst(s string) string`
- `UpperWord(s string) string`
- `Camel/CamelCase(s string, sep ...string) string`
- `Snake/SnakeCase(s string, sep ...string) string`
- `Email(s string) string`
- `URLDecode(s string) string`
- `URLEncode(s string) string`
- `EscapeJS(s string) string`
- `EscapeHTML(s string) string`
- `Unique(val interface{}) interface{}` Will remove duplicate values, use for `[]int` `[]int64` `[]string`
- `StrToSlice(s string, sep ...string) []string`
- `StrToInts(s string, sep ...string) (ints []int, err error)`
- `StrToTime(s string, layouts ...string) (t time.Time, err error)`
- `StringsToInts(ss []string) (ints []int, err error)`

## License