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a advanced zoombox

Last synced: 3 months ago
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a advanced zoombox




# vue-zoombox

a advanced zoombox.
- Reposition on window resize
- Full resolution for images
- support for caption
- support for scrolling
- support for thumbs

### [Demo](

# Install

npm install --save-dev vue-zoombox
or include `build/bundle.js`.

## Usage
# in your component
"zoombox": require("vue-zoombox")
# or, when using bundle.js
"zoombox": window.vueComps.zoombox

A caption
Will be shown besides the image when opened

see [`dev/`](dev/) for examples.

#### Props
Name | type | default | description
---:| --- | ---| ---
src | String | - | (required) path to image.
thumb | String | - | path to thumb
delay | Number | 3000 | Only if thumb is given, delays loading of the image, in ms. 0 to disable auto load of image.
opacity | Number | 0.5 | opacity of the overlay
max-scale | Number | Number.MAX_VALUE | maximal zoom factor
allow-scroll | Boolean | false | will not close on scroll
disable-scroll | Boolean | false | will disable scrolling
is-opened | Boolean | false | (two-way) set to open / close
transition | String | "zoombox" | name of a vue transition. [Detailed description](#transition)
caption-transition | String | "zoomboxCaption" | name of a vue transition. [Detailed description](#transition)

if thumb is given the image is loaded after `delay` or on `mouseenter`.
If the image isn't loaded on click, the slot `loading` is displayed.

#### Events
Name | description
---:| ---
before-enter | will be called before open animation
after-enter | will be called when opened
before-leave | will be called before close animation
after-leave | will be called when closed
thumb-loaded | will be called when thumb is ready
image-loaded | will be called when image is ready
toggled(isOpened:Boolean) | emitted when gets opened or closed. Alternative to use two-way `is-opened` prop

#### Transition

You can provide a vue transition like this:
// your transition
// or in the instance:
transitions: {
fade: {
// your transition
// usage:
template: ""

You can access several properties in your hooks:
enter: function(el,cb) {
self = this
self.imgScale // scale to get the small image size
self.scale // multiply with imgScale to get the big image size
// target top and left positions for big image size
// starting position for top and left are 0

Example from [dev/basic.vue](dev/basic.vue)
Velocity = require("velocity-animate")

css: false
enter: (el,done) ->
Velocity.hook(el, "scale", @imgScale)
@$nextTick =>
Velocity el, {scale:@imgScale*@scale,,left:@relPos.left}, {
duration: 1000,
queue: false,
ease: "easeOutQuad",
complete: done
leave: (el,done) ->
Velocity.hook(el, "scale", @imgScale*@scale)
Velocity el, {scale:@imgScale,top:0,left:0}, {
duration: 1000,
queue: false,
ease: "easeOutQuad",
complete: done

## Changelog
- 1.0.2
added opened slot
little bugfix with lineheight

- 1.0.1
close overlay on destroy
changed container behavior to allow responsive images (#1)

- 1.0.0
removed support for other content (only images now)
now using vue transitions
events are renamed after vue transitions
added support for thumbs
added unit tests

# Development
Clone repository.
npm install
npm run dev
Browse to `http://localhost:8080/`.

## License
Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt
Licensed under the MIT license.