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The One CD for All {applications, platforms, operations}

cd ci-cd cicd cloudrun cncf cncf-project continuous-delivery devops ecs fargate gitops infrastructure istio kubernetes lambda pipecd sandbox serverless terraform

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The One CD for All {applications, platforms, operations}




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A GitOps style continuous delivery platform that provides consistent deployment and operations experience for any applications

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### Overview

PipeCD provides __a unified continuous delivery solution for multiple application kinds on multi-cloud__ that empowers engineers to deploy faster with more confidence, a GitOps tool that enables doing deployment operations by pull request on Git.



### Why PipeCD?

- Simple, unified and easy to use but powerful pipeline definition to construct your deployment
- Same deployment interface to deploy applications of any platform, including Kubernetes, Terraform, GCP Cloud Run, AWS Lambda, AWS ECS
- No CRD or applications' manifest changes are required; Only need a pipeline definition along with your application manifests
- No deployment credentials are exposed or required outside the application cluster
- Built-in deployment analysis as part of the deployment pipeline to measure impact based on metrics, logs, emitted requests
- Easy to interact with any CI; The CI tests and builds artifacts, PipeCD takes the rest
- Insights show metrics like lead time, deployment frequency, MTTR and change failure rate to measure delivery performance
- Designed to manage thousands of cross-platform applications in multi-cloud for company scale but also work well for small projects

And many more, please explore in [docs](


### Quickstart

The [quickstart guide]( shows how to set up PipeCD components and deploy a hello-world application with PipeCD.


### Installation

The [installation guide]( explains and helps set up PipeCD for your real-life production environment.


### Release and development

Please check [the release page]( to see what is included in the latest release. Also, [Releases documentation]( explains our versioning and release cycle.

Go to the [Discussion]( to know what we are working on and which will be added to the next release.


### Contributing

We'd love you to join us! Please see the [Contributing docs](


### Community

As a CNCF Sandbox project, PipeCD follows [CNCF Code of Conduct](


### Adopters

You can find a list of publicly recognized users of the PipeCD in the []( file. We strongly encourage all PipeCD users to add their names to this list, as we love to see the community's growing success!


### Thanks to the contributors of PipeCD!


**We are a [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]( sandbox project.**

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