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UNIS: A Common Architecture for String Utilities within the Go Programming Language.

golang string utility-wrapper

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UNIS: A Common Architecture for String Utilities within the Go Programming Language.




![]( **A Common Architecture for String Utilities in Go.**

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Awesome GoLang

`UNIS` shares a common architecture and the necessary `interfaces` that will help you to refactor your project or application to a better place to work on. Choose one way to organise your `string utilities`, across your different projects.

Developers can now, move forward and implement their own types of string utilities based on the UNIS architecture.

**Apply good design patterns** from the beginning and you will be saved from a lot of work later on. Trust me.

## Installation

The only requirement is the [Go Programming Language](

$ go get -u

## What's inside?

* `Processor`: Manipulates a receiver string, based on the implementation, and returns its new format.
* `Validator`: Validates a receiver string, based on the implementation, and returns a boolean and an error.
* `Divider`: Splits a receiver string into two pieces, based on the implementation, and returns them.
* `Joiner`: Receives two strings, combines them into one, based on the implementation, and returns it.

## Getting started

UNIS contains some basic implementations that you can see and learn from!

First of all, let's take look at the `unis.Processor` interface.
// Processor is the most important interface of this package.
// It's being used to implement basic string processors.
// Users can use all these processors to build more on their packages.
// A Processor should change the "original" and returns its result based on that.
type Processor interface {
// Process accepts an "original" string and returns a result based on that.
Process(original string) (result string)
As you can see, it contains just a function which accepts a string and returns a string.
Everything implements that interface only -- **No, please don't close the browser yet!**

### TIP: Convert standard `strings` or `path` functions to `UNIS.Processor`

The majority of `strings` and `path` packages contain functions like
`strings.ToLower` which is a type of `func(string) string`, guess what -- `unis.ProcessorFunc` it's type of `func(string)string` too, so UNIS is 100% compatible with standard library!

Proof of concept:

// [...]
pathCleaner := unis.ProcessorFunc(path.Clean)
toLower := unis.ProcessorFunc(strings.ToLower)

unis.NewChain(pathCleaner, toLower)
// [...]

### Let's begin

How many times are you using `strings.Replace` in your project? -- Correct, a lot.
Spawning `strings.Replace` many times can be a dangerous decision because you may forget a replacement somewhere after a trivial change.

UNIS has a function which can help you structure all of your `strings.Replace` to one spot
based on the `replacements`. Replacements is just a map[$oldstring]$newstring.

// NewReplacer accepts a map of old and new string values.
// The "old" will be replaced with the "new" one.
// Same as for loop with a strings.Replace("original", old, new, -1).
NewReplacer(replacements map[string]string) ProcessorFunc

> `ProcessorFunc` is just an ease-to-use "alias" for a `Processor`. It's a func that accepts the same arguments as `Processor.Process` and
in the same time implements the `Processor` interface. Exactly like the `net/http.HandlerFunc` function.


package main

import (

const slash = "/"

// SlashFixer removes double (system) slashes and returns the fixed path.
var SlashFixer = unis.NewReplacer(map[string]string{
"\\": slash,
"//": slash,

func main() {
original := "\\home\\/users//Downloads"
result := SlashFixer(original) // /home/users/Downloads
print(" |> ")

> `SlashFixer` is an `unis.ProcessorFunc`, can be called as `SlashFixer.Process(string)` or simply `SlashFixer(string)`.

### Chain

// Processors is a list of string Processor.
Processors []Processor

// NewChain returns a new chain of processors
// the result of the first goes to the second and so on.
NewChain(processors ...Processor) ProcessorFunc

package main

import (


func NewPathNormalizer() unis.Processor {
slash := "/"
replacer := unis.NewReplacer(map[string]string{
`\`: slash,
`//`: slash,

suffixRemover := unis.NewSuffixRemover(slash)
slashPrepender := unis.NewTargetedJoiner(0, slash[0])

toLower := unis.ProcessorFunc(strings.ToLower) // convert standard functions to UNIS and add to the chain.
cleanPath := unis.ProcessorFunc(path.Clean) // convert standard functions to UNIS and add to the chain.
return unis.NewChain(

var defaultPathNormalizer = NewPathNormalizer()

func NormalizePath(path string) string {
if path == "" {
return path
return defaultPathNormalizer.Process(path)

func main() {
original := "api\\////users/"
result := NormalizePath(original) // /api/users
print(" |> ")


### Conditional

// NewConditional runs the 'p' processor, if the string didn't
// changed then it assumes that that processor has being a failure
// and it returns a Chain of the 'alternative' processor(s).
NewConditional(p Processor, alternative ...Processor) ProcessorFunc

### Prefix

// NewPrefixRemover accepts a "prefix" and returns a new processor
// which returns the result without that "prefix".
NewPrefixRemover(prefix string) ProcessorFunc

// NewPrepender accepts a "prefix" and returns a new processor
// which returns the result prepended with that "prefix".
NewPrepender(prefix string) ProcessorFunc

// NewExclusivePrepender accepts a "prefix" and returns a new processor
// which returns the result prepended with that "prefix"
// if the "original"'s prefix != prefix.
// The difference from NewPrepender is that
// this processor will make sure that
// the prefix is that "prefix" series of characters,
// i.e:
// 1. "//path" -> NewPrepender("/") |> "//path"
// It has a prefix already, so it doesn't prepends the "/" to the "//path",
// but it doesn't checks if that is the correct prefix.
// 1. "//path" -> NewExclusivePrepender("/") |> "/path"
// Checks if that is the correct prefix, if so returns as it's,
// otherwise replace the duplications and prepend the correct prefix.
NewExclusivePrepender(prefix string) ProcessorFunc

### Suffix

// NewSuffixRemover accepts a "suffix" and returns a new processor
// which returns the result without that "suffix".
NewSuffixRemover(suffix string) ProcessorFunc

// NewAppender accepts a "suffix" and returns a new processor
// which returns the result appended with that "suffix".
NewAppender(suffix string) ProcessorFunc

### Range

// NewRange accepts "begin" and "end" indexes.
// Returns a new processor which tries to
// return the "original[begin:end]".
NewRange(begin, end int) ProcessorFunc

// NewRangeBegin almost same as NewRange but it
// accepts only a "begin" index, that means that
// it assumes that the "end" index is the last of the "original" string.
// Returns the "original[begin:]".
NewRangeBegin(begin int) ProcessorFunc

// NewRangeEnd almost same as NewRange but it
// accepts only an "end" index, that means that
// it assumes that the "start" index is 0 of the "original".
// Returns the "original[0:end]".
NewRangeEnd(end int) ProcessorFunc

### Joiner

// NewTargetedJoiner accepts an "expectedIndex" as int
// and a "joinerChar" as byte and returns a new processor
// which returns the result concated with that "joinerChar"
// if the "original" string[expectedIndex] != joinerChar.
// i.e:
// 1. "path", NewTargetedJoiner(0, '/') |> "/path"
// 2. "path/anything", NewTargetedJoiner(5, '*') |> "path/*anything".
NewTargetedJoiner(expectedIndex int, joinerChar byte) ProcessorFunc

### Bonus: Divider

We saw that everything are `Processors` at the end.
UNIS has some other interfaces like `Divider` too, which should
split a string into two different string pieces, and `Joiner` which should joins two pieces into one.


// Divider should be implemented by all string dividers.
type Divider interface {
// Divide takes a string "original" and splits it into two pieces.
Divide(original string) (part1 string, part2 string)

// NewDivider returns a new divider which splits
// a string into two pieces, based on the "separator".
// On failure returns the original path as its first
// return value, and empty as it's second.
NewDivider(separator string) Divider

// NewInvertOnFailureDivider accepts a Divider "divider"
// and returns a new one.
// It calls the previous "divider" if succed then it returns
// the result as it is, otherwise it inverts the order of the result.
// Rembmer: the "divider" by its nature, returns the original string
// and empty as second parameter if the divide action has being a failure.
NewInvertOnFailureDivider(divider Divider) Divider

// Divide is an action which runs a new divider based on the "separator"
// and the "original" string.
Divide(original string, separator string) (string, string)

### Validator

// Validator is just another interface
// for string utilities.
// All validators should implement this interface.
// Contains only one function "Valid" which accepts
// a string and returns a boolean and an error.
// It should compare that string "str" with
// something and returns a true, nil or false, err.
// Validators can be used side by side with Processors.
// See .If for more.
type Validator interface {
Valid(str string) (ok bool, err error)

// ValidatorFunc is just an "alias" for the Validator interface.
// It implements the Validator.
type ValidatorFunc func(str string) (bool, error)

`Validators` can be used side by side with `Processors`.

// If receives a "validator" Validator and two Processors,
// the first processor will be called when that validator passed,
// the second processor will be called when the validator failed.
// Both of the processors ("succeed" and "failure"), as always,
// can be results of .NewChain.
// Returns a new string processor which checks the "validator"
// against the "original" string, if passed then it runs the
// "succeed", otherwise it runs the "failure".
// Remember: it returns a ProcessorFunc, meaning that can be used in a new chain too.
If(validator Validator, succeed Processor, failure Processor) ProcessorFunc


// [...]
mailTo := unis.If(unis.IsMail, unis.NewPrepender("mailto:"), unis.ClearProcessor)
// it checks if a string is an e-mail,if so then it runs the prepender
// otherwise it runs the unis.ClearProcessor which returns an empty string.

mailTo("[email protected]") // returns "mailto:[email protected]"
mailTo("[email protected]") // returns ""

// [...]

> `IsMail` is a `ValidatorFunc`, see [expression_validator_test.go]( for more.

`IsMail` is a built'n `Validator` based on a the `expression matcher` which accepts a regex expression and validates the receiver string.

// NewMatcher returns a new validator which
// returns true and a nil error if the "expression"
// matches against a receiver string.
NewMatcher(expression string) ValidatorFunc

Let's create a custom matcher which matches if a string is a positive number.

package main

import (

func main() {
isPositiveNumber := unis.NewMatcher("^([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?|[0]+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)$")
isPositiveNumber("-0") // or isPositiveNumber.Valid("-0"), returns false, nil
isPositiveNumber("0") // returns false, nil
isPositiveNumber("0.1") // returns true, nil
isPositiveNumber("-1") // returns false, nil
isPositiveNumber("1") // returns true, nil
isPositiveNumber("astring") // returns false, nil

The `error` output argument of the `NewMatcher` is filled when the expression is invalid.

m := NewMatcher("\xf8\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1")
ok, err := m.Valid("something") // ok is false, err.Error() is "error parsing regexp: invalid UTF-8: ...."

UNIS never panics on its own functions, but we need a way to notify the user,
in case he doesn't catch the `error` second output argument,
something critical happened before the validator returns (the `regexp.Compile` is happening before returning the validator).

So we have a global `Logger` variable which accepts a receiver string message and logs to the console by-default.
This behavior can be changed by setting the `Logger` to an empty func.

unis.Logger = func(string){} // disables the logging of the "panic-level" messages.

## Support

Help me share realistic design patterns by [starring]( the project!
If you would like to add your implementation of a `UNIS Processor`, feel free to push a [PR](!

## Philosophy

The UNIS philosophy is to provide small, robust tooling for common string actions, making it a great solution for an extensible project.

I would love to see UNIS as a common place of all Go's `extensible string utilities` that any Gopher will find and use with ease.
The goal is to make this repository authored by a `Community` which cares about code extensibility, stability and buety!

## Versioning

Current: **0.0.3**
Date: 8 May 2017

Read more about Semantic Versioning 2.0.0


## Contributing

I'd love to see contributions!

If you are interested in contributing to the UNIS project, please read the []( and make a [PR](

## People

A list of all contributors can be found [here](


- [x] Tests
- [x] Documentation
- [ ] Advanced Examples and Usage on a real project.

## License

Unless otherwise noted, the source files are distributed
under the 3-Clause BSD License found in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.