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Utility class for handling slices

go go-library golang library slices utilities

Last synced: 24 days ago
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Utility class for handling slices




Utility class for handling slices.

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## Install

`go get -u`

## Quick Start

import ""

func test() {
s := slicer.String()
fmt.Printf("My slice = %+v\n", s.AsSlice())

t := slicer.String()
fmt.Printf("My slice = %+v\n", t.AsSlice())

## Available slicers

- Int
- Int8
- Int16
- Int32
- Int64
- UInt
- UInt8
- UInt16
- UInt32
- UInt64
- Float32
- Float64
- String
- Bool
- Interface

## API

### Construction

Create new Slicers by calling one of the following functions:
- Int()
- Int8()
- Int16()
- Int32()
- Int64()
- Float32()
- Float64()
- String()
- Bool()
- Interface()

s := slicer.String()

If you wish to convert an existing slice to a Slicer, you may pass it in during creation:

values := []string{"one", "two", "three"}
s := slicer.String(values)

### Add

Adds a value to the slice.

values := []string{"one", "two", "three"}
s := slicer.String(values)

### AddUnique

Adds a value to the slice if it doesn't already contain it.

values := []string{"one", "two", "three", "one", "two", "three"}
s := slicer.String(values)
result := s.Join(",")
// result is "one,two,three"
### AddSlice

Adds an existing slice of values to a slicer

s := slicer.String([]string{"one"})

### AsSlice

Returns a regular slice from the slicer.

s := slicer.String([]string{"one"})
for _, value := range s.AsSlice() {

### AddSlicer

Adds an existing slicer of values to another slicer

a := slicer.String([]string{"one"})
b := slicer.String([]string{"two"})

### Filter

Filter the values of a slicer based on the result of calling the given function with each value of the slice. If it returns true, the value is added to the result.

a := slicer.Int([]int{1,5,7,9,6,3,1,9,1})
result := a.Filter(func(v int) bool {
return v > 5
// result is []int{7,9,9}


### Each

Each iterates over all the values of a slicer, passing them in as paramter to a function

a := slicer.Int([]int{1,5,7,9,6,3,1,9,1})
result := 0
a.Each(func(v int) {
result += v
// result is 42

### Contains

Contains returns true if the slicer contains the given value

a := slicer.Int([]int{1,5,7,9,6,3,1,9,1})
result := a.Contains(9)
// result is True

### Join

Returns a string with the slicer elements separated by the given separator

a := slicer.String([]string{"one", "two", "three"})
result := a.Join(",")
// result is "one,two,three"
### Length

Returns the length of the slice

a := slicer.String([]string{"one", "two", "three"})
result := a.Length()
// result is 3

### Clear

Clears all elements from the current slice

a := slicer.String([]string{"one", "two", "three"})
// a.Length() == 0

### Sort

Sorts the elements of a slice
Not supported by: InterfaceSlicer, BoolSlicer

a := slicer.Int([]int{5,3,4,1,2})
// a is []int{1,2,3,4,5}

### Deduplicate

Deduplicate removes all duplicates within a slice.

a := slicer.Int([]int{5,3,5,1,3})
// a is []int{5,3,1}