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auto scale as a service

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

auto scale as a service




# tsuru-autoscale

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## Features

* HTTP api to manage auto scale configuration
* integration with [tsuru](
* Wizard that makes easy configure an auto scale for [tsuru](
* Support HTTP based data sources
* Support HTTP based actions
* Support alarm scripts in javascript

## Concepts

The `tsuru-autoscale` is based on three elements: `data sources`, `actions` and `alarms`.

### Data sources

Data source is a http endpoint that provide the data to an alarm. Is based on the
data source data that the alarm will execute an action.

### Actions

Action is a http endpoint that is called when the alarm expression result is `true`.

### Alarms

Alarm is composed by data sources, actions and by an expression. When the expression result is `true` the actions will be executed.

### Wizard

Wizard is an easy way to use autoscale with `tsuru`. Wizard creates the alarms
for scale up and scale down, based on simple inputs like: ``

## Install as tsuru application

### Create tsuru app using Go platform

tsuru app-create autoscale go

### Configuring MongoDB

We should use environment variables to configure the database:

tsuru env-set "MONGODB_URL=mongodb://" -a autoscale

### Deploy the applications

tsuru env-set -a autoscale

tsuru app-deploy . -a autoscale

## API Reference

### list data sources

curl /datasource

### add data source

curl -XPOST -d '{}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /datasource

### remove a data source

curl -XDELETE /datasource/{name}

### list actions

curl /action

### add an action

curl -XPOST -d '{}' -H "Content-Type: applicaiton/json" /action

### remove an action

curl -XDELETE /action/{name}

### list alarms

curl /alarm

### add an alarm

curl -XPOST -d '{}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /alarm

### remove an alarm

curl -XDELETE /alarm/{name}

## Configuring Wizard to works with tsuru

To `wizard` works fine with `tsuru` it is necessary to configure some data sources
and the actions to scale up and scale down.

### Add the scale up action

curl -XPOST -d '{"name": "scale_up", "url": "http:///apps/{app}/units", "method": "PUT", "body": "units={step}&process={process}", "headers": {"Authorization": "bearer ", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /action

### Add the scale down action

curl -XPOST -d '{"name": "scale_down", "url": "http:///apps/{app}/units?units={step}&process={process}", "method": "DELETE", "headers": {"Authorization": "bearer ", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /action

### Add data source to get the number of units

curl -XPOST -d '{"name": "units", "url": "http:///apps/{app}", "method": "GET", "headers" : {"Authorization": "bearer "}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /datasource

### Add data source to get cpu data from ElasticSearch

Only configure it if you are using ElasticSearch as tsuru metrics backend.

curl -XPOST -d '{"name": "cpu", "url": "http:////cpu_max/_search", "method": "POST", "body" : "{\"size\":0, \"query\": {\"filtered\": {\"filter\": {\"bool\": {\"must\": [{\"range\": {\"value\": {\"lt\": 500}}},{ \"term\": {\"app.raw\": \"{app}\"}}, {\"term\": {\"process.raw\": \"{process}\"}}]}}}}, \"aggs\": {\"range\": {\"date_range\": {\"field\": \"@timestamp\", \"ranges\": [{\"from\": \"now-5m/m\", \"to\": \"now\"}]}, \"aggs\": {\"date\": {\"date_histogram\": {\"field\": \"@timestamp\", \"interval\": \"1m\"}, \"aggs\": {\"max\": {\"max\": {\"field\": \"value\"}}, \"avg\": {\"avg\": {\"field\": \"value\"}}}}}}}}", "public": true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /datasource

### Add data source to get cpu data from Prometheus

Only configure it if you are using Prometheus as tsuru metrics backend.

curl -XPOST -d '{"name": "cpu", "url": "/api/v1/query?query=max(irate(container_cpu_system_seconds_total{container_label_tsuru_process_name=\"{process}\",container_label_tsuru_app_name=\"{app}\"}[1m]))*100", "public": true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" /datasource