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Modular security for Vue, Vuex, Vue-Router and Nuxt

javascript kindergarten nuxt vue-kindergarten vue-router vuejs vuejs2 vuex

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Modular security for Vue, Vuex, Vue-Router and Nuxt




# vue-kindergarten

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## Introduction

**vue-kindergarten** is a plugin for VueJS 2.0 that integrates [kindergarten]( into your VueJS applications. It helps you to authorize your components, routes and the rest of your application in very modular way. If you are not familiar with **kindergarten** yet, I highly recommend you to check out [the README]( first.

## Installation

yarn add vue-kindergarten
# or
npm install vue-kindergarten

And you can register the plugin like this:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueKindergarten from 'vue-kindergarten';

import App from './App';
import router from './router';
import store from './store';

Vue.use(VueKindergarten, {
// Getter of your current user.
// If you use vuex, then store will be passed
child: (store) => {
return store.state.user;
// or
// return decode(localStorage.getItem('jwt'));
// or your very own logic..

new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '',
components: { App },

## Usage

First we need to define our perimeters. Perimeter is a module that represents some part of your applications or a business domain. It defines rules that has to be respected and can additionally expose some methods that you can use in your application.

import { createPerimeter } from 'vue-kindergarten';

purpose: 'article',

can: {
read: () => true

// only admin or moderator can update articles
update(article) {
return this.isAdmin() || (this.isCreator(article) && this.isModerator());

// if user can update articles then she can also destroy them
destroy(article) {
return this.isAllowed('update', article);

secretNotes(article) {
this.guard('update', article);

return article.secretNotes;

isAdmin() {
return this.child.role === 'admin';

isModerator() {
return this.child.role === 'moderator';

isCreator(article) {
return ===;

expose: [


{{ article.title }}

Edit Article

{{ article.content }}

{{ $article.secretNotes() }}

import { mapState } from 'vuex';

export default {
computed: {

// add your perimeters
perimeters: [


In example above we have injected our `articlesPerimeter` into our component. Our component act as sandbox now. We can call all the methods that are available in the Sandbox directly on our component.

### Protecting Routes

import Router from 'vue-router';
import { createSandbox } from 'vue-kindergarten';

import Home from '@/components/Home';
import Articles from '@/components/Articles';
import EditArticle from '@/components/EditArticle';
import RouteGoverness from '@/governesses/RouteGoverness';

import articlesPerimeter from '@/perimeters/articlesPerimeter';

import child from '@/child';

const router = new Router({
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home

path: '/articles',
name: 'articles',
component: Articles,
meta: {
perimeter: articlesPerimeter,
perimeterAction: 'read',

path: '/articles/:id/edit',
name: 'edit-article',
component: EditArticle,
meta: {
perimeter: articlesPerimeter,
perimeterAction: 'update',

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
to.matched.some((routeRecord) => {
const perimeter = routeRecord.meta.perimeter;
const Governess = routeRecord.meta.governess || RouteGoverness;
const action = routeRecord.meta.perimeterAction || 'route';

if (perimeter) {
const sandbox = createSandbox(child(), {
governess: new Governess(),

perimeters: [

return sandbox.guard(action, { to, from, next });

return next();

export default router;

#### Route Governess

import { HeadGoverness } from 'vue-kindergarten';

export default class RouteGoverness extends HeadGoverness {
guard(action, { next }) {
// or your very own logic to redirect user
// see. for inspiration
return this.isAllowed(action) ? next() : next('/');

## Usage with Nuxt.js

Register plugin in `plugins/vue-kindergarten.js`:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueKindergarten from 'vue-kindergarten';

import child from '~/child';

Vue.use(VueKindergarten, {

Implement your `child` getter in `child.js`:

export default (store) => store && store.state.user;

Add reference to your plugin inside of `nuxt.config.js`:

module.exports = {
plugins: ['~/plugins/vue-kindergarten']

You can now use `vue-kindergarten` in your Nuxt templates.

To protect our routes we need to create a Nuxt middleware in `middleware/vue-kindergarten`:

import { createSandbox } from 'vue-kindergarten';
import RouteGoverness from '~/governesses/RouteGoverness';

import child from '~/child';

export default (context) => {
const { route, error, redirect, store, isServer } = context;
route.matched.some((routeRecord) => {
const options = routeRecord.components.default.options;
const perimeter = options.routePerimeter;
const Governess = options.routeGoverness || RouteGoverness;
const action = options.routePerimeterAction || 'route';

if (perimeter) {
const sandbox = createSandbox(child(store), {
governess: new Governess(context),

perimeters: [

return sandbox.guard(action, { redirect });

and again register your middleware in you Nuxt config:

module.exports = {
plugins: [

router: {
middleware: 'vue-kindergarten'

This middleware will look in you component for `routePerimeter` and for `routePerimeterAction` and will check if the condition passes with the currently logged-in user.

import { createPerimeter } from 'vue-kindergarten';

import articlesPerimeter from '~/perimeters/articles';

// This component will only be accessible if user can update articles
export default {
routePerimeter: articlesPerimeter,
routePerimeterAction: 'update'

The implementation of your default routing governess might look like this:

import { HeadGoverness } from 'vue-kindergarten';

export default class RouteGoverness extends HeadGoverness {
guard(action, { redirect }) {
if (this.isNotAllowed(action)) {

You can also implement you own governess per each component to define a different redirect logic based on context:

import { createPerimeter } from 'vue-kindergarten';

import articlesPerimeter from '~/perimeters/articles';
import ArticlesRoutingGoverness from '~/governesses/ArticlesRoutingGoverness';

// This component will only be accessible if user can update articles
export default {
routePerimeter: articlesPerimeter,
routePerimeterAction: 'update',
routeGoverness: ArticlesRoutingGoverness

## More About Vue-Kindergarten

[Role Based Authorization for your Vue.js and Nuxt.js Applications Using vue-kindergarten](

## License

The MIT License (MIT) - See file 'LICENSE' in this project

## Copyright

Copyright © 2017 Jiří Chára. All Rights Reserved.