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a project for developing registration tools with convolutional neural networks

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a project for developing registration tools with convolutional neural networks




# Medical-image-registration
It is a project for developing registration tools with neural networks, applicable to other image registration tasks. Code is written using `Keras` with `Tensorflow` backend. `SimpleITK` is used to read from and write to ``.nii`` or other medical image formats. All data contained in this repository is in `.npy` format. The code here is directly applicable to grey level images. For RGB images, one should modify the codes accordingly. Input should be of format `(batchsize, height, width, channel)` in 2D cases and `(batchsize, height, width, depth, channel)` in 3D cases. In both cases, the first channel will store the source image, the target image is stacked to the second channel.

Feel free to check ["FAIM -- A ConvNet Method for Unsupervised 3D Medical Image Registration"]( and ["On Reducing Negative Jacobian Determinant of the Deformation Predicted by Deep Registration Networks"]( for more details.

### An overview
The following figure is an overview of the network's work flow:

A comparison with other methods:

Deforming source image to target image:

Deforming source label to target label:

"Foldings", i.e locations where the transformation has negative Jacobian determinants in predicted deformation can be addressed either by using a hard constraint penalizaing negative Jacobian determinants in the loss function or a soft constraint by different training mechanism without changing the configuration of baseline registration network.

Effect of penalizaing negative Jacobian determinants in the predicted deformation (folding locations shown in red):

Effect of using cycle consistent design and refinement module on the baseline network.

### Preprocess
It is assumed that source and target are already roughly linearly aligned. Each image volume is normalized by its maximum intensity.

`.npy` files used in the code are read from original format `.nii, .nii.gz, .hdr` or `.img` using `SimpleITK` package. Possible modifications will be needed if other pakcages like `nibabel` is used for IO.

### Source
* ``: contains some network architectures for learning the proper displacement field.
* ``: contains some losses/regularization functions.
* ``: a module taking learned displacement field to warp input images in 2D.
* ``: a module taking learned affine transformation to warp input images in 2D.
* ``: a module taking learned displacement field to warp input images in 3D.
* ``: a module taking learned affine transformation to warp input images in 3D.
* ``: Contains some utility functions.
* ``: Contains some functions for visualization.
* ``: Contains some functions that make summary plots when comparing dice score from different methods.
* ``: Main script training the network.
* ``: Train the network with a cycle consistent design.
* ``: Alternative training with a refinement module for refining the displacement field.
* ``: Eval the trained model on test data in terms of dice score.
* ``: Used to generate samples from prediction.
* ``: Used to generate average image and produce probability labels when constructing atlas.

### Output
Contains generated label probabilities and a volume of winning labels with `` on [LPBA40 data set]( and also on `OASIS-TRT-20` dataset used in [MindBoggle101](