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Wavious Wlink

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Wavious Wlink




Wavious Wlink
The Wavious Wlink defines a low latency, packet based, layered architecture for communicating between two chiplets. Wlink
exposes on-chip application protocols and converts these for transmission across chiplets via various physical layer
implementations. Wlink is highly configurable, allowing users to communicate between chiplets utilizing current and
future on-chip application protocols. Wlink allows user to define implementation specific physical layers without
the need to change RTL for the controller infrastructure


Project Requirements

* make
* java
* sbt
* icarus verilog (if running simulations)

* Please use version 11.0 or later

*gtkwave with compression packages for viewing waves

Getting Started


git clone
cd wav-wlink-hw
git submodule update --init --recursive

Create your first Wlink Design!
If this is your first run, the initial build may take 5-10 minutes depending on your
CPU setup.


make wlink

Will generate a simple wlink design that has a 1lane GPIO Phy and 32bit AXI ports.
Output RTL will be located in the wav.wlink.AXI32bit1LaneWlinkTestConfig/ directory.
Wlink.v is top level RTL file.

Run a simulation!


make testharness

Will generate the WlinkSimpleTestHarness that instantiates two Wlink instances back to
back. The test harness will generate some random AXI reads/writes and compare the data.
You can run the simple testbench by doing the following:


cd verif/
./ -o ../wav.wlink.AXI32bit1LaneWlinkTestConfig/

See an issue? Have a question?
Feel free to submit an issue! Please note that we are a small team so responses may not be immediate.