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A touch slider for vue.js.

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A touch slider for vue.js.




# vue-swipe

vue-swipe is a touch slider for Vue.js.

## Install

$ npm install vue-swipe

## Import

### Import using module

Import components to your project:

``` js

// in ES6 modules
import { Swipe, SwipeItem } from 'vue-swipe';

// in CommonJS
const { Swipe, SwipeItem } = require('vue-swipe');

// in Global variable
const { Swipe, SwipeItem } = VueSwipe;

And register components:

``` js
Vue.component('swipe', Swipe);
Vue.component('swipe-item', SwipeItem);

### Import using script tag

``` html


``` js
const vueSwipe = VueSwipe.Swipe;
const vueSwipeItem = VueSwipe.SwipeItem;

new Vue({
el: 'body',
components: {
'swipe': vueSwipe,
'swipe-item': vueSwipeItem

## Usage

Work on a Vue instance:



.my-swipe {
height: 200px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;

.slide1 {
background-color: #0089dc;
color: #fff;

.slide2 {
background-color: #ffd705;
color: #000;

.slide3 {
background-color: #ff2d4b;
color: #fff;

## Options

### Props

| Option | Type | Description | Default |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| speed | Number | Speed of animation | 300 |
| defaultIndex | Number | Start swipe item index | 0 |
| disabled | Boolean | Disable user drag swipe item | false |
| auto | Number | Delay of auto slide | 3000 |
| continuous | Boolean | Create an infinite slider without endpoints | true |
| showIndicators | Boolean | Show indicators on slider bottom | true |
| noDragWhenSingle | Boolean | Do not drag when there is only one swipe-item | true |
| prevent | Boolean | `preventDefault` when touch start, useful for some lower version Android Browser (4.2, etc) | false |
| propagation | Boolean | solve nesting | false |
| disabled | Boolean | disabled user swipe item | false |

### Events

| Event Name | Description | params |
| ----- | ----- | ----- |
| change | triggers when current swipe-item change | new swipe item Index, old swipe item Index |

## FAQ

### How to programminly swipe to an item?

Use ref and call `goto()` method.

``` js

For more details, please refer to example code.

## Development

Watching with hot-reload:

$ npm run dev

Develop on real remote device:

$ npm run remote-dev {{ YOUR IP ADDRESS }}

## License