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Addon to provide a locale switcher and react-intl for storybook

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Addon to provide a locale switcher and react-intl for storybook




# Storybook Addon Intl

The Intl addon can be used to provide locale switcher and react-intl.


## Getting Started

First, install the addon

npm install -D storybook-addon-intl

Then, add following content to `.storybook/main.js`:

export default {
addons: ['storybook-addon-intl']

In `.storybook/preview.js`, add the following:

// Provide your messages
const messages = {
en: { message: 'Just some text.' },
de: { message: 'Nur etwas Text.' },
es: { message: 'Sólo un texto.' }

const getMessages = (locale) => messages[locale];

export default {
parameters: {
intl: {
locales: defaultLocales,
defaultLocale: 'en',

## Configuration

Parameter key: `intl`

### `locales`

Type: `string[]`

Available locales.

### `defaultLocale`

Type: `string`

Fallback locale.

### `getMessages`

Type: `(locale: string) => object`

Getter function that takes the active locale as arguments and expects an `object` of messages as a return value.

(See `messages` in [`IntlProvider` docs]( of react-intl)

### `getFormats`

Type: `(locale: string) => object`

Getter function that takes the active locale as arguments and expects an `object` of formats as a return value.

(See `formats` in [`IntlProvider` docs]( of react-intl)

### `defaultRichTextElements`

Type: `object`

Object of rich text elements.

(See `defaultRichTextElements` in [`IntlProvider` docs]( of react-intl)