
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A curated list of Pulsar tools, integrations and resources.

List: awesome-pulsar

apache-bookkeeper apache-flink apache-kafka apache-pulsar apache-spark apache-storm elastic-beats grafana-dashboard messaging prometheus pub-sub spark spark-sql spark-structured-streaming

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A curated list of Pulsar tools, integrations and resources.




# Awesome Pulsar
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A curated list of Pulsar tools, integrations, and resources.

If you want to contribute, please read [this](

## Clients

The clients developed under ASF.

- [C++](
- [Go](
- [Java](
- [NodeJS](
- [Python](
- [Websocket](

Other clients:

- Go
- [pulsar-client-go](
- Ruby
- [ruby-pulsar-client]( ([@hiroakiwater](
- [pulsar_sdk](
- Rust
- [pulsar-rs](
- Scala
- [pulsar4s](
- .NET
- [pulsar-client-dotnet](
- [dotpulsar](

## Data Processing

- Pulsar Flink Integration:
- [Flink 1.9+ Integration]( Streaming source and sink connector, streaming table support and catalog/schema integration.
- [Flink 1.6 Integration]( A collection of streaming and batch connectors for [Apache Flink]( processing streams in Pulsar. [batch]( and
- Pulsar Spark Integration:
- [pulsar-spark]( A [Spark Streaming]( receiver to receive data from Pulsar.
- [streamnative/pulsar-spark]( Pulsar Spark Connector for [Spark SQL]( and [Spark Structured Streaming](
- [pulsar-storm]( A Pulsar Spout and Bolt for integrating with [Apache Storm]( topologies.

## Interactive Query

- [pulsar-presto]( A presto connector to query Pulsar topics using SQL

## Kafka

- [Kafka Compatibility wrapper]( A Java client wrapper that implement [Apache Kafka]( Java interface.
- [Kafka Pulsar Connector]( Pulsar connectors that receive data from and send data to [Apache Kafka](
- [Kafka Connect Adoptor](): A Pulsar Connector that adopts Kafka Connect api and run an existing Kafka connector as a Pulsar connector.

## Connectors

- [streamnative/pulsar-io-kafka]( An enhanced version of pulsar-io-kafka connector to support copying data between Kafka and Pulsar with schema.
- [zwzch/fluent-plugin-pulsar]( An enhanced version of fluent-plugin-pulsar connector to support copying data between Pulsar and Fluent.

## Logging

- [logstash-input-pulsar]( A logstash input that receives data from Pulsar.
- [pulsar-beat-output]( [Elastic Beats]( to Apache Pulsar.
- [pulsar-flume-ng-sink]( An [Apache Flume]( Sink implementation to publish data to Pulsar.
- [pinterest/singer]( A high-performance, reliable and extensible logging agent for uploading data to Kafka, Pulsar and other similar systems.

## Tools

### Dashboards

- [Pulsar Manager]( A web-based GUI management tool for managing and monitoring Pulsar.
- [Pulsar Express]( A simple web interface for Apache Pulsar, it is developed with [Nuxt.js]( by [Bruno Bonnin](
- [Pulsar Dashboard]( A web application that enables users to monitor the current stats of all topics in the tabular form.

### Monitoring

- [pulsar-grafana]( With the `pulsar-grafana` Docker image, you can create a dashboard driven by the data stored in Prometheus. It is enabled by default when deploying Pulsar on Kubernetes.
- [apache-pulsar-grafana-dashboard]( Provides grafana dashboard templates for different Pulsar components running on both Kubernetes and on-premise machines.

## Source Code Analysis

- [Pulsar source code analysis / Pulsar 源码分析]( by [@kuangye098](

## License
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