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React native cheat sheet with things that I find interesting or I had to google/figure out

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React native cheat sheet with things that I find interesting or I had to google/figure out




Since I just started playing around with [React Native]( and there are just few resources available online I've decided to created this repo to write down things that I find interesting or I've spent some time googling/figuring out.
Hope it helps and makes your time with React Native even more fun!

And of course, feel free to contribute

# How to add custom fonts to a React Native app in Xcode

1. Create a new group `Fonts` within your Xcode project
2. Drag and drop fonts from `Finder` to the `Fonts` group you just created, and check your project name in `Add to targets` list
3. Expand your project name folder within the main directory in your project and open `Info.plist`
4. Add `Fonts provided by application` as a new key
5. Add a new item named after the full font name with extension under `Fonts provided by application` for each font you've added to the fonts folder
6. Run `Shift + Command + K` to clean last build
7. Then `Command + B` to start a new build
8. And finally `Command + R` to run the application

If you still see the error `Unrecognized font family` restart your react packager or add the following to the `AppDelegate.m` in order to print all available fonts: `NSLog (@"Font families: %@", [UIFont familyNames]);`

### How to use it

var styles = React.StyleSheet.create({
title: {
color: '#000',
fontFamily: 'Font-Name-Without-Extension'

# How to make circle image with React Native
Since `borderRadius` style expects `number` as a value you can't use `borderRadius: 50%`.
To make circle all you have to do is use your image width/height and devide it with 2.

Example for 100x100 image:

// component


``` Javascript
// styles
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
image: {
height: 100,
borderRadius: 50,
width: 100

# React Native Image component can have child components
Because of `HTML` and `` tag it's easy to ignore that React `` component can have child components, but it can.

This is how you can do it. If it doesn't look pretty, change image `source` and add styles to make it nicer!


This is my text


# Text transform uppercase with React Native styles
I wasn't able to find react native style that does CSS `text-transform: uppercase;`. To make my `` component uppercased I've used javascript fallback.


# React Native Text component `numberOfLines` default value
Number of lines expects integer to be passed in as specified in [docs](

I've tried using `null` and it works but it logs warning in console: `numberOfLines` expects `number` not `null`.
Searching react repo for `numberOfLines` didn't help and I just tried out setting it to `0` and it worked out without any wornings.

Example component that is showing just first 10 lines of text and on tap shows the rest.

class Article extends Component {
constructor() {

this.state = {
// initial number of lines
numberOfLines: 10

render() {
var showMore = this.state.numberOfLines ? {'SHOW MORE \u25BC'} : null;

return (

this.setState({numberOfLines:0})} >



# Get device width and height
There are quite a few ways to do this, but an easy to use module is [react-native-device](

``` npm install react-native-device --save```

Then, to use in your project:

var Device = require('react-native-device');

if (Device.isIpad()) {
// return iPad layout
} else {
// return iPhone layout

var deviceWidth = Device.width() // return device width
var deviceHeight = Device.height() // return device width

var deviceKind = Device.kind() // returns kind of device (iPad, iPhone4, iPhone6, etc...)


# Extending and overriding styles with inline styles and how to use dynamic styles
If you want to override one/more styles defined within `React.StyleSheet.create` you can do it inline.
Instead of using `style={styles.myStyle}` you can pass in array of style properties:



# Preventing Image Flash after ActionSheetIOS is used
Sometimes after a user has shared something on your app via the `ActionSheetIOS` component, images that were previsouly displayed in your app will disappear for a moment before getting re-rendered, causing a flicker. To prevent this you can set the Image's `defaultSource` to the main source.

