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Jupyter Kernel for Matlab

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Jupyter Kernel for Matlab




A Matlab kernel for Jupyter

Install `Jupyter Notebook `_ and the
`Matlab engine for Python `_.


Install using::

$ pip install matlab_kernel

or ``pip install git+`` for the dev version.

To use the kernel, run one of::

$ jupyter notebook
# In the notebook interface, select Matlab from the 'New' menu
$ jupyter qtconsole --kernel matlab
$ jupyter console --kernel matlab

To remove from kernel listings::

$ jupyter kernelspec remove matlab

The kernel can be configured by adding an ```` file to the
``jupyter`` config path. The ``MatlabKernel`` class offers ``plot_settings`` as a configurable traits.
The available plot settings are:
'format', 'backend', 'width', 'height', and 'resolution'.

.. code:: bash

cat ~/.jupyter/
c.MatlabKernel.plot_settings = dict(format='svg')


Kernel Times Out While Starting
If the kernel is not starting, try running the following from a terminal.

.. code:: shell

python -m matlab_kernel.check

Please include that output if opening an issue.

Kernel is Not Listed
If the kernel is not listed as an available kernel, first try the following command:

.. code:: shell

python -m matlab_kernel install --user

If the kernel is still not listed, verify that the following point to the same
version of python:

.. code:: shell

which python # use "where" if using cmd.exe
which jupyter

Additional information

The Matlab kernel is based on `MetaKernel `_,
which means it features a standard set of magics. For a full list of magics,
run ``%lsmagic`` in a cell.

A sample notebook is available online_.

A note about plotting. After each call to Matlab, we ask Matlab to save any
open figures to image files whose format and resolution are defined using the
``%plot`` magic. The resulting image is shown inline in the notebook. You can
use ``%plot native`` to raise normal Matlab windows instead.

Advanced Installation Notes

We automatically install a Jupyter kernelspec when installing the python package. This location can be found using ``jupyter kernelspec list``. If the default location is not desired, you can remove the directory for the octave kernel, and install using ``python -m matlab_kernel install``. See ``python -m matlab_kernel install --help`` for available options.

It has been reported that Matlab version 2016b works fine. However, Matlab 2014b does not work with Python 3.5.

.. _online:


Install the package locally::

$ pip install -e .
$ python -m matlab_kernel install

As you make changes, test them in a notebook (restart the kernel between changes).